Recent content by Charlie

  1. C

    HELP... Need a tire (or two)

    Out for my first drive of the spring and forgot to check the air in all the tires first. I cut one of the rears (335/35/17) down (fortunately didn't damage the rim but as you know it's impossible to buy MXX3 pilots anymore. If anyone has one or two rears in reasonable shape maybe 8-10K miles and...
  2. C


    Second request, still don't see it. Charlie
  3. C


    Re: AWESOME NEW FEATURE >> MEMBERS ONLY! Hi Tony Please update my file. VCA # 10018 Thanks Charlie
  4. C

    Is this true? I saw this in the vette forum. If so..this *****!

    I didn't think it was possible but you've out done yourself, Great question Adam.
  5. C

    Low profile jacks - where?

    I have one of the Harbor Freight jacks and I'm pleased with it. I made my own head to fit into the factory jack point and it works great. Charlie
  6. C

    The K&N debate.

    Anyone selling Smooth tubes should be furnishing stainless clamps with them, I would think. Just my .02
  7. C

    Mustangs and Camaro's

    Re: Mustangs and Camaro\'s From my experience it seems that any male from 12 to at least 30 must get a surge of testosterone that they have trouble controlling when they see a viper. In general it's envy and it's best to smile and ignore it. They know what the outcome of the race would be and...
  8. C


    I'm in Indiana but I have to say that my dealer treats me like I own the place every time I walk in. I hope you get your problem resolved but I can only say if you had a 95 Corvette that wasn't under warranty I guarantee that GM wouldn't give you the time of day. It's been my experience that DC...
  9. C

    Do I have a bad Viper tech that doesn't care?

    Re: Do I have a bad Viper tech that doesn\'t care? I've found that the local VCA president or one of the other officers can intercede in situations like this at times and be a great help. I'm sure you must have joined up by now.
  10. C

    Am I the only one who thinks that $100 is too much for VCA membership?

    Well they say if the shoe fits wear it. I suppose that puts me in the "usual idiot" catagory. If I recieved nothing but the opportunity to go to VOI I would jump at the chance to join for $100. IMHO this is a great organization and I can't believe anyone even asks the $100 question. If you can...
  11. C

    Need thoughts and prayers, please...

    My prayers are with him and his family. We never know when something like this is going to happen to any of us, a real wake up call. Charlie
  12. C

    PartsRack has been SOLD !

    Congrats Jon I"m happy to hear that you were able to keep the NO.1 Sales associate on the team
  13. C

    Dodge "own us" a lifetime warranty on yellowing sills

    Re: Dodge \"own us\" a lifetime warranty on yellowing sills Thanks Jon.. My laugh of the day.. Since there IS a spell checker on the site I wondered when someone wuz going to bring the spelling issue up. I needed a good chuckle and thanks to you I can say I've had one before I hit the sack.
  14. C

    I heard a "Bang!!" in my rear end of My GTS..any idea's?

    Re: I heard a \"Bang!!\" in my rear end of My GTS..any idea\'s? Adam It could be God reminding you to join the VCA, ORRRRRRR it could be downforce from that awesome wing caused you to have excessive traction for just an instant.
  15. C

    I got two brand new remotes for my 1998 gts. Can someone post instructions to program

    Adam I wasn't insenuating that you were a leach. I just see you on here all the time and the VCA is such a great organization. I know you have made friends and enjoyed the board. Buying things from Jon B is great but it doesn't do a thing for the VCA. I have done business with Jon B and he is a...

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