Recent content by JLorello

  1. J

    Viper production slowed by one third due to sluggish sales

    What happened to George Washington charging the field in his challenger? One of the greatest auto commercials made. Shame we don't see an invisible monkey playing with a viper. Please take a look at this, my favorite of all auto commercials. And it just happens to be on the halo car itself...
  2. J

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Like the personal attack you took against moparboyy and his employer publicly? And you insinuated that he is not the the type of employee that they want to have? Kind of like what john b said, right? Don't bother looking it up, it was deleted.
  3. J

    Gen-4 Guys... possible reasonably priced tuning solution...?

    If a tuned H/C Gen 3 can put down 575-625 at the wheels, would a tuned H/C Gen IV be able to put down 675-725?
  4. J

    Its worth saving, help john help you

    Like BobP, I am a stickler for details. "Read the post again. That's not what is written" Personally I don't run, so there would be no one in my pack. Do you wanted? Triathlon? 5k? Marathon?
  5. J

    Its worth saving, help john help you

    A VCA Venom member? So, anyone who speaks against your viewpoint in this thread is part of the "pack"? Should the VCA be rid of anyone in this thread that disagrees with you?
  6. J

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Bob, I ask you to please a read Dan's posts yourself to be able to present factual information. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Maurice was clearly not invited back as VP. From the letter: "Not sure what position" "Whatever we can work out" "What our new team...
  7. J

    Apology to Ralph Gilles

    Bob, aren't you assuming as well?
  8. J

    Free Jon B

    Randal, please don't take this the wrong way because I don't meant it negatively. I think you need to open your eyes and take the earplugs out on what is happening. We ARE all on board. We ARE all pushing for change. I watched this all transpire from the beginning. From JonB, to the SIMPLE...
  9. J

    One Strykingly **** Snake!

    After all this wait, do you have the honor of getting the last '13 off the line? (serious)
  10. J

    Viper Dyno Results

    How much heat soak did you have? What were your IATs?
  11. J

    Finally drove the SRT viper

    The viper brand. You have to earn it...
  12. J

    Acceleration Video...

    That was one messed up 1-2 shift. It looks like they spun into the rev limiter and effectively shifted into 2nd at 50mph.
  13. J


    Looks good policy, I was worried about you getting the short end of the stick with all your delays, haha. Typical, your original car hits frame a day after you cancel. Glad you are happy in the end.
  14. J

    From frame to it's here, it will be delivered tomorrow!!!

    The '14 GCSRT8's don't come with the manual either, just a "user guide".
  15. J

    redlined bad now not running right

    When I read the title of this thread all I could think of is something as stupid as: "I ATE THE BONES!!!"

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