Recent content by picflight

  1. P

    Vic is a great guy!

    Hey Vic, what pass did you take barry on? North LA, seems like my neck of the woods.
  2. P

    1 Viper vs. 500+ Vettes

    I think waving to other fast cars is like riders wave to each other, we both know the feeling of driving a fast care or riding, it is the thrill experience. I ride a harley and on cruises in the California back country I wave to other bikers and they wave back. We both know and enjoy the thrill...
  3. P

    Finally painted my dash!

    Wow!! Looks really nice Roadkill.
  4. P

    Electrical Question

    Daniel, Out of curiosity, what makes the wire break so early? Is it the design, or placement of the wiring harness.
  5. P

    94 RT10 Quick Sale -- Update!!!!!!!

    That looks like a brand new car!! Awesome deal. Enjoy it and congratulations.
  6. P

    I have pics...can someone help?

    Here are the pics Prevnine11ownr
  7. P

    Reliability of Vipers? Pros and Cons?

    Jeremy, Get the car! You only live once.
  8. P

    Drive it or transport it.....

    DRIVE IT !!! Check weather and route as mentioned by members and drive it, it will be one of the best experiences you will have with your new love. You will know everything about the car by the time you get to OC.
  9. P

    blew my top...

    PRE-DRIVE CHECK Every pilot does this, a pre-flight check and most riders do a pre-ride check. Check the essentials before every drive and in your case whether the latches are secured and anythother thing you can think off that you dont want happening on the open road. my2cents
  10. P

    How High Is Your State Property Tax On Your Viper???

    Car taxes are high in states where they dont charge toll on roads or bridges. It sort of balances out.
  11. P

    My Vipers and my new garage

    viper585, Great garage and gift! What size is your garage? 2 doors? I love the size and want to know how to make my next garage.
  12. P

    1TONY1 LOSES TO A FERRARI !!!!????

    I loved reading this post, very funny guys! :2tu:
  13. P

    Window tint removal

    ammonia/water solution is great to clean windows if you can bear the smell.
  14. P

    Window tint removal

    Tools Need: Hair dryer Razor blade Dishwashing liquid Process: Dilute the dishwashing liquid in some water, pour it into a spray bottle and spray the tint. Wait for about 5 mins, use dryer to gently warm the tint and starting from a corner with the razor pull an edge. While gently warming...

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