Recent content by vipernut

  1. vipernut

    Stryker Package

    Thanks Bill & Jeff for setting me straight!
  2. vipernut

    Stryker Package

    Really Jeff?! Just two?! in all of Canada? (in 2013)?
  3. vipernut

    Stryker Package

    Do you know how many STRYKER REDS came to Canada? (in 2013 and 2014)?
  4. vipernut

    Pin, patch, decoder ring, membership card...

    WOO HOO! Just got my membership renewal package!! AMAZING!! Thanks so much!
  5. vipernut

    Renewing Membership On-Line

  6. vipernut

    Renewing Membership On-Line trying to renew my membership on-line on this site...went to the page indicated...hit the renew info popped up but then no directions as to what to do next...?! a little help please!! Thanks!!
  7. vipernut

    My New Little Great Niece and Future Viperholic!!

    Thanks! She is a little sweetiepie!!
  8. vipernut

    My New Little Great Niece and Future Viperholic!!

    Here she is....Indiana Ettie! Born Oct 29 at 9:33 pm...weighing 5.5 lbs.!! (shirt says "My Other Stroller is a Viper"...)
  9. vipernut

    Are there any other viper chicks?

    As one of the ladies here...there's something unseemly about the guys voting on us?! How are the ones to feel that aren't voted in?! and we barely have enough gals (I'm sure there are lots more viperchicks but they either aren't a member or choose to remain incognito!) fill all 12 months...
  10. vipernut

    Are there any other viper chicks?

    And four would be even better...LOL!!
  11. vipernut

    Are there any other viper chicks?

    Yo! I've been a viperchick (aka vipernut) for as long as I can remember! LOL!! Got my first viper in was a 1994 which I still have today. I also still have my 1996 coupe and a beautiful 2013 Stryker Red!!
  12. vipernut

    Parts are now available for door handle recall

    Got mine Friday also. I hope this is the end of the recalls for my 2013!!
  13. vipernut

    Whats the funniest thing anyone has ever asked or said about your viper?

    Way back in the early days when I was much I was sitting in a parking lot in my new 1994 RT10....a fellow in another vehicle kept checking me out! After some time he came over to me (I guess he wanted to be sure I knew his intentions)....and said "BTW...I'm not checking YOU...

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