Recent content by xlrashn

  1. X

    Viper car insurance prices

    State Farm here. I have agreed value, no restrictions, $240 every 6 months.
  2. X

    Yes.... even the mailbox got "Vipered"

    One can only hope!!!
  3. X

    Something strange with this car?

    I actually spoke to the gentleman that had it listed on Ebay, his name is Andy. He knew VERY little about the car.:rolleyes: Here is the story I got. :dunno: Supposedly he is selling it for a dealer "friend" of his that "got into a bit of trouble" and when I asked about the history, he said his...
  4. X

    Yes.... even the mailbox got "Vipered"

    As long as they don't get any on the mailbox, it's all good!!!
  5. X

    Yes.... even the mailbox got "Vipered"

    You know... you may be onto something here. Could be an unexpected benefit...... :)
  6. X

    Yes.... even the mailbox got "Vipered"

    Funny you ask, as I was thinking about how to get a mini NACA duct on the top near the front :headbang::headbang:
  7. X

    Yes.... even the mailbox got "Vipered"

    LOL Chad... I dunno, she's already quite the BI#$%!!!!:mad: She would probably find some reason it isn't allowed or some crap and make me remove it.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  8. X

    Yes.... even the mailbox got "Vipered"

    Point well taken, however that's what security systems and insurance is for :) Anyway, Vipers are few and far between here, so most everybody already knows I have it. Not much hiding it.
  9. X

    Yes.... even the mailbox got "Vipered"

    Thanks for the comments all. I actually had a friend paint it with actual GTS blue paint, and all the graphics are the kind of vinyl they make vehicle wraps out of. WAY more flexible and durable.
  10. X

    Yes.... even the mailbox got "Vipered"

    Well, the wife said I needed to replace the mailbox. The old one was really loose and such, so she had bought a new one. I looked at it and it was painted a very simple and bland grey color. I asked if she would mind if I "brightened" it up a bit before I mounted it. She said, "I suppose some...
  11. X

    New VCA mag....

    Received here in Iowa Saturday 11/12......
  12. X

    I have to stay off eBay....

    I actually have a brand new one still in the box as well. No longer have the 95 RT I bought it for. So if anyone else is looking????? The box is HUGE so it would have to be planned out how to get it to you. Shoot me a PM if you want info.
  13. X

    I have to stay off eBay....

    My 95 RT had one......
  14. X

    Viper Fire Truck!

    Missing exhaust manifold bolt jumped out at me. LOL... That was the first thing I saw as well. Too funny!:rolaugh:
  15. X

    KC Meeting Tonight

    Wish I was closer so I could come to more functions. :( Looks good for the X-Mas party though. :)

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