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  1. L

    Raffle Announcement

    This past Friday, August 30, 2013, the tickets were drawn for the prizes in the most recent VCA raffle. The names associated with the tickets that were drawn were as follows: 1. David Greenleaf Ticket #527 2. David Schaffer Ticket # 1508 3. Mark Edwards Ticket #...
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    First pictures interior carbon fiber!!

    SRT was kind enough to send us some pro pics of the carbon fiber interior on the raffle car. STUNNING! And of course the car can be yours if you buy a ticket in the next 24 hours! Click below, there are only a few tickets left!
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    Gen 5 raffle now open!!

    CLICK HERE to buy raffle tickets for the 2013 Gen 5 SRT Viper!! The first raffle of any gen 5 is now open!! The first raffle of 2013 and the first raffle of any Gen 5 is now open! Four chances for FOUR PRIZES! FIRST PRIZE: This Gen 5 car in Adrenaline Red car is verified by SRT to be the...
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    Sign up here for Website/Forum Meet and Greet

    As usual we are working to organize a get together again, venue and time and date to be determined. We have 4 people on it this time, 3 Mods and Mr. Organization himself, Randall Arnold. President of Ohio Region and Board member who has put together some of the most amazing events ever seen, so...
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    Viper Race History-Nice Gen V Ending
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    Gen 5 total leak!!

    Well it looks like someone pulled the trigger. It's on another site that can't be controlled so it will go viral shortly. Figured at least to give everybody a shot here first. Lot's of clues in the picture that would indicate it is real.
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    Congratulations Mr. Keating and Mr Katz, you made USA TODAY!

    Big write up today about Connor opening and the Viper being an SRT car rather than Dodge. The picture they used was the Ring car with your banner clearly visible on the windshield! Nice payback for all your efforts in getting the Ring record back! :2tu:
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    Previous Viper owner Club Officer needs a hand.

    To look at a car in Manassas for him.
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    Potential Buyer needs help

    To look at a car in Vegas.
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    Paging Car Dude...NICE NAV INSTALL! Tell all please

    While uploading your ad I was amazed to see the Nav install. How about telling us how that was done?
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    Major Site Upgrade

    Just a short note to let everyone know we are in the middle of a pretty significant programming upgrade on the site that will enable VCA members more control in updating their accounts. For example if this works as we hope you be able to add and switch different color Venom Tags on your...
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    US GT Wittmer Wins Gilles Podiums!

    Some good news from the two day weekend. Wittmer beats the Vetts both days, once starting from the back of the grid and Ralph works his way up through the pack to podium with a third. Frank Barba took GT-2 and there are a lot of other well known Vipers and names in the article. Enjoy...
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    Time/location Of Voi 11 Web Site Meeting

    5PM September 30th, Bar in the Little America, badges provided look like this....
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    Time And Location Of Web Site Meeting

    5pm, Thursday September 30th. The Bar in the Little America Hotel. Avatar badges will be provided when you arrive at the bar, they are encased in plastic with a lanyard to wear around the neck. We decided to do the meeting on the first day so they could be worn for the rest of the week so you...
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    Voi 11 Web Site Meeting

    Once again we are planning a special get together at VOI exclusively for everyone who frequents the site. Day/location/time to be determined based on the response to the thread here. It's a great opportunity to meet friends in person that you have interacted with over the years here on the...
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    TIME/LOCATION OF VOI 11 Web Site Meeting

    5PM September30th, Bar in the Little America. Badges look like this..........
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    Red Acr Convertible Pics!

    I was just chatting with our Mr Pemberton about a VCA matter and he happened to mention some of the other ACR convertibles were arriving. I of course said "this conversation is worthless without pics! This is one of the prettiest Vipers THIS Viper fanatic has ever seen!!
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    Voi 11 Web Site Meeting

    Once again we are planning a special get together at VOI exclusively for everyone who frequents the site. Day/location/time to be determined based on the response to the thread here. It's a great opportunity to meet friends in person that you have interacted with over the years here on the...
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    How many AutoArt Oreca 1/8 cars in the series

    Model guys...Anyone know? This has confused me for some time, I know I have 14 and I check EBay all the time, (still searching for the elusive 96 red/yellow and white/blue RT10's also) No luck in several years on either, so do I have all the Autoart 1/18 Orecas if I have 14? :confused:
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    Looking for a couple 1/18 diecast

    96 RT10 catsup and mustard and white with blue stripes, anyone have them for sale?
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    Great Video GT3 Comp Coupe and GT3 Porsche at the Ring

    Courtesy of Bob Woodhouse. Great ending!
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    GREAT NEWS for Viper (and our Pres. gets interviewed)

    Good sales news for Viper and our VCA President makes some comments. :2tu: World going to hell; some people want to drive Vipers there | Up to Speed | Los Angeles Times
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    Insane deals thread removed

    For obvious reasons. If dealers are going to engage in that kind of fraud we are not going to help them by advertising it.
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    We Have Two New Moderators

    Yes TWO, please welcome both LESLIE and VIPERTONY to the ranks of the Moderating staff around here. We have been watching and observing for the last six months in search of a few good Mods. These two were our unanimous selection. We sincerely appreciate their dedication in stepping up to this...
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    We Have Two New Moderators

    Yes TWO, please welcome both LESLIE and VIPERTONY to the ranks of the Moderating staff around here. We have been watching and observing for the last six months in search of a few good Mods. These two were our unanimous selection. We sincerely appreciate their dedication in stepping up to this...

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