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  1. A

    Temporary Viper Tattoos?

    I started a thread in the "Collectibles" Forum about doing some "Viper theme" temporary tattoos (for my kid and other kids at car shows). See the link, below. I realize that "Sneaky Pete" or "Fangs" might have some copyright issues, so I'm wondering how difficult it would be for the KC club...
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    Viper-Themed Custom Temporary Tattoos?

    When I take my 6 year old boy to car shows, I sometimes "give him" a temporary car-themed tattoo. I'd like to have some red or black "Sneaky Petes" custom made (assuming no trademark issues would prevent that?), but I don't really "need" 1000 of them. Below is a link to a website that charges...
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    Paxton Supercharger- "Cold Starts" under 25 degrees F

    The Paxton Supercharger "Street Owner's Manual" contains a statement (quoted below) concerning "cold starts" under 25 degrees F (Paxton says doing that can lead to "immediate failure"). I never see much (if any) discussion on this restriction, and I'm wondering how "sensitive" the Paxtons...
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    Video- GTS with Paxton Supercharger and Corsa Exhaust- Thanks Woodhouse Gang

    Thanks to Mark J and the rest of the Woodhouse crew, my previously-bone-stock GTS now has a Paxton Supercharger and a Corsa exhaust. :) The picture quality leaves something to be desired, but below is a link to some video. YouTube - Viper GTS- Paxton Supercharger; Corsa Exhaust
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    Wichita- July 14- Automobilia Moonlight Car Show

    As noted in prior threads, we working on having some monthly Wichita-area get-togethers. NSXER, Darell, and I were at the Ark City event yesterday, and discussed future events. The Automobilia Moonlight Car Show and Street Party is one of the best and biggest shows of the year in Wichita...
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    Wichita Area Owners' Thread

    As some of you may have seen in the recent "Wichita" posts in the Gen I/II Section (see the two links, below), we're trying to get a group of Wichita-area Vipers together on a regular basis. As a new KC VCA member (finally, after 1 1/2 years of owing a 1998 GTS), I thought I'd post a thread in...
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    Wichita, Kansas Drive- Pictures

    Our first (monthly??) "Wichita Area Get-together" this morning was a success. We had three Vipers, and we had a good time. Darell was there with his flat-out race-car GTS, NSXER was there with his hot Blue/White, and I was there with my bone-stock GTS. We've got some momentum going, and we hope...

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