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  1. A

    Personal Window Stickers

    So I got my new car, and this is the first time I've ever seen my name on the window sticker. Thus, I decided I wanted to frame it. I thought about bringing it somewhere and having it done, but I'd rather keep it where I can make sure it is one piece. So I looked on line and found a few...
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    Thanks Woodhouse, Bill P. and Mark J.!!!!

    I know I put up a picture thread, but I have to say, I have never had a better car buying experience. All this from 1200 miles away. It's now very clear why you guys sell more Vipers than anyone!!! P.S. This set-up sounds nice and mean, thanks Mark!!!
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    My new FE Roadster

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    Torn boot

    I was taking off my center panel to condition the leather boot around the gear shift lever and I looked down and noticed a small tear in the rubber boot around the shifter arm where it enters the tranny. There was no oil or anything untoward-appearing (is this a word?), but is this a big deal...
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    Clear Bra

    Anyone have one? Like it? Worth it? (ASIDE, I searched on here and found that if you put in "bra" you get a bunch of middle-aged car freaks posting soft porn of women and cars.....:omg:)
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    I have read older threads on winterizing and I was wondering what most people in the great white north do? I am due for a LOF, and will stabilize the fuel, etc....but I plan on getting new rubber in the spring so that's moot. Does anyone unload the suspension, or is that overkill? Thanks.
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    I just joined the VCA....Now what???

    Well there can NOT be anyone more important than me, so I am wondering where my info is? It has been almost 4 days!!! Seriously though, is the extra $1K rebate on new Chryslers for VCA members still in effect? I will be sending you my irate wife if I missed it!!!!!!!!!! She is dying for...
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    YES YES YES!!!

    The Eagle has landed!!! Got the car today. Unfortunately, the dealer promised to send it covered. It wasn't....Filthy as hell and the car above it was leaking oil on it for 1100 miles!!!! I am pissed about the filth, but otherwise the car is here, is beautiful, and I am pumped!!!
  9. A

    Cleaning the Soft top

    Any good suggestions? Got a line where the top meets the trunk lid. Thanks.

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