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  1. G

    Yay, winter is back!!!

    I get up this morning, it's 5:30am, sun hasn't quite gotten up yet, and I still don't have all my bearings as I look out the window and notice is has a foggy look outside. As I get closer to the window and "shut the front door" it's SNOWING!!! Just 2 days ago it was drive with the top down 24...
  2. G

    Who has had enough?

    Just sitting at work this afternoon watching the rain wash all the winter crap off the roads and got to thinking that it's only the end of Jan, and it's going to be about another 2 1/2 months before we get our cars out of hibernation....I've had enough of this, and up here in the great white...
  3. G

    SRT8 Tire/Rims Question

    What options are there for winter rims on a 2012 300 SRT8? Dealership cannot come up with anything.
  4. G

    It's a sad day once again !!!

    This thread is for those that can sympathize with this pic. No words needed !!!!
  5. G

    Savannah area hotel info

    We are headed to Dunedin in May and the Savannah area is where we plan on stopping for the night, can anyone recommend a nice hotel that is pretty close to the interstate (95)? Not knowing how big the city is, something on the south side would be prefered. This is my first driving trip to...
  6. G

    3 hour tour

    Went on my first long ride yesterday since getting the car in Sept. A 3 hour (one way) trip on Ontario's busiest highway, and what a blast it is. Cruising at 120-130 kph (75-8o mph) mostly in 6th gear, and got approx 21 mpg. Other than my right leg getting a cramp in the hamstring area, it...
  7. G

    Tinted headlight covers

    I'm tossing about the idea of putting on tinted headlight/fog light covers on my 2010 FE, does anyone have pics of such on a graphite VIPER?
  8. G

    SAD, SAD DAY !!

    Well, it's done !!:( I have covered my baby for the next 6 months. I did shed a tear or two.......:crying: ok, I balled like a little kid. How I envy those of you who have no winter !! Oh well, guess I just have to resort to sitting in the warm garage with a cold beer, or two, and admire.:2tu:
  9. G

    Fall Viper pics

    We already have a thread for Sunsets & Vipers, so lets try Fall & Viper pics. It is that time and the colours have been good here in the great white north.
  10. G

    Fall Cruise Oct 17th

    I noticed in the VCA newsletter I received that there is a fall cruise next week for our region. Is it possible to get an itinerary? I know Nabil emails us all the info, so I hope I'm not jumping the gun here. John
  11. G

    VCA membership upgrade

    I have my VCA # and have emailed it to the email address given to me (Sept 9th), and I have also PM'd a moderator, but still no response.:dunno: Can anyone see of it was received? I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to this computer stuff. Thanks !!
  12. G

    FINALLY !!!!!!

    My baby has finally been delivered, a 2010 FE vert (44/50)!!! Picked her up last night. Will post pics tonight (too dark for pics last night). I have my VCA # and did email to mods, just waiting to be upgraded to MEMBER !!! Only drove a VIPER once before owning, and let me tell you it is...
  13. G

    Who"s still waiting??

    Just curious as to how many of us are still waiting for our cars to be shipped? What I can't understand is not being able to get any answers as to when. There can't be many cars left.
  14. G

    Clear Bra question - VCO region

    Wondering where in Southern Ontario is the best place to get a clear bra put on? :dunno: I cannot yet post in VCO forums (app has been sent in).
  15. G

    VCA membership

    Do I require possession of a VIPER to become a member, or would a VIN # do while waiting for the FE's to be shipped?
  16. G

    2010 FE update

    My FE vert went into `J` status Friday. Was in E status June 16, and I on July 3. For those who are still waiting, I know any info on any type of movement is welcomed. Still no scheduled delivery date !!:dunno:
  17. G

    2010 Final Editions

    Just wondering if anyone knows whether they have started shipping the F.E's. This is my first baby, and I`m really anxious to have her home !!! The nursery is ready, and the proud papa is pacing back and forth !!!
  18. G

    Any 2010's out there yet?

    With a month of production gone by, just wondering if any of the 2010's are on the road yet other than the ACR-X?
  19. G

    Will they fit???

    Does a Gen IV vert trunk have enough room for a set of golf clubs, or do I kick my girlfriend out of the passenger seat and put them there?? girlfriend is tiny and should fit in the trunk!!!:2tu:
  20. G

    Lanceromance Tribute !!

    The other day I was in my '72 pink(white vinyl roof) volkswagon beetle, and this Bugatti Veryon pulled up beside me at a light. I revved my 1000cc engine to let him hear a little muscle, he nodded back and we waited for the green. As we were waiting I noticed a yellow vette and a SSG viper...
  21. G

    2010 production questions

    With production scheduled to start the 29th, would anyone know how many cars are being built per day, and whether its a 5 or 7 day work week? I'm guessing 8 per day, 5 day week, making it approx. mid June with all 500 built. Can you tell I'm just a little anxious to have my baby born.
  22. G

    Info on 2010 orders

    I was just wondering if anyone in the VCA has solid info on the 2010 builds. In speaking with the dealership about my order, it seems that Dodge doesn't wants to give info out. Nobody seems to know actual start dates or arrivals...I'm hearing anywhere from mid Feb to April..and I'm hearing...
  23. G

    2010 order update

    Just got a call from dealership this morning, my 2010 RED vert has been given a "D" status and VIN # (first one out of three ordered from dealership)....I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, just a bit excited to say the least !!!!!!!!!
  24. G

    2010 production

    Just an FYI for those interested. Production start for the 2010's is scheduled for March from what my dealership has told me. My order was accepted 30 min after ordering window opened. HOPING for an Apr/May delivery !!!:) Am I the only one who has this ultimate (to me anyway) car on their...
  25. G

    2010 orders opening up

    Got a call from the dealership this afternoon, the 2010 orders are opening up Friday. Now this what is happening for the Niagara Region, Ontario Canada, I have seen some here have already placed their orders, so I'm not sure if my area is behind the times:dunno:. I ordered mine off the 2009...

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