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  1. W

    A little surprised ...but not really...

    the problem is the guys in the big car clubs ie mustang, corvette ect. all vote for each others cars and basically stuff the ballot box. i don't want to say its rigged but a non large car club guys chances are slim
  2. W

    Gen-1 throttle body sync clarification

    this might be my problem as well.
  3. W

    New Owner.. Truly my dream come true!

    congrats. glad to see you are restoring it.
  4. W

    New Top from Autoform

    I would like to see some more pics. thanks
  5. W

    News on Upcoming Products from A&C Performance !

    will you be doing anything for the gen 1's at all?
  6. W

    Hi-fow vs no cats, (will be supercharged eventually)

    I run roe hi flo with no problems
  7. W

    New Top from Autoform

    will it rub at all on the quarter panels?
  8. W

    Unofficial Roe Supercharger Signup

    depending on time frame I would like one.
  9. W

    Wow no Roe Superchargers for sale anywhere huh?

    I would be interested at some point as well
  10. W

    gts chewed up its belt

    I had to replace my PS pulley on my 97 rt/10 and my 02 gts
  11. W

    Good fire extinguisher?

    some good tips
  12. W

    Bloomsburg pa car show

    anyone going to the Carlisle events car show at Bloomsburg Pa?
  13. W

    too fat to fit

    ask your wife what she wants to do with it because at the rate you are going you won't be around to enjoy it. not trying to be a jerk. don't go to a dietician go to a psychologist. there is something deep down that is making you eat like this. find out what the real problem is.
  14. W

    7 years. I can't Believe

    hope all is well todd
  15. W

    Photoshoot pics

    awesome pics.
  16. W

    7 years. I can't Believe

    missed you today at Carlisle lauri
  17. W

    My GTS Vapor Steel Grey

    looks sweet. nice color combo

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