01/14/2012 Regional Meeting________Location : TBD


Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Welcome to 2012! I trust everyone enjoyed ringing in the new year last weekend and has now finally gotten over their hangovers... But now we are all back to work, school and the daily grind. But before we get into a rut I would like to call each and every VCA member to a 'town hall' style meeting. In this meeting I hope to accomplish several goals.
Schedule the entire year of 2012 events by having members sponsor a month and create a Viper day for that month (we have some takers already but need to make a final list)
In 2012, as discussed at the Holiday Party, lets try and have a social event and a driving event each month
Go over the likes and dislikes of the current set up of the club and adjust as needed
Assign a committee to look over our regional formation paper work and determine if we can file as a 501(c)3 as a not for profit entity as the national charter is set up as. (Anyone with expertise in this area would be greatly appreciated)
Assign a committee to go after donations and sponsorship for the club. We need posters, Shirts, anything to make our region stand out (You marketing guys would be GREAT at this)
Hear from volunteers to help with website updates and basically being the club IT guy. (First task is the 'swap meet' section)
Vote on how to handle funds for 2012
Several monthly outings
using for auction items
Large parties and events only....etc etc etc...
Discuss fundraisers such as a raffle car or any other ideas anyone may have.
Discuss how to increase membership and participation.
That is a brief outline of what needs to be dealt with before we get too far into 2012. Before the questions come rolling in, YES we have a board for these decisions that was just elected, the board will take in considerations every ones opinions and make a final vote on all matters. This is ultimately YOUR club, no matter if you are basic member, a venom member, or associate member... if you ARE a member you should have a voice on what happens to the small amount of dues this region gets. Everyone will get an opportunity to speak and be heard.

I am currently looking for a space available in the San Marcos area to hold this meeting as it is more neutral ground for the majority of our regions members. The tentative date is 01/14/2012 around Noon. Once a location is determined I will inform everyone ASAP.

Please do not miss this meeting, it will set the pace for the entire year of 2012!

If anyone would like to have this at their home or have access to a conference room please let me know. I would like to have this in a neutral area if possible.

Thank you,


Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Meeting SET:

01/14/2012 at 1PM

Meet at American Racing Technology in Buda, TX.

Thank you to all at ART for yet again opening your doors to our club!

Full details sent via email- if you did not get the email please let me know here.


Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Hi Kurt,

Just registered and I am interested in attending the meeting on Saturday. How long do you think it will last and can I get the "full details" sent via e-mail?



Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
A neutral site has been found and the annual meeting for our South Central Texas Viper Club year of events. It will commence on 01/14/2012 01:00PM at American Racing Technology in Buda, TX. Todd, Chris and all the staff have yet again opened their doors on their day off for so we have a neutral location for both Austin and San Antonio folks to attend and let everyone's voices be heard. We will go over anything and everything that there is a question or concern about. We will plan out our entire year at this meeting so everyone will have ample time to adjust schedules and no one will be blindsided about events and miss them. From talking with several members we have some real issues in the club and we need to resolve them. This meeting will start at 1PM, we do not have an end time, if it takes hours to iron out issues we will take hours to do so. I am sure every issue has a calm and fair resolution.
With planning out the year of events, we will ask for monthly volunteers to take charge of that months event. I would like to have both a social and a driving event per month, we can discuss combining them as well. With how large our region is it will be difficult for social events during the week but not impossible if we stagger them around the region.

For those of you outside of San Antonio/Austin area such as McAllen, Mt Pleasant, Dallas, Katy, etc... Your voice is important to us as well. If you can not make the meeting please email in your comments, concerns, event ideas, etc. Every email will be read aloud at the meeting on your behalf.
I encourage everyone to attend and take notes, meeting minutes will be taken and recorded. Limited seating will be provided by ART but if you have your own fold out chair please bring it. Also although you may be the VCA member please bring your spouse if they would like to attend, we would like to hear their thoughts as well. Where we may love a 8 hour cruise the person in the passenger seat may object loudly and quickly, this is what we all need to hear to get the 2012 season going full force ahead.

Looking forward to seeing all of you at ART on the 14th!! W will have drinks but food will not be provided, we will try to start promptly at 1PM. Depending on the time the meeting is over we may all go grab some dinner at a local restaurant or maybe even go race the go-carts again.


Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Hi Kurt,

Just registered and I am interested in attending the meeting on Saturday. How long do you think it will last and can I get the "full details" sent via e-mail?


Sure thing! send me an email at [email protected] and I will make sure you have everything you need and I will send a test email. Please make sure [email protected] is in your safe list. We have trouble with a few virus softwares

Glad to have you onboard!

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