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  1. T

    Just installed new subwoofer and rear speakers in my '05........FYI

    I tried to locate the 4 ohm Kicker 6.5" subwoofer that everyone has used in the Gen 3. I bought an '05 and the subwoofer was shot. Let me start by saying I'm not an audiophile and I never set out to put an upgraded sound system in my car. Since I couldn't find the 6.5" Kicker subwoofer, I...
  2. T

    Whaddya think about the new center caps?

    I ordered these from "Making it digital". They are available in just about any diameter, so I ordered a set for my 18" Forgelines. I ordered mine 2 3/8". In my opinion, they look better than the word "Forgeline" across the center cap. Be honest, whaddya think?
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    Chuck Tator - solving Viper problems across the country.

    I know he's an asset to most of you on the east coast, but Chuck took 30 minutes out of his day to lend a hand to an Oregonian this week. Unfortunately I don't have a Viper Tech in my small town. My local Dodge dealership claims ALL of their mechanics are "Viper Certified." (yeah.......). I...
  4. T

    Anyone have spare SRT sun visors lying around?

    I'm looking for a set of sun visors for an '03 and up convertible in black. Anyone have a set lying around they don't mind selling. Give me a shout if you do! The previous owner of my '03 removed them which is perfectly fine for me (being over 6') but I'd like to put a set on the car prior to...
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    K&N Filter only or entire K&N option?

    Looks like the K&N intake for an '08 is around $500. Seems like folks are choosing to replace the filters ONLY with the K&N and not opting for the entire intake swap. Who has experience with this? I did a search and found that an RX-8 filter fits...? Does the full intake give any additional...
  6. T

    Anyone have a spare fog light cover??

    I bought a '98 GTS and it's missing the drivers side fog light cover. Anyone have one lying around they'd be willing to part with? I hear it's $80 for a new one, but thought I'd check with you folks first. Thanks in advance! And if someone has a reasonably priced used PAIR, I might entertain...
  7. T

    Small parts needed for GTS

    I need a left side fog light cover (w/foam gasket) for a '98 GTS. I also need one of the wing nuts that go on the back of the headlight on the drivers well as the grey snorkel-looking vent that goes out of the top of the drivers side headlight. Let me know if you have these...
  8. T

    Should I RTV the oil pan gasket???

    Yes, I searched and read all the posts on oil pans, gaskets, RTV'ing the bolts, etc. My '98 seemed to be seeping oil from several places around the pan, so I removed it tonight and worked on getting it all spotless before I reassemble. So I plan on applying RTV to the 4 corners as well as RTV...
  9. T

    AFTER pics of Vipair hood and new shoes too!

    Got the hood back from the painter last night and worked on the hood/fender adjustment this morning. And I'm loving these six-spoke wheels and Kumho tires I bought from JonB. Whaddya' guys think so far? I'm liking the aggressiveness of the hood.
  10. T

    Vipair hood is an excellent fit!

    I just put the Vipair hood on for a trial fit prior to going to the painter. I was surprised at how well it fit without any adjusting whatsoever. I'm sure it will need a little fine tuning once the hood is finished, but not bad eh? Just an FYI for those who are interested... I know I just got...
  11. T

    Anyone else missing fasteners on splash guard?

    I just happened to notice on my '03 that the front splash guards on BOTH sides are only held on by one fastener (plastic push pin). Look in your wheel wells and tell me if you guys have all 3 fasteners on your splash guards. It just so happens that both of mine are held on by the innermost...
  12. T

    New oil filter brought oil pressure way up!

    I recently changed the oil in my '03 and replaced the Mopar filter with the new Mopar performance one (the one with Viper logo on it). Now the oil pressure is almost always around 75-80 psi. Is that too high? I know oil pressure is good and all.....but.....does too HIGH an oil pressure put...
  13. T

    Two things I noticed about the SRT today...

    I decided to change the oil today before putting the '03 away for the winter (for the most part). I owned an RT/10 and then a GTS before my gen 3. Is it common for the gen 3 valvetrain to sound like a sewing machine under the hood? At idle I can hear the valvetrain ticking and clicking...
  14. T

    How to delete photos in my gallery...

    I've occasionally used my gallery to host a pic for something unrelated. (:nono:) I know, I know... But i'd like to be able to delete photos from my gallery as easily as I put them there. Anyone know how to delete the photos I've already uploaded???
  15. T

    Free VOI9 lunch bags (one pair).....

    I know, wrong forum but I need to get these cool VOI9 lunch bags out of the closet. I'd hate to take them to Goodwill if any fellow Viper owners want them. Just flip me $10 to cover shipping and they're yours. I don't have any pics and NO, they aren't paper sacks. They're the blue cloth...
  16. T

    Nitrous kit for sale in Classifieds - pics now up

    Ad in classifieds under "Engine, intake & exhaust." For those that requested pics from me, they're now up. Previous buyer couldn't come up with $$$ so it's back up for sale.
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    When will my classifieds ad be approved?

    How long does it take VCA members' classifieds ads to be approved? It oughta' be easy to verify I'm a member. Mine shows "pending approval."
  18. T

    NX wet nitrous kit anyone?

    Just a note that I'll be listing a previously installed wet NX kit on ebay soon. Thought I'd share it here in case anyone was in the market. I bought the kit last year brand new. I made custom solenoid brackets, custom switch box (ashtray), and custom brace for the rear hatch of the GTS. I...
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    CCW slicks/skinnies for sale!

    Sorry for the plug in this forum. I'll be listing them on ebay soon and wanted to get the word out to fellow Viper owners first. I have a set of Purner CCW wheels with mounted tires. I bought them over the winter and won't be getting that serious about drag racing after all. I was told they were...
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    Parts available in Oregon...

    Hey guys! I just noticed you had your own section in the VCA site. Kinda cool. As most of you probably are well aware, Oregon has its own website at Anyhow, just wanted to let some of you PNW folks I have a couple of large items for sale. Items I'd HATE to have to ship...
  21. T

    Vinyl stripes finally done! Check it out...

    Finally finished installing the autoform rollbar and switching from blue vinyl to metallic graphite stripes. It was somewhat of a pain to install, but not too bad. I ordered a custom 8" roll of vinyl in a 50' length. It was more than enough for the GTS........even after a goof or two...
  22. T

    Need help installing Autoform Rollbar.........please

    I'm in the process of installing an autoform rollbar on my '98 GTS. A fellow member took it off his rt/10 when he found it wouldn't work with his new folding hard-top. So how do you guys attach the bottom legs? (the vertical legs running behind the seat) There's also two forward-facing bolt...
  23. T

    For those with 1.7 RR's

    For those with 1.7 RR\'s What length pushrod did you use AND...what year car and what brand RR's? I'm thinking of installing the Harland Sharp roller rockers on my '98 GTS and need to know what length pushrods to get (thinking 7.4" or 7.5") I know some of you will say, "be safe and...
  24. T

    In need of a ROE COOLING DUCT kit!

    Someone mentioned in an earlier post that they had a Roe Cooling Duct kit they were not going to install (due to cutting hole in front bumper). Anyone have one they aren't going to use?? I'm in the market for one - thanks.
  25. T

    Any unused Roe cooling kits out there?

    I was thinking of installing the Roe cooling duct kit. Does anyone have one lying around - I thought I heard someone mention they couldn't bring themselves to cutting their front end up. Just thought I'd throw it out before ordering one.

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