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  1. F

    Clutch problem, please advise.

    My clutch took a dump on me this morning. Was damn lucky to get it into a empty parking lot before it went out completely. Good news was that I got it towed back to my house, without a scratch, for $75 bucks! a very nice tip. Anyway, what would be a good clutch for a Gen2 Roe...
  2. F

    Check this out...ahahahaha

    Not only is this car not worth anywhere near what he's asking, but the seller thinks Mark Jorgenson is not only the owner of Woodhouse....but "possibly the past or current VCA president" :rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh...
  3. F

    What's the deal on this car?

    Is it a 2017? Or a 2014?
  4. F

    Is this guy nuts?
  5. F

    Many Thanks to VCA

    About four months ago, my dad was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer at 75. After his diagnosis I spent just about every spare moment I had with him every day. His decline was rapid and difficult to witness on such an intimate level. I watched him take his last breath in the hospital and was...
  6. F

    GenV Warranty Issues: Just the facts

    This is a discussion concerning the current warranty issues that are plaguing the community. Feel free to communicate your thoughts on the matter.
  7. F

    Gen ii spun bearing !!!

    I have this strange lumpy noise coming from the engine bay. It seems to happen in 3 second intervals as per my Oyster Perpetual. I've been reading about these issues ad nauseum at other sites and it has me extremely paranoid. I turned off the car and haven't driven it in two weeks. Is it...
  8. F

    I destroyed a Hellcat

    Today at approximately 12:30 pm, on my way to the QT to pick up some Hot Cheetos, I ran into a Hellcat at a stop light. I looked over and revved my Roe powered Viper to about 5500 rpm's, dumped the clutch, and burnt out for about five seconds in place. He started burning out too. Those damn...
  9. F

    Nice little read...
  10. F

    Post up some Roe pics

    If you have a Roe supercharger, post that $hit...
  11. F

    VCA Magazine

    Got my magazine today and actually liked it. Was by far the most interesting edition I've received yet. Nice job
  12. F

    My first car

    Love you mom.....
  13. F

    Street Serpent

    Even though TNT lost the law suit, I'd take a Serpent package over a Venom package all day long baby.
  14. F

    96 Viper on EBay

    What a kick ass intake manifold on this thing. Damn near looks sexier than a Roe.
  15. F

    off topic

    Ole Sam...I hereby dub thee, the Bear *******.
  16. F

    Sam Goldfarb

    After a couple of years of trolling Sam Goldfarb across three Viper forums, i have to say I have officially buried the hatchet. It won't be easy either because he's a blast to argue with. Never the less, Sam said he was gonna have a bonfire with all his old VCA memorabilia ( in jest I'm sure). I...
  17. F

    They say the Viper is gonna die

    All the more reason to love the one you have:)
  18. F

    Nostradamus is at it again.

    And I'm still waiting to score a $59k GenV.....
  19. F

    Viper Parts Rack

    Thought I'd upgrade my ratty old car cover to a custom car cover. Jon B had a nice new one with all the emblems on it at my door quickly. I appreciate the doodads as all my kids have Viperpartsrack miniature flashlights on their key rings.
  20. F

    A Viper Hate Story

    After I purchased my Viper, I gave my wife a ride in it. Attempting to impress her, I gunned the throttle going around a corner in an attempt to do a F$&@ing Tokyo Drift and wound up facing oncoming traffic at which point I was screamed at and slapped repeatedly. Later, she wanted to drive it...
  21. F

    Happy 4th of July

  22. F

    Thinking of buying a Viper?
  23. F

    Too much damn rain...

    Wettest month of May in history here in North Looking forward to Vipering in what promises to be the most humid and mosquito ridden summer in history.
  24. F

    Check out this car..... I don't quite know what to say about the wheels, but the turbo system looks like it was installed by Cooter Brown.
  25. F

    The New ACR

    It's gonna be interesting to see the MSRP on these new ACR's vs. the dealer mark ups. I'm hoping the dealers who monitor these boards like hawks don't prey on all the emotion being displayed. Wasn't it the dealers who were the real yoyo's that screwed up the unveiling of the G5?