Search results

  1. R

    Free car cover

    terminator02 we are at 11 and Woodward. The weather is changing, boo, last year a few of us would meet up for a Friday night dinner with the cars. If your interested I could try to set up something local for a meal/meet. If the weather doesn't cooperate this fall, maybe something car-less...
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    Feeling Guilty

    96GTS we all feel your pain, including Cowboy. Moments are temporary, how Cowboy felt about you is forever. Cowboy knew your heart, he knows you struggle still, let it go, he was sick and grateful you used your strength to set him free. Now as for your you in a whole...
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    MCVO Separates from National VCA

    TrackAire/George I direct you to the MCVO web page to answer any questions.
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    MCVO Separates from National VCA

    We are in support of our club's decision to no longer be affiliated with the VCA. I do not believe it is a choice anyone wanted to make. MCVO was here before VCA, it will be fine on it's own. For my part I stopped posting on this forum a while back; concerned that I'd say something and get...
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    RT10 hardtop market

    Evening J Your looking for Gen 2 correct? We have a Gen 1 and would love to get a better top. The items we'd like are: good looking, NO leaking, no squeaking (AF don't leak according to owners, but they have noise at the rear pins) windows that open (more than the cloth zip open a small...
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    antifreeze leak

    I had a similar problem a few weeks back, with my 95 RT/10. I called the great Tator, and he said to check the various connections. He makes it a habit to check every spring. He said the OEM clamp-style will lose their strength over time. The aftermarket screw-type have their own issues...
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    Need your Vote

    Thanks everyone. I think it's rigged since the girls are always 50-70 apart from me. It appears you can almost vote every hour, so go for it!
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    Need your Vote

    My Red Gen 1 Viper is being highlighted on, while going thru the Tail of the Dragon. Please click on the stars under the photo to vote for my car. Thanks, Gary
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    MCVO Vegas Night

    Shoot Maureen I'm pretty happy with how it's been working out for me!! LOL Gary has enjoyed the Blu Ray/DVD player learning what different things it does. Kim you were right it is pretty cool. As Sam said it was a fun evening, thank you for all you do for the club, you too Jess :)
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    Post your pic of your Gen 1 Vipers

    Darkened Headlamps and Fog lamps (lower photo); Black Chrome OEM Wheels; and talented wife hand-painted all decals, black.
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    Fall Colors Cruise & Dinner

    Wanted to say thank you to the members who planned our drive over the weekend. It was evident they put considerable work into planning the route, stops and meals. As usual spending time with friends new and old made it very enjoyable! There are some pictures on the MCVO facebook page.
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    Dream Cruise Saturday ?

    I sent PMs out to each of you with the info needed tomorrow (actually today) Woodward has been beyond amazing past couple of nights. I If you see this thread and want to get in touch, post here, I'll check in the morning and afternoon, Again...........please post here and then send your phone...
  13. R

    Dream Cruise Saturday ?

    Craig yes, check for a PM from us with our cell number........your target is the parking lot at 13 Mile and Woodward Ave in Royal Oak. Use the Office Depot, Krogers or Leo's Coney Island for a GPS. We haven't worked out a time yet. Bring a chair, water to drink and lots of sun screen, your on...
  14. R

    Who installs 4 post lift?

    Sam..........what you what???????? Gary is going to want to "borrow" it for our garage LOL
  15. R

    MICHIGAN!! anyone in the metropolitan area!!

    Yes there are a few of us who get out, I sent you a PM about WDC but call and we can put something together :)
  16. R

    Dream Cruise Saturday ?

    Nick, I just sent you a PM with our cell number But my contact for good cheap parking called me back! This is the deal which applies to anyone who wants to meet and park with other Viper owners: 13 and Woodward in the Northwoodward parking lot (which is where Chrysler has it's display) Reserved...
  17. R

    Any Viper owners attend local car shows?

    Met with smf79 Friday night in Pontiac for their Friday night car show. It was in front of Bo's Smokehouse which allowed you to sit, eat dinner and have a drink while watching your car and the people walking around. Pontiac has been very enjoyable every time we have gone there past couple of...
  18. R

    Dream Cruise Saturday ?

    Sam, will do. There is a Viper owner from Canada that has expressed interest and last year one member was looking to meet up as well. I'm looking to find some parking which isn't easy because they have to be clean/safe, not some dirt/puddle/door ding spot.
  19. R

    Dream Cruise Saturday ?

    Any interest in bringing a few cars out for a while that day? Park them/drive them? Thoughts/Suggestions?
  20. R

    Any Viper owners attend local car shows?

    I sent each of you in our area a message. We were out last year more, but the heat has kept us home past few weeks. Taking an evening drive or meeting at a local show would be great. Also any interest in parking together on Dream Cruse Saturday? Would still need to find a spot...
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    MCVO Road Rally & Venzano Shop Tour- Barbeque

    WOW!! Thank you to Zach and his family/friends who put untold hours into this event. I suspect combined it was over 40 hours easy. When we pulled into Venzano's Viper Interior's (Tony's) we were happy to get a break from the mental challenges (puzzles that had to be solved) and way more...
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    Gen 1 RT/10 Water Pump replacement

    We found replacing the water pump changeling without some form of directions for our a Gen 1. Information about how to remove/install a water pump was scarce. We are thankful to some Viper Techs and Pros who shared their time and knowledge which allowed us to do the job. The manual's...
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    Any St. Paul member willing to host these two people here for medical reasons?

    I do not know the two men or the person/group that has assisted them so far. I do know that spreading the word around will likely result in help. St. Paul, Minneapolis---Spread the word for 19 year old and Uncle need a host family--...
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    MCVO Holiday Party

    Yes thank you from us as well, it was again a really fun event, Gary and Ann
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    Pt. Huron Fall Colors Tour

    The rest of the photos. Correction this last pic is at The Swinging Bridge, only had the one that was any good to post.