Recent content by my7vette

  1. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    We will both have an opportunity to present our case and results will post in this site. Until then.
  2. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    I did not forget you are a member of the VCA....An d that damage was not there. You will have your time to prove this in court! Enough arguing wioth you and your team. I also have paperwork with no damages and folks who know my car and that there were no damages. Again we will have the legal...
  3. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    Damages to my Viper estimated at $5,734 (Bumper/facia, 2 Wheels, Headlight assembly and Splash shields).
  4. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    Beware!!! If any Viper owners are thinking of having their Vipers serviced by this dealer, PLEASE re-consider and avoid my nightmare. A dealer with no ethics, sense of responsability or concern for customer satisfaction.....
  5. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    John Arrigo is Jim Arrigos brother and partner. His argument is that its my word against theirs and that the service advicer took a picture of the car while on the lift. I told him I never recieved a call from the dealership indicating there was damage to the car, the damage was not their...
  6. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    I had a heated argument with the owner John Arrigo and he is backing his folks even after sending pictures, a copy of the walk around document when I droped of the Viper (no dammage indicated), and a copy of the paperwork showing the car was driven for 20 miles. I told him we would leave it to...
  7. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    I noticed the damage as soon as they brought my car. The damage in under the front bumber and visible from the the side of the vehicle. Looks like they drove it over a parking stop or the lift. The bumper is scratched and a large piece is missing. This damage would have been noticed during...
  8. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    Also the odometer shows the car was driven for 20 miles... You do not need to drive the car for 20 miles to text a transmission repair!!
  9. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    I can not believe they refuse to take ownership of the damage. I will not rest until they pay for the damages and any legal fees. I will also report them to the BBB and post a warning on viper forums....
  10. M

    Dodge Dealer dmage to my Viper

    I just picked up my 2006 SRT10 from Arrigo Dodge in South Florida. They replced the sync and trans mount. The cars undercarriage has been damaged and a piece is missing leaving a big hole. They refuse to admit to the damage and indicated they are not responsible for a car left with them for...
  11. M

    Clutch Fluid

    Thanks for the heads up. I will make sure of the DOT 4
  12. M

    Clutch Fluid

    Thanks. I have the car in the shop replacing the syncs.
  13. M

    Clutch Fluid

    How often should the fluid in the clutch slave be changed? I have a 2006 SRT Coupe with 15K miles.
  14. M

    Second gear

    My Viper tech indicated that the second gear sync needs to be replaced. Part is in order and he will let me know if additional damage to transmission once he opens it up.
  15. M

    Second gear

    LOL... Thanks Roysviper