Recent content by Sfengineer

  1. S

    How long until you until comfortable with your GTS

    Tony, This is really good advice. Out of curiosity, did you figure this out during a spring swap, or did you purposely take the suspension apart just to check this? If during a spring swap, do you think the effort is worthwhile even if you were going to keep everything stock, ie not replace...
  2. S

    How long until you until comfortable with your GTS

    RedSled - I'll actually be at Buttonwillow that weekend, but with my Camaro (wife is driving it too, don't trust her with the Viper). I'll PM you. I wasn't sure if the dynamics, other than power and weight, would be that different between a viper and Miata. Makes since...
  3. S

    How long until you until comfortable with your GTS

    Wow guys, thanks for the replies! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's was a bit cautious about the car when they first got it. In terms of tracking, I've been to two events through Hooked on Driving that had instructors that rode shotgun the whole time and I learned a ton from them. The one...
  4. S

    How long until you until comfortable with your GTS

    Hi all, I finally got my dream car, a 2000 GTS, but there's been something that's been on my mind that i can't shake. I've owned my 2000 GTS for about 4 months now, but I've always felt a bit uncomfortable pushing the car towards it's performance limits. Is this something everyone has when...

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