Recent content by Viperclub_Letzebuerg

  1. V

    Viper SRT10 Blood to Black Edition

    Hey folks, Thanks for the nice replies. Here you can see some more pictures of the car as well as some of the other Vipers in Luxemburg: I've got some very positive reactions about my custom wing. If some people are interested in getting one...
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    Viper SRT10 Blood to Black Edition

    @bigmack339: Yeah, typing mistake. ;-) I meant thread. The wing is actually a custom made one. Meant originally for a Murcielago Spyder, but it looked better on the Viper than on the Lambo. To find a wing that goes well with the vert is very difficult and took me a long time to find the right...
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    Viper SRT10 Blood to Black Edition

    Hello everyone, This is my first threat here on the board. I am from Luxemburg (Europe) and I wanted to share with you all my passion about this amazing car. For that, I wanted to share some pictures from my car that I've spent 2 years to get it finished. Hope you like it. I am...