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  1. R

    Electronic Throttle Control fault ETC

    Has anyone here encountered this fault. The ETC fault light went on and the throttle went mostly dead. I drove it into a parking lot and turned it off. After restarting it, all was fine. It has happened a few time since. No pattern to it. Check engine light has not came on.I don't mind chasing...
  2. R

    08 hood heat extractor grills

    It appears that these can be removed by just removing some plastic push pins. Is that easy? Prone to disintegrate in my hands? Mine are faded to various shades of grey and I would like to touch them up. Thanks,
  3. R

    Electric to starter help needed

    I'm hoping someone versed with the electrical system can chime in here. I have a 96 RT10. The car would not crank, although with the key in the start position you could clearly hear everything switching on. I checked and I did not have power hitting the solenoid terminal on started upon...
  4. R

    Refinished the instrument panel

    After looking at a peeling, nicked, scratched, dull instrument panel for ther last decade, I decided it was finally time to refinish it. I found a guy locally that does the water transfer printing. Not wanting skulls or all sort of camoflage, I went with a carbon fiber look. I was going to stay...
  5. R

    Interior fan motor question

    I have the dash all apart and just noticed that even when the ac/heat selection dial is in the "top" off position the fan motor will still blow at whatever the speed is set at. Is this normal, or do I have a bad switch, relay, hose or something? It is a 96 RT10
  6. R

    door bezel question

    got answer
  7. R

    Need help identifying a interior trim piece

    I am trying to get a replacement for a trim piece that would attach to the bolster above the drivers legs to the dash panel. I can not find it in the parts catalog. It is for my 96 RT10. I have attached a pic. I may be able to get it thru Dodge, but without a number, I am stuck. Also if anyone...
  8. R

    engine to chassis ground?

    I have very limited accessabilty around and under my 96 RT10 right now to start digging around. Is there a large chassis to engine ground cable hiding under there somewhere? I have having intermitent stater issues and and hope it isn't recieve a proper ground. I have a great connection from...
  9. R

    VEC2 or VEC3

    The answer to this may be real obvious, but none the less I don't know. How do I know if I have a VEC2 or VEC3 installed with my ROE? Also, how do I know what pulley I have installed? Thanks, Rick
  10. R

    GTS with a V10 motorcycle pic????

    Has anyone ran across this guy before. I have see plenty of V8 bikes, but the only V10 I have seen was the Tomohawk. The car has a FL tag?, Sean Roe? His is the only burgandy car I have ran across. I would love to get a little info.
  11. R

    Build you own GTS

    This site has probably surfaced and been discussed before, but I just ran across it. It is a kit car company that has a GTS look a like.
  12. R

    Who has changed a clutch master cylinder?

    I just changed out my clutch master cylinder and have been trying to bleed it for an hour. I am bleeding down at the slave bleed screw and have ZERO pedal. I even looked to make sure I connected the rod. The question is, should I have pre bleed the master before installation. I know some brake...
  13. R

    Rear bumper facia blackouts???

    I just picked up my rear facia from being repainted. He forgot to paint the 3 recessed areas black. Being impatient as I am and didn't want to leave it there til next week, I took it home and thought I would spray it myself. After spending an hour and half a roll of masking tape, I am not happy...
  14. R

    Stupid act of the day

    This morning I had the car on stands to bleed the clutch (another story). When done I lowered the car an worked in the garage for another 20 minutes. I decided I was going to go into the house and grab the keys to test the clutch. As I was walking out of the garage I did a look back remembering...
  15. R

    NorCal Viper Club floor mats

    The old adedge you get what you pay for is true. These are probably the best floor mats I have ever owned. Perfect fit, very heavy and ultra thick. I have the Lloyds in my Vette and for the price, I love them. These are about 2 steps beyond. Thanks Maurice and the NorCal club for offering these.
  16. R

    Carbon fibre or aluminum dash pic?

    I checked the archives for pics and almost all of them are old and removed. Does anyone had any pics of carbo fiber or aluminum dash kits installed? There is a company that did my C5 dash and it looks great. They actually take your stock parts and reprocess then to look CF. C5 parts are...
  17. R

    Seats are redone and in.

    Seats are recovered and in. The seats in my 96 white/blue RT10 were getting a little tired. I wanted to redo the interior, but couldnt get myself to remove the factory blue steering wheel, shift knob and handle. I couldn't find Chad of Snakehydes and don't have the budget for a Venzano...
  18. R

    Looking for a Gen 1 seat lowering kit.

    I am looking for a 1" seat lowering kit for my 96 RT10. I was checking to see if anyone had one they didn't use or like and wanted to part with. I have already checked Jon B, as advertising is not totally wasted on me;)
  19. R

    OBD port fuse?

    Has anyone else had a problem with this fuse? Mine keeps blowing on my 96 RT10. As far as I can tell the only thing on it is the power for the port and the receiver for the alarm. Both which don't even carry much of a load. I have checked all exposed wires for shorts. Maybe something else on the...
  20. R

    Brake/clutch pedal pivot pin torque???

    I am changing out the pivot pin for my brake and clutch pedals. The manaul states not to tighten beyond specs or it will bind. I can not find these specs anywhere. Does anyone have these. 96 RT10 btw.
  21. R

    Fixed my warped fascia opening. PICS

    Like a few other Gen 1's, my fascia opening was all warped. The foam insert was missing. Even if it was there, it was beyond helping. So when I decided to pull the fascia for repainting, I found a great CHEAP fix. Here it was before. I took a piece of aluminum bar and riveted across the...
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    Clutch pedal bushing replacement question

    While removing the clutch pedal to replace the bushings, I noticed mine had a washer between the c clip and the bushing. I did not see this in the drawings of the assembly. Does this belong there or has someone added it over the years to get rid of the wobble?
  23. R

    Aftermarket alarm install help needed.

    If I decide to install an aftermarket alarm, do I need to remove the factory security alarm module and remote entry receiver? I found the proper removal info for my 96 RT10, so that car will not be stuck in starter diable. I believe my remote entry reciever has pooped out. And I am sure a whole...
  24. R

    Source for invisible bra?

    I am looking for a front end film kit for my 96 RT10. Anyone know if any of our supporting vendors deal in them?
  25. R

    Front bumper cover questions

    I have a 96 RT10. Will other front bumper covers from gen 1 & 2 RT10 and GTS's interchange?

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