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  1. J

    I am so sorry for starting another stereo thread...

    Yeah - I did last night. I wired everything up exactly like I had it but used RCA solder-pin plugs and plugged into the pre-outs from my head unit. Fitting it all in there was an absolute BITCH - had to cut a small plastic trim that runs between the stereo and HVAC cubbies, and had to kinda...
  2. J

    a nice little get together with osme other marques

    Wow, talk about seeing enough MP4-12C's that they literally lose significance... Secondly, SO sad to see those gorgeous cars with front license plates, even if some of them were hilarious (like the Nissan GTR with "GOD2LLA" on the front) Also, really neat to see some of the kit cars, like the...
  3. J

    Sourcing Obsolete Parts For Gen I and Gen II Vipers

    I fear that this project - as well as some Gen I and II Vipers waiting for it - is dead..
  4. J

    I am so sorry for starting another stereo thread...

    Please please please - anyone? I was going to run to Radio Shack in a few hours and grab some RCA solder-type plugs to try and rewire this for my pre-outs, but not sure if I should do that or try to adjust the grounds first... Need to get this project done today! Thanks!!
  5. J

    I am so sorry for starting another stereo thread...

    But I promise this one will be quick... I FINALLY got around to tackling a project I sorta started 4 years ago - building an Alpine-to-Jensen adapter to install my VM 9512 from my Dodge Stratus that I just sold. Using my Viper shop service manuals and this diagram: ...I built my own...
  6. J

    Alpine M-Bus Pinout from Factory Stereo?

    I actually found that exact picture somewhere else on the forums later last night and saved it, but that entire thread is very useful - subscribed. Thanks.
  7. J

    Alpine M-Bus Pinout from Factory Stereo?

    I used to have this data and have since misplaced it... I'm selling my DD which has an aftermarket stereo in it, and transferring that stereo to my '00 GTS. (The new DD has a killer stereo and doesn't need replaced!) Anyways, I'm wiring up an adapter that will connect the Jensen VM9512...
  8. J

    black gts wanted

    How do you feel about the Connelly Cognac interior?
  9. J

    Failed Emissions Testing - CEL Question?

    Yes - the CEL should come on when the key is turned to "On" (but not "Start".) The light should go out in a few seconds (on these cars.) On newer cars, the light stays lit until the car is either started or turned off.
  10. J

    Vacuum routing question

    I made this discovery at 4pm on a Saturday, so no, I haven't called Tator yet. I thought maybe I could dig up something this weekend and try to make a repair over the Holiday.
  11. J

    Vacuum routing question

    Hey all, Haven't been around in a while - been a lot going on. I've moved, started a new job - it's all been very stressful. I now live in MD and can't get the Viper inspected because of a recurrent check engine light. I've gotten far enough to read a code of P1494 (which I have searched...
  12. J

    The Viper Store? Still in business?

    Well I got a response from Chris Shemwell over last weekend who promised to look into it and get back to me Monday. It's now Thursday with no response. I'm escalating it to a claim through PayPal to get my money back. I guess that was my first and last experience with The Viper Store! And by...
  13. J

    The Viper Store? Still in business?

    Over a month ago I ordered a Viper "Sneaky Pete" polo shirt from the Viper store. With "Viper Tax," the price came to $45 dollars. It was for my 30th birthday. To this day I have not received the item. I sent an email about it two weeks ago and received no response. I issued a dispute...
  14. J

    Black & Blue Viper - Anyone's here?

    I saw this picture on Blue Bat's website - I was wondering if it belonged to anyone here: I'm trying to figure out if that's GTS Blue or a different shade. I'm also glad to see that it's a Cognac car, but I'd really like to see some pictures of it from different angles, maybe one with...
  15. J

    Pic's of Gen 2's with Black Rims

    I'm assuming iForged sells those wheels? I like the first set... I'll be "Googling" them now! Thanks!
  16. J

    smoked front clear corner?

    I see all the overlays - do you sell the marker lamps as well? I mean I have the vinyls already and the Klearz corners are on the way - I was just curious to see what you offered. On a new topic - who's car is this??? That's exactly the color scheme I was thinking of going with...
  17. J

    New Owner Question Regarding Carlisle Car Show

    Thanks, Ginger. That's the little details I needed to know. I always seem to be on the 0% end of any 50/50 raffle, but the shirts and auctions definitely sound interesting. I'll come prepared. Can't wait for the show!
  18. J

    OBD system not ready. HELP!

    That only powers the port itself under the dash - it doesn't affect the performance of the PCM or the various monitors that it has to run. You are correct in that it WILL cause a malfunction when trying to connect to the PCM to run diagnostics or emissions testing. However, it'll generally...
  19. J

    Viper Sighting Akron Ohio

    Thanks for the pictures! My parents live in that area but must not have crossed your path at all. Looks like it was a lot of fun! Jeff
  20. J

    smoked front clear corner?

    Are there any pictures of your product, Bat? I'd just like to see what these guys are talking about.
  21. J

    New Owner Question Regarding Carlisle Car Show

    :lmao: I sure hope she doesn't teach MY wife that trick... :) This year I plan on adding to my wardrobe collection, but nothing much else part-wise. Plus I have a nice Carlisle plaque on a wooden backing that's done up in a faux "white marble" appearance with pictures of my white 'Cuda...
  22. J

    So I met some Tuners

    My only problem is, all the kids who stop to talk to me about my Viper want me to do smokey burnouts on my way out!! I've had to start telling them "you bring me some $1,000 tires and I'll glady burn 'em off for ya!" I was stopped outside the mall just yesterday by some kids in an Eagle...
  23. J

    OBD system not ready. HELP!

    Still not entirely true: Each monitor of the OBD system has specific requirements that must be met before the PCM will perform the test. Some monitors require you to be moving but with no throttle (i.e. "coasting.") Some require certain coolant temps, some require certain RPM's. Some tests...
  24. J

    Things That Make You Go...

    I'm surprised you guys are all bothered by this... Think of how much MORE expensive our Vipers would be if they were forced to develop different harnesses for each model. Universal saves costs, and I think we have more than enough power to handle the extra few grams in weight!
  25. J

    1996 dodge viper Jenna Jameson

    Holy Crap!! I've never been envious of a Viper hood before...

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