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  1. H

    Looking For A Silver Or Black Gen 3

    A friend is looking to buy a Gen 3 vert that is silver or black. Bone stock is fine, mods ok too but doesn't want heavily modded high horsepower car and wants to keep the price down. He is in Connecticut but will look at cars in all areas. Anyone looking to sell? What ya got?
  2. H

    Same Old Thing...Different Day

    Thoroughly disgusted about this whole ordeal and the raffle has really made me sick. No disclosure, no nothing just a post from someone that I would rather not hear from with :2tu: Total BS... Then the Vice president posts like nothing ever happened. No explanations apologies nothing...
  3. H

    Nitrogen Kit

    Anybody have one of Nader's nitrogen refill kits they want to sell? Ron
  4. H

    Gen 4 Air Filter

    Anybody know where to get an OEM one?
  5. H

    It's Official...Drive a Gen 5 at VOI XII in Charlotte

    Just got the email that we Will get seat time in the 2013 Viper at VOI. This is going to be AWESOME!
  6. H

    Tire Pressure Sensors... Dealer Can't Sync

    OK I bought new wheels and tires and tire pressure sensors and sure enough, after a few hundred miles my warning light came on. I was expecting it to, no big deal. Take the car to the dealer sync the new sensors, move on, right? Wrong. Dealer couldn't sync them. Is there any tricks to this...
  7. H

    Moton...MCS Remote Reservoirs...Post Up Your Pics

    I am contemplating adding the MCS shocks with remote reservoirs to my 08 Convertible. I am uncertain as of now as to how I want to mount the remote reservoirs especially the rears. For those who have done it or have this setup on your car could you post up some pics please. Thanks Ron
  8. H

    Michelin Pilot Super Sport Review

    Just got some new Michelin Super Sports on my 08 in stock 18 and 19 inch, and finally have a few miles on them so can post My take on them Really impressed with how they hook up. My 4 year old 10k mile PS2s never hooked like this from a roll or when hitting 2nd even when new.. Lots of spin...
  9. H

    VPA Class Act

    Wanted to give a big thumbs up:2tu: to Viper Parts of America. Just ordered some 6 spoke wheels And had them facilitate The powder coating and mounting of my new Super Sports. Wow....Excellent Service...would not hesitate to do business again. Ron
  10. H

    Battery...How Long Did It Last?

    Just curious how long your OEM Battery lasted in your Viper? I have an 08 with.a 4 year old battery and was considering changing it just as a precaution. Will be driving cross country after VOI and just thinking ahead.
  11. H

    Looking for some 6 Spokes

    Looking for some 6 spokes that I can powder coat black. Anybody looking to sell? I know they can still be bought new, just not sure I want to go that route. Can anyone give me an idea of cost to powder coat?
  12. H

    Future Viper Owner (neighbors kid)

    Ok, My next door neighbors Son had a small matchbox viper that he has been asking me to put stripes on for him so that it would be a small version of My car. Well today was the day.
  13. H

    Convertible Boot

    The vinyl on my convertible top cover on my 08 is coming loose / delaminating from the hard plastic. Anybody else have this happen? I suppose I could get some contact cement and glue it back down but might just take it to the dealer and see if they will order me a new one. Bought my car new, 2...
  14. H

    Brake & Rear Diff Fluid

    My 2008 has 9000 miles and I have owned it 2 years this New Years. Maintenance schedule in owners manual says 18,000 miles or 18 months. Does it really need changed after 9k miles? Another consideration is, it was built August 08 which makes my fluids 3 1/2 years old? :omg:
  15. H

    Check Engine Light...Thermostat Code

    Drove my 08 to work last week, doing some real slow cruising. Next time I started the car the CEL was on. Drove it several times since on short trips and it runs the same as it always has so bought an OBD2 Diagnostic to check codes. Came back P0128 which is thermostat below regulating...
  16. H

    Terminology...What Does This Mean?

    Thinking about a few mods and some more hp :) and been doing some research and had some questions? I know what most mean, but figured I may help someone else out. So, at the risk of sounding stupid :D What does _____mean? Mopar Computer Mopar Controller Venom Controller PCM ECU CEL...
  17. H

    Challenger SRT8s are Fast

    But not near as fast as a Gen 4 Viper :D Had a silver Challenger pass me on a 4 lane road leading up to the freeway in Escondido and it was mutual admiration, thumbs up from both of us. He turns on the freeway onramp to get on I-15 North and so do I. He waits till I get around the corner and...
  18. H

    Played with a Nissan GTR

    I was on the freeway today and a nissan came up behind me. I thought it was a 300 Z but found out it was not. I down shifted into 3rd and hit the throttle hard, and seemed to gain distance. Not sure if it was merely his reaction time behind mine or :dunno: In a 3rd gear pull from 70, would he...
  19. H

    Another Clear Bra Question. Cars With Stripes

    I had some clear protection put on my car yesterday and I am really bothered by something. Car is black with white stripes (see avatar) and the film Did Not lay down good next to the stripes. Pretty good ridge, where the stripes were painted at factory. The installer wants to come back, and...
  20. H

    Wheel Sizes, What's Best?

    At some point I want to change from the stock wheels on my 08 and am trying to figure out, plus and minuses for different wheel combos. Street cruising only, but do I stick with 18" front, 19" rear or go with 19" front and 20" rears or a different combo :dunno: Also want to drop the car a...
  21. H

    Water Deionization System for Car Wash

    Anybody have one? Just ordered a home setup from Siemens that is supposed to be good for 950-1000 gallons which should last a while. Gonna be delivered on Monday :2tu:
  22. H

    Clear Bra Installation San Diego

    Anybody have good results in San Diego? Thanks
  23. H

    How Do You Detail When Away From Home?

    When you take your car on vacation, how do you clean it? I won't have room to take everything with me, so what to do?
  24. H

    Any Issues or Recalls with 08

    Since I just bought a new 08, just curious if their were any known issues to be aware of. I only have 600 miles on it and will be heading up to SLC for VOI in September and just want to be ready :drive:
  25. H

    I'd Sure Like To Drive It

    Got my 1st "Can I drive your Viper"? Neighbor down the street asked and I said "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN" :rolaugh: He went on to explain how he has had fast cars before bla bla bla :rolleyes: :eater:

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