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  1. V

    Homecoming Tragedy

    I hope everyone had a good time at homecoming. Seeing the plant and the vert were saddeing for me, but I had to voice my concern about the two biggest issues with teh event. a) Marices' incessant ramb;ling that this was a voa event. I changed from the VOA raffle to the free version, yet...
  2. V

    Wow, srt homecoming open to all past and present owners, not exclusive

    I guess you're not getting my "censorship" comment. Let me be clear. Any post like this that I have made at either of the sites controlled by Randall and his crew are immediately deleted. You mention alley, AZ, on that one, you can whine about the VCA all day, any non-positive mention of...
  3. V

    Wow, srt homecoming open to all past and present owners, not exclusive

    Good to have choices, We have a free event, or a $500 raffle -I'm sorry I mean door prize, I must have gotten confused. Be fair the food and boat cost $100, so it's a $400 raffle (oops sorry door prize, did it again). Be very fair a $300 door prize that is not a raffle. How do we get a refund...
  4. V

    SRT Homecoming

    typical. You guys don't actually read the post. Since the same guys control both of the other boards, anything anti their point of view is instantly deleted. I hope the irony of THIS place not censoring, while the bastions of "free speech" delete like mad is not lost on anyone. Of course NOW...
  5. V

    SRT Homecoming

    Viper People- I am a former member of this once great club, and I have just sent this note to both club's leadership teams. I saw a thread on another board I frequent, and saw a post that got me curious about homecoming, so I made some calls, and the below is the result. I suspect this thread...

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