updates Chuck???????????????

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Sep 3, 2004
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Connecticut USA
The Chrysler dealership that I own has been in my family for 45 years. Therefore, I speak from experience and I am sure the Viper Wizard will ditto what I say here.
  • As for the training from the manufacturer ~ The dealer pays that. I mean the schooling, the travel, which is normally held 3 hours away (one way) from my dealership, the lodging, food and fuel for my employee. I pay for that. More times than not, I supply the employee with a vehicle for the trip. Then you have to consider my loss of that employee's time while away from the dealership. And by the way, their pay goes on.
  • As for the promotional materials ~ The dealer pays for those as well...every single banner, brochure, sign, poster, etc. The signs that hang out front, be it, "5 Star", "Chrysler", "Dodge", "Jeep", whatever the case may be, we are accessed a monthly fee for those as well. As for the maintenance of those signs, Chrysler sends a company around to change light bulbs, clean them, etc. , however, those times are few and far between. The big sign in front of my dealership still has "Plymouth" on it. Plymouth has been gone from their line for seven years. What does that tell you?
  • As for the dealer link system - That system is now via the internet and the dealer pays a monthly fee for that. If the link goes down due to technical problems on Chrysler's behalf, we can't order parts, do warranty claims, order cars, receive customer rebates, etc. Who gets angry when they can't get a part ordered and takes it out on ME ? Mr. customer! :grumble:
  • The dealer is shipped special tools on a monthly basis from Miller Tools that the dealer is obligated to pay for. Nine times out of ten, some of those tools will never be used.
  • When a new model is produced that model usually requires its own set of tools. Take for instance the "Chrysler Crossfire", if a dealer chooses not to purchase the special tools at $10,000.00, they can not order that new model. That also brings me to the "Chrysler Pacifica", special tools were required for that vehicle as well and now both the Crossfire and the Pacifica will no longer be made.
The bottom line is, with the new ownership and management, Chrysler Motors LLC, and its dealers might be on the road to recovery, but we all have a long way to go. Jim Press is a positive individual and in time he can turn this company around.:)

Let it be known that I am not a disgruntled dealer, however, I do get annoyed when someone makes statements about something that they don't deal with on a daily basis and they obviously know little about.:curse:

And by the way, if you are interested in purchasing a small dealership in rural Pennsylvania, send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you!!!

Wow. Now THAT'S an eyeopener. I had no idea. Good luck Denny.


Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Salem, OR
Chuck, with the following you have it seems to me that you don't need the dealership. Sounds like you could have a real profitable Viper repair business for years to come with WAY less headaches. Might have to cut back a little, I don't know??. Gett'n rid of my 30yr headache April 1st. (sold It) Time to retire, do something else. April fools to the next repair Guru. LOL

Performance Junkie

Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
New York
Chuck, with the following you have it seems to me that you don't need the dealership. Sounds like you could have a real profitable Viper repair business for years to come with WAY less headaches. Might have to cut back a little, I don't know??. Gett'n rid of my 30yr headache April 1st. (sold It) Time to retire, do something else. April fools to the next repair Guru. LOL

I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps welcome other exotics as well. Sell Wheels, Performance mods and packages. He is obviously a rare fantastic Man. Wizard (tm) 500, 550, 600, 650 is sounding good.
Also by announcing it in a public forums / Trade shows allows a trade mark with out expensive lawyers.;)


Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Unfortunately, Chrysler would prefer to market an overabundance of mediocre cars and not, at least, pay some attention to the car that truly sets them apart in the auto world. If Chrysler truly stands for innovation, though outside of the Viper I haven't seen much, then they should even moreso try to increase the awareness of what the Viper stands for.

It is interesting that a large number of Vipers move through Chuck's place. Wonder how many other dealers can boast that kind of volume. Even more, how many dealers in the NE can say they have a Viper Tech Expert on staff.:nono:

The VCA should stand together to support Chuck and keep his dealership viable. If it takes another massive letter writing campaign, then a form letter should be developed and provided to all members and each should sign and send.:headbang:

It would certainly make a point, if we send one huge pile per month. Aren't they obligated to answer....just give them lots of makework to do.:eater:

On the subject of writing or calling regional customer service, I think that will accomplish little in the broad scheme of things. Letters and pressure needs to be put on the home office customer service...if we do it at all. But that said and not to contridict myself, with the failing economy and failing top 3 auto makers, I can't imagine getting much play from them at this time.

Just a few thoughts from one member who has relied on Chuck's expertise, honesty and just plain good service!:2tu:


ACR steve

Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
All I can say is I would leave a blank signed check with Chuck and would ask him to fill it in when he was done with the car ............I trust him that much


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
For those who have been hanging on this thread and wondered about the little sniper attack Chuck suffered from a deadbeat ex customer who popped this thread up from March just to take a meaningless shot at him THIS is the rest of the story....
After Chuck (per the rules) disputed the comments, two moderators (City and I) both independently verifed facts, phone records etc, etc. with Chuck. He has every shred of evidence proving that this guy's story is bogus.
This was a $3000 job that Chuck has never received payment for, in typical Chuck fashion this guy Steve Milia said he forgot his checkbook when he picked the car up so Chuck said just send me a check. Steve Milia left with the car and then tried every trick he could with Dodge and the State of New York to avoid payment. The last trick was to submit a body shop bill for a chip he said Chuck put in his door, body shop bill was exactly the same number of the unpaid $3000 bill. Anybody here believe Chuck chipped a door?
Chuck won every one of those complaints including the one to Dodge and the State of New York and has documented all of the facts to the satisfaction of the mods. he has also sent a collection agency after the guy.
His right at this point was to have the thread removed, he is kinda sentimental about this thread so I told him we would prune it up and eliminate Mr. Milia's comments. In the course of doing that we removed some other users responses as they quoted the guy.
Some explantion seemed necessary after the drastic pruning that took place but well worth it I think as this is a really classic thread. I'm temporarily closing the thread so there are no more references to this and in the future will probably remove this post too so we can get this thread back to it's original historical context.
I might add this is an excellent example of how the site works with the vendor/customer relationship as discussed in the other vendor thread.
And lastly Mr. Milia will be taking a little vacation from here.
You still rock Chuck.:2tu:
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