VCA 'goodwill ambassadors'


Viper Owner
Feb 13, 2002
Reaction score
Austin, TX
VCA \'goodwill ambassadors\'

It seems rather strange that the VCA would not take a more proactive approach to ensure that all 'goodwill ambassadors' in a leadership role within the organization not only support past generations of the Viper but also champion the current model with equal zeal. I wonder how this is working for them.


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Re: VCA \'goodwill ambassadors\'

It seems rather strange that the VCA would not take a more proactive approach to ensure that all 'goodwill ambassadors' in a leadership role within the organization not only support past generations of the Viper but also champion the current model with equal zeal. I wonder how this is working for them.

With all due respect, I am curious as to where this is directed. Now since you posted this same exact thing in the dreaded "so if the SRT-10 is a better car..." thread, I can only assume that is to what you are referring. So, let's address this if we can: From what I could see (and I apologize if I missed anybody), there were three VCA officers that posted in that thread. All three were constructive and shared their opinions (good, bad, and noncommittal). Most importantly, ALL THREE OWN SRT-10's! Now if that isn't "championing" the current model, I don't know what is. After all, put your money ($80,000+ worth) where your mouth is.

I would also add that, while I can't speak for all the officers (and for which they are grateful), most of them have their very own opinions that may not always support the party (Dodge) line. Travesty? No, reality. Let's take me for example. Do I think the SRT-10 is the greatest car ever made? Nope. Close, but not perfect. What would I change? The looks - and not a lot. Make it closer to the original GTS-R concept (similar to the Comp Coupe). Do I think that the GTS looks more exotic? Yep. If you connect a line between the GTS and the Corvette, the SRT-10 would be a lot closer to the Vette side of the looks department. And guess what? A LOT, and I mean a TON of people prefer that slightly "less exotic" look!

So does this mean I don't support the SRT-10? Well, I have bought two of them brand new - how many other "detractors" can say that? The SRT-10 is an absolutely kick-ass car and I truly love ours. Trust me when I tell you that this yellow version with the black accents draws looks and positive comments even MORE than my GTS ever did. Seriously. Heck, BadVenm has mentioned a couple times about the car show we attended where the four Gen I/II's were passed by as everybody gravitated to the SRT-10. And that included a yellow RT/10 with black stripes and two of the best looking GTS's on the planet. Yet the SRT (mine) was the star. But dang it, that doesn't mean that I can't have an opinion, right?

If you know me even a little bit, you know that my automotive heart and soul is devoted to the Viper and the Club that brings those owners together. I want the Viper to sell for many, many years to come. Towards that goal, I offer my often fact-based opinions as to what can help continue those sales for many years to come. In case you missed what started that whole thread, the plant shut down for the first time EVER due to lack of sales. No amount of "goodwill" will correct that, unless Joe is offering to buy up the excess as our membership renewal gifts for 2005... ;)