Recent content by SN8CHMR

  1. S

    Oil Temps

    Yeah the Dorman kit is plastic. I’ll definitely switch to the metal one. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. S

    Oil Temps

    Of the birdcage bushing? Ok I got the Dorman multi-pack. It was on the shelf. Here’s a pic of the receipt.
  3. S

    Oil Temps

    Update: Changed the oil, checked coolant all good. Took the car for a spin, oil temps got up to 210-212 F. I guess that is just what the car wants to operate at in the Texas heat. No worries. Side note - That clutch birdcage bushing decided to “exit” during some spirited driving. Thankfully I...
  4. S

    Oil Temps

    It’s funny you said that about the power steering pump. Power steering pump “works”, doesn’t squeal, but I definitely have a leak. I have to top off power steering fluid every 3rd-ish time I drive it. Been meaning to change that, lol. I work 2 jobs though, one at United Airlines during the day...
  5. S

    Oil Temps

    TEXASVIPER35 - Thanks! Just curious, what do your coolant/water temps get to? As previously stated, mine got up to a touch under 220 last weekend.
  6. S

    Oil Temps

    GTS Dean - Copy that on the oil temps around 212 to boil any condensation off. Owned the car about 4 months now. The thing that’s throwing me off is the coolant and oil temps have previously consistently been 200. It was much cooler weather through the previous 4 months. Water/coolant temp...
  7. S

    Oil Temps

    …for, sorry. I was driving this weekend, in Texas, ambient air temp mid 90’s. Gen III ‘03, 40k miles. While freeway cruising and at idle my oil temps reached just under 220 f, and remained there steady. Coolant temp remained at roughly 200. Is this normal? It seems a bit too high.
  8. S

    Oil Temps

    Checked around, couldn’t find what I was look
  9. S

    Meet Ups

    I will be at The Post Cars and Coffee tomorrow
  10. S

    Meet Ups

    03 Silver. I’ll be sending invites out to everyone, Little Woodrow’s in Tomball 11241 Timbertech lane. Sunday 10am free park and show, or $20 for a VIP spot up front
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    Meet Ups

    April 13th I’ll be at Cypress Cars and Coffee 8-10AM, 27240 US-290 Cypress, Tx And from 10-2PM I’ll be in Hockley at the Classic Car Show at 28515 Old Washington Rd, Hockley, Tx 77447
  12. S

    Meet Ups

    Chris (832)258-3286 I DM’d about 5 of you guys. Could y’all post in this thread so we can get every one together in the same group text/thread? Thanks y’all
  13. S

    Meet Ups

    Next Meet-Up “The Post HTX” 401 Franklin St, Houston, Tx 77201
  14. S

    Meet Ups

    Hello everyone. I’m looking to get the local Houston Viper community together weekly/monthly meet ups. There’s nothing cooler than a crew of Vipers pulling up to a show. There is one meet tomorrow at… 8715 Spring Cypress, Spring Tx 77379 I’m the future I’m willing to drive to the North or...
  15. S

    Looking for local Viper owners

    That wasn’t me, I’m in Spring, but all my buddies are down in your area. Yes I still have my car, and I’m looking to get a few of us Houston Viper owners together

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