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  1. Chad Spackman

    Head Gasket Time... Good shop near Philadelphia?

    Jeff D’Ambrodios in downingtown has a mechanic named Jeff Palmer. Jeff is awesome. He’s serviced vipers since the 1993 model year. He did my 94 head gaskets. He’ll do custom mods too. He’s been a great resource to me. It’s a huge shop but he’s the only viper guy and very well trained. Tell him I...
  2. Chad Spackman

    Gen1 Fuel Line Leak

    Summit racing has all the stuff you need to make one
  3. Chad Spackman

    Speed with Soft Top

    Mine has come off at 75. At which point it was never ever used again. Model year 94. Autoform to the rescue. But making a statement about precise speeds is nonsense. Prevailing winds, and gusts, etc. c’mon
  4. Chad Spackman

    Sometimes stalls when coming to a stop.

    For my 94 if the throttle bodies are out if sync, it’ll stall when rpm is allowed to fall while coming to a stop or similar. It’ll hunt. Does all sorts of nonsense. And for my car, the procedure for syncing doesn’t work. I manually adjust them for exactly the same liftoff.
  5. Chad Spackman

    Gen 1 Dash Refinishing

    This cost me about 400 bucks. Took the dash out, went to a body shop and told them to paint it as though it were an exterior plastic bumper. I’d do the lower radio bezel but I’m afraid I’d do more harm than good removing it.
  6. Chad Spackman

    Gen 1 Sidepipe Paint Protection

    What I’m trying is “side sill thermal insulation”. Available at the If you get stuck in stop & go traffic on a 95+ degree day, those sills are ******* the paint
  7. Chad Spackman

    1994-Need help with finding sensors
  8. Chad Spackman

    1994 RT/10 Fuel pump not working?

    I didn’t read the whole thread so forgive me if this doesn’t seem relevant. but if the pump is bad, that is quite a roundabout way to get there. You’ve done the hard part (pulling the tank). Pull the pump and test it. If you need instructions I’ll be happy to help. It’s easy to remove, easy to...
  9. Chad Spackman

    WTB 1994 RT/10 magma flow or dynomax exhaust system

    I’d be interested in hearing more about the cat back, and the custom. I have a 94. Doing something with the exhaust has been part of my plan behind a lot of other stuff that I’ve now completed
  10. Chad Spackman


    It’s not a short to gnd. That would energize the solenoid and allow reverse. I don’t think you have proven it’s the pcm (yet). You should check the solenoid signal wire for an open. Which again means setting your meter to ohms. Car off off… Connectors disconnected at pcm and solenoid. One probe...
  11. Chad Spackman

    AC system blows cold but clutch stays engaged does not disengage at all.

    Viper Specialty, thanks for chiming in. Is there a, most likely spot for a leak? I have to refill once a year. Workable, but I’d like to find the bleed
  12. Chad Spackman

    AC system blows cold but clutch stays engaged does not disengage at all.

    I brought my system up to 27 psi. Once I got over about 10 psi the compressor started. I ran for about about 15 minutes and the pressure never deviated from 27 psi. I’m back to my earlier thinking. It won’t turn off unless cold probe says to do it and that’ll be rare I think. I guess the AC is...
  13. Chad Spackman

    AC system blows cold but clutch stays engaged does not disengage at all.

    Lastly, the question of which sensor; the low pressure cutout, or the low temperature evap switch, is most involved during normal compressor clutch operation, is the key to knowing what is going on. I guessed earlier it was evap temp. I once again think my guess was perhaps incorrect. I’m going...
  14. Chad Spackman

    AC system blows cold but clutch stays engaged does not disengage at all.

    Another addition: the way the system is wired, the dashboard AC switch, the low pressure cutout switch, and the evap temp switch… are all wired in series. So the power train control module gets one signal. If all three switches are closed, the compressor can be instructed to engage. The low...
  15. Chad Spackman

    AC system blows cold but clutch stays engaged does not disengage at all.

    The only other sensor in the system is a temperature probe on the evaporator. This is meant to turn the compressor off when the evaporator gets too cold. I suspect that in a properly charged system. The temp probe is the main source of feedback that would cause compressor on/off cycling
  16. Chad Spackman

    AC system blows cold but clutch stays engaged does not disengage at all.

    I’m wrong. Looked under the hood and pressure sensor is on low pressure side. So low pressure would turn compressor off. A stuck switch, too much refrigerant, or a bad compressor, could keep pump on
  17. Chad Spackman

    AC system blows cold but clutch stays engaged does not disengage at all.

    I believe compressor clutch uses a high side pressure switch. My own experience with this has been, too low on refrigerant causes no cycling, too high causes frequent cycling. I have a 94, things may be different with later generations. I’m not near my shop manuals at the moment. If no one else...
  18. Chad Spackman

    94 Viper Head Gasket repair / parts

    Dan is where I got mine. And they do the trick. You’ll never need to do it again. Telltale for my situation was some green/yellow gunk where the block meets the bell housing. My understanding is they rarely, if ever, leak “in”. And it’s rarely a compression leak. Unless you smell it or see...
  19. Chad Spackman

    Keeping new Viper owners SAFE - a How To:

    Re: Compression ratio. You are correct about this. It’s not compression ratio alone. It’s the product of compression ratio, and displacement, spread across 10 cylinders (and the gear you’re in). Gen1 vipers know when you let off the throttle in 2nd or 3rd, the steepness of the hill you can go...
  20. Chad Spackman

    Keeping new Viper owners SAFE - a How To:

    I’m just theorizing about gen1s and their reputation. My gen1 still exists so I have no reason to believe the reputation is anything but inexperienced people or BS. I suspect a combination of the 2. There was this nonsense on this forum that 50% of the gen1s were cracked up on the way home from...
  21. Chad Spackman

    Keeping new Viper owners SAFE - a How To:

    For me I’ve wanted to understand the physics behind the mishaps. Torque and power are not the fundamental in my reasoning. The viper is 10, high compression, cylinders. As much as this contributes to forward ****** it also provides very large compression drag on accelerator liftoff. So if one...
  22. Chad Spackman

    Gen1 Fuel Level Sensor

    Hi Viper Swag. The sender in my 94 is telling it wants out. Have you still got any? I’m willing and able. :)
  23. Chad Spackman

    Dash color/finish on new parts

    I just did my 94. I had a body shop do it. I just told them to treat it like a bumper. Has a satin finish. I’ve been without a dash for a year. So this is a big change!!
  24. Chad Spackman

    Help!! 94 RT/10 wont stay running. Not alarm/pump/battery/fuses/relays

    Sorry I missed this when it was posted. Re: resyncing TBs. I go through the WOT process and then look at the TBs with a foot able to press peddle. It’s pretty easy to see when the they lift off. On the one that lifts off FIRST, I lengthen that cable so that it lifts off exactly coincident with...
  25. Chad Spackman

    Help!! 94 RT/10 wont stay running. Not alarm/pump/battery/fuses/relays

    Ok on throttle syncing. One comment, on my 94, the standard method (ie wide open throttle) will totally unsync them simply because the stop plates are unaligned. So I don’t use that method

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