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  1. N

    98 silver rt/10 left on the road

    One here in Nova Scotia.
  2. N

    VOI 13

    Texas sounds good to me. Never been, so it would be another great road trip for us. However, If there isn't a VOI next year, hopefully one of the bigger clubs can put something on. Like what the Illinois club did 4 0r 5 years ago in Niagara Falls. For us it was our first Viper event, and was...
  3. N

    VOI 13

    With all that is going on with the club in recent times, I am just wondering if there is going to be a VOI next year, put on by the VCA or by the new club????? I particularly do not care who will put it on, as it is for the OWNERS of VIPERS. I am sure I am not alone here, but most of us have to...
  4. N

    *PICS* NJ Viper Club 9-11 Respect Cruise 2013

    Great pictures! Too bad we missed you guys. We are in NYC, and just happened to have visited the World Trade Center site today around 4 p.m. My wifes birthday and a trip to the Big Apple is what she wanted for a present....and what a great choice. Love this place. People are great and...
  5. N

    How hard is it to get the side exhaust covers off

    Jason Not hard all. I've done it a few times, and if I can do it, you will have no problem
  6. N

    My 2013 GTS by Prefix...a work in progress (pics)

    Great project, can't wait to see it put back together :2tu:
  7. N

    ACR Clamshell Trailer Project

    This was going to be my winter project, but with the bad weather we've been having, I had the wheels arrive a couple of weeks ago so I figured I'd just do it now ;) And find another winter project :).
  8. N

    All Chrysler Nationals - Carlisle PA - July 11-14, 2013

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody involved. We had a fansastic time, enjoying not only the car show, but meeting new and some old friends! :) Even had fun with our unexpected "entertainment" on Saturday night :rolaugh: Also, Shaun feels there MUST have been something OFF...
  9. N

    All Chrysler Nationals - Carlisle PA - July 11-14, 2013

    We set of today.we're staying at the Ramada and hopfully we make it by 4.30 friday.See you guys there.
  10. N

    "If you haven't, it is a must do!" Le-Mans 24hrs

    Baz those photos are brill thanks. Like to say we'ed go next year. But with VOI next year. I"m planning for 2015.
  11. N

    Prowlers in Cape Breton Nova Scoita. 22-25/ August.

    Rob your right. Its like the Dragon with the sea and Mountains as a back drop. Anyway we're see you in a couple weeks.
  12. N

    Carlisle, Chrysler Nationals.

    We're going down . Just wondering if any of you guys are going..?
  13. N

    Prowlers in Cape Breton Nova Scoita. 22-25/ August.

    I was asked to extend an open invitation to any Viper owners interrested in cruising the scenic Cabot Trail. They are staying at the Keltic Lodge, so for any Golfers, I guess its a world class course. I know it would be quite a drive for most, but the Highlands of Cape Breton would be worth the...
  14. N

    Maine Help

    If you feel like venturing across the border, into Nova Scotia, and need a tour guide, let me know. Cheers Shaun.
  15. N

    Gen V GTSR Le mans Artwork

    Thanks guys will take a look. Cheers Shaun.
  16. N

    VIPER ARTWORK and RACING CREW SHIRTS for the Holidays!!!!

    I missed this thread some how :(. Are the Shirts still availably ?
  17. N

    Looking for a Hood/nose emblem New/used

    I am sorry I do not have an extra one. The first one he did was not quite ssg, but it looked so good I put it on my tool chest. Anyway, it seems the biggest thing you need is PATIENCE, which I don't have. But I don't like the word can't :) First of all, you have to lightlly sand the Chrome with...
  18. N

    Gen V GTSR Le mans Artwork

    Hey Baz, Do you Know how many prints are being issued, Cost and where to get one. Without having to go to Le- Mans. Cheers Shaun.
  19. N

    Looking for a Hood/nose emblem New/used

    I was told it was not possible also, but I have had three painted. However, you can not paint the background and keep the scales. Maurice had one specially made for him, with SSG background. I am posting three photos of mine, and one of his. Hope he don't mind, but that's where I got the idea from.
  20. N

    Hey, Mopar Boy Ay?

    Good job Chip. Like you said, it's hard to squeeze all those good times into a few minutes. The band sounds great :2tu:.
  21. N

    ACR Clamshell Trailer Project

    Yeah sorry we missed you, but we didn't get there until early afternoon Sunday, as I was in Toronto for work until Saturday. The guys that painted the trailer asked to put it in the show, and then the organizers asked if we could put the car in as well. The car won best in class, which was...
  22. N

    Fuel Pump DIY?

    I had the same problem a few years back, so I purchased a delay timer to install myself. Anyway I had some other issues. So I took it down to Chuck Tator's, to get them fixed. While it was there he replaced the fuel pump. So I have a delay timer if you want to go that route. Just PM me your...
  23. N

    Green Machine is back home

    Excellent Job, really well done. :2tu:

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