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    Some Other Poll Results

  2. V

    Those whom own both a GTS and SRT10 - or have gone from a GTS to a SRT10

    Crockett is wrong. Your list is not too long. I only test drove GTS coupes, but here is my take: 1.) Chiefly Levis 2.) Only with fried rice 3.) Sometimes green but occasionally yellow 4.) No, you must use ruled paper 5.) Individual choice, I use 42 gauge on low E (6th string) 6.) Now it is...
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    new SRT, airbag & kids

    Ken: Tighten the sun visor. I keep the air bag on. However, I also have (unrelated) the shoulder pad protectors (that say Viper SRT-10) from JonB to keep the kids from being uncomfortable where the strap hits their shoulder. Alice & The Viper Blog
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    Simple detail question on new 05 SRT

    Here's a corollary question. I (Zaino) clay barred my Mamba when it arrived with four miles on it. I have arguably polished it now eleventy-seven times since then. It now has 6 miles on it. Seriously, how often do people (in general) clay bar the finish. Yes, I can feel the grit, and is...
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    Dealers are sometimes idiots!!!! Red mamba with 535HP!!!!

    Sorry, but that is not correct. The dealer is a straight shooter. There were, indeed, 135 Red Mambas manufactured in 2004. They came with Heffner TT and were rated at 735 (not 535) HP. They also came with Berlanger, Corsa, and ceramic cats. The standard rear end was 3.45 and 19" in all corners...
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    They're Everywhere

    Re: They\'re Everywhere No, what I was saying is that he was walking away from the Mamba and saw one of the TT Porsches and thought it was incredible. He was with our 12 year old daughter, and when he remarked how much he liked the Porsche, she swooped her arm across the parking lot (it was an...
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    They're Everywhere

    Re: They\'re Everywhere H.I.E.S. (private school) in Sandy Springs. Two twin turbos and one turbo in the parking lot, one Vipers of any year.
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    Having My Car Serviced

    driven-ML-546624-ML- Off Topic
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    New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton's. Truly remarkable..

    Re: New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton\'s. Truly remarkable.. Send them to me and I'll post although many others will likely also volunteer.
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    New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton's. Truly remarkable..

    Re: New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton\'s. Truly remarkable.. Steve: This is more of a whining complaint, but why cannot aftermarket manufacturers create products that are designed (at the prices they charge)to fit. Modifying items such as fasteners and bushings is uncalled for). Case in...
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    New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton's. Truly remarkable..

    Re: New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton\'s. Truly remarkable.. The rear end sits too high. People use the side and front carbon fiber "splitters" apparently without a major problem. My question is what happens with that extra 1" drop and how much this does for the wheel hop. Alice & The...
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    New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton's. Truly remarkable..

    Re: New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton\'s. Truly remarkable.. Yes, I have a one-time shot at Motons (my choice of model) for $2995. Not certain which ones I want. I need to know how much this helps wheel hop from those ____ run flats and whether there are clearance problems with the car...
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    New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton's. Truly remarkable..

    Re: New SRT-10, added Paxton ans Moton\'s. Truly remarkable.. $2995 cash. Need to know the difference among models though.
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    $100,1HOUR,HOWTO/MUST DO,SPEAKER UPGRADE(PICS) but their price is now $84.95. Again, if you even have modest soldering skills, this is a very fast swap of speakers.
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    Larry: That is a very good post and overview. What is there to determine before you buy? Simple: Determine if the unique Viper characteristics are something you value/enjoy or, instead, they make you wee yourself. Alice & The Viper Blog
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    Bought the speakers online for $75 incl shipping. Soldered them and the whole process takes less than 15 minutes not including the time for the soldering gun to heat up. Very significant change in mid-range clarity and better transient response. Did this mod the week my car arrived. Alice...
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    Atlanta/Norcross Car Show - Joseph Dell

    Joseph: Look forward to the pictures. We were there at 9am and gone before 10am so that we could get to the stables since the girls had a show. There were some cool cars there. I noted that there were no SRT-10s but the GTS ACR that I almost bought several years ago was there. Alice &amp...
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    Today I let the Viper name down....

    Ricky: John is correct. You cannot race prepare by driving to Food Lion. Unless you make the Kroger-Blockbuster-ACE Hardware circuit several times, you cannot prepare to race the ricers. On a more serious note, my recall is that you have very low mileage on your Viper at this stage, and the...
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    Atlanta/Norcross Car Show - Joseph Dell

    Joseph: When I was there, I saw about five Vipers (GTS and RT/10). Did more show later in the day? There was several great resto-mods at the show; great morning for a car show. Alice & The Viper Blog
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    Need Help from you Viper Experts

    Be certain that you put some extended test time into the car before purchase (or if you have a friend with an SRT-10 Viper who can let you drive it on a variety of roads). While some use the Viper as a daily driver, the majority do not. Independent of reliability (your issue with the...
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    Resale. What color is easier to sell?

    Some colors are girlie-girl colors. Black is not.
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    Resale. What color is easier to sell?

    Visual defect, Tom? Black is the most difficult maintenance, but it has the highest impact. Photos? Well, they are there one minute, gone the next, then back again... Alice & The Viper Blog
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    They're Everywhere

    Re: They\'re Everywhere Casey: I e-mailed you about your friend's car. He needs to check e-bay (etc). Prices are very low. (No Escalades please) Alice & The Viper Blog
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    Resale. What color is easier to sell?

    No, Mike is correct. Black is where it is at. Alice & The Viper Blog
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    They're Everywhere

    Re: They\'re Everywhere Lee...the Supra=Nissan was a joke or at least intended to be(sigh). Yes, Woodhouse does now own a Porsche dealership. Porsches are extremely plentiful here. I can get a 4k mile 04 Carrera Cabriolet for $67k.