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  1. I

    Purchasing Red/White Gen V

    Nothing better to get to know a new snake than a 1000 mile road trip :) Enjoy!!!!
  2. I

    97 viper bogging while driving

    Clean the iac and throttle bodies with tb cleaner. Then synch the tb's. Even if that's not the root of your problem, it should be done anyways as part of your basic maintenance.
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    My floating hood, (pics)

    Great idea, if you're going to a Hobbit convention :) But I guess it does cool the engine more quickly when you get home.
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    Did this one make the rounds here yet?

    too bad for the beautiful GTS! One less on the road...
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    New Autoform Hardtop on my RT/10.

    pics please :)
  6. I

    Viper production continues...2015 model?

    With Viper production up and running again, I wonder if the snakes that are currently assembled are in fact 2015 models? By the time they get delivered, it will be late in the year, so it would make sense to make a few changes and sell them as 2015s. Then SRT (or Dodge) can shift their focus to...
  7. I

    Chrysler VS Dodge Viper gen 2

    I've got a German car magazine from the year 2000. For the Viper GTS, it states a power rating of 384 hp... Only one way to be certain. Put the car on a dyno. If the power is in fact only 384, then you should only be getting around 340 horses at the rear wheels. US spec 99s should have low 400s...
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    Viper's in the UK

    If you're planning on getting another car in England anyways, it's probably a lot easier to just sell it in the States, and then buy whatever you want in the UK. That will save you quite a few headaches.
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    Challenger Hellcat gets 707HP!

    What a sound...stock! I literally had to turn my speakers down :)
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    Where Can I Buy This Accessory?

    ...if your snake is an Autobot :)
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    #93 Viper Pitstop - Watkins Glen

    Incredible experience being so close to the action! Thanks for sharing :)
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    Shelby Viper

    That's pretty cool. I wasn't aware that Shelby signed off on a few Vipers...thanks for sharing! :)
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    Dyno Results - Drivetrain Loss 18% for GEN1 ???

    Since it was dynoed in Austria, the high power output can be explained by the Arnold-effect :) 420 rwhp sounds plausible...18% drivetrain loss is too high, more like 15%.
  14. I

    97 wheel options

    Pretty much all Viper wheels are interchangeable...or go aftermarket.
  15. I

    Good deal on a 2001 GTS

    Enjoy the Shelby! 2013/14, I assume?
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    Hard to Start

    You'll probably have to go through all potential culprits and eliminate them one by one. Could be ignition related, fuel, battery, electronics...Start with the easy ones, like spark plugs, check for error codes with an OBD2 reader, battery voltage. You can usually narrow down the problem like...
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    Supercharged Viper SRT10 with Strasse Wheels

    I like that colour combo...and remember, cars always look better in person than they do on pics. PS: Welcome to the forum :)
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    1994 rt bucking at about 2000 to 3000 rpm

    The Viper does have a tendency to buck a little at low speeds, but if you said it's a new issue, it can hopefully be fixed. Are you sure you TBs are synced properly? Driver side should open a tiny fraction before passenger side. Maybe pull the plugs to inspect them (I know you said they're new...
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    I hate to be an opportunist, but I've gotta ask...

    It's probably for the better. As nice as it is to get a good deal on a damaged vehicle, it would be a shame if any of the snakes got hit by the storm.
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    Yellow GTS desert photoshoot

    Yeah, those photos are very nice. Dubai is an interesting place, on many levels.
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    Viper, Grand Theft Auto style :)

    Well, it's not mine :) Just posting a does seem rather overpriced. Just for the die-hard fans, I guess.
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    Viper, Grand Theft Auto style :)

    For those familiar with GTA, Rockstar Games (with West Coast Customs) created one of the in-game sports cars, the Banshee, as a real car. This was last year, as a promo for GTA V. It's based on a 2006 Viper. Well, it's now for sale on ebay for $170k. If you have the cash, you can experience what...
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    Road & Track Article Z/28 vs.the World (Including Viper TA)

    That's a good time for the Viper :) What track was that on?
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    She Cleans Up Nicely!

    Looks brand new :) Now put it into a car bubble and never touch it again!
  25. I

    F/S: Bosch Platinum Spark Plugs (4428)

    Copper plugs are the best for the Viper. I replaced mine with the RC12ECC used on the Gen3.

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