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  1. S

    The long GOODBYE......

    Or, I should say "see ya' later". Bernie Katz is right up there with many of the big names...people who I have helped in the past, or whom I have seen help others, all in the name of the car. Paul Ronald, Marv Spatz, Chris Marshall, Bill P......the list is long....and VERY distinguished...
  2. S

    BEST EVENT EVER!!!! What is yours???

    So, I've had a pretty bad weekend. There is a thread in Driven concerning my son getting bashed by a drunk nanny. Anyway, I am out for some "therapy" today. Pull up to a light on the main Blvd, next to a Lexus convertible, blinged out wheels, top down, CRAP music BLASTING! I stopped next to...
  3. S

    Who's Huffy did I race on Dam Neck Road

    Who\'s Huffy did I race on Dam Neck Road I thought I had you...but you had to do a fly-by and I just couldn't pull the torque from the Viper bike I bought at Toys-R-Us! I was getting ready to shift, and was gonna reel you in....but then that guy on the motorized-skateboard pulled in front of...
  4. S

    Anyone ever get a PM from....

    The person you bought your Viper from over 7 years ago??? Welcome back to Viperless!! I bought Keith's car back in mid-99 and I get a PM from him TONIGHT! :) Since I bought it I changed the wing, the nose, the seats.....the list is LONG! I have MANY pictures of that great day, after...
  5. S

    Another lost post......

    Anyone know where the thread went that was about DC giving a free trip to Germany with every SRT-10 purchase went???? Silly question, I know....still hilarious that I can't find it!!! ANYONE ELSE surprised?
  6. S

    $600 seats

    I had my seats done a few weeks ago, while I had them out to install the rollbar. Had a local guy do his name from the guy who does all the paint/win/fascai work on my car. Seats turned out perfect, and I was out og pocket a total of $900. However, the red suede had a 5 yard...
  7. S

    Virginia Beach Viper Owners....Lets get READY

    The weather will be changing soon enough.....lets get together and have an oil change day. We can do it at my house ( is somewhat tight, but once the car is up on the lift it isn't that bad). I have a big tent we can sit under and "supervise" as others change their oil. PS....this is...
  8. S

    Preliminary new FASCIA (NEW IMAGES)!!!!!

    OK, so the stock tires/wheels are still on the car....these were taken right as I was leaving the body shop. Sadly, after I got home from lunch at Hooters with Bonkers and a couple other was spitting rain and I had no time to put the black wheels back on, nor did I have time for...
  9. S

    KING POSER laptop Mount and VEC2 mods!

    OK, I'm adding something useable to the car while still managing to maintain my KING POSER status. Been a major PITA to haul the laptop with me while working with the VEC2. I've routed the serial cable into the cabin on the passenger side, and I used to haul the laptop on the passenger seat...
  10. S

    Tators BBQ write-up (attachment)

    Here you go, hot off the press from the Wizard!! Tators BBQ!!!
  11. S

    Finally back in MY GARAGE!! (some pics...more to follow)

    So, following delay after POS is back in my garage. The Wizard installed the Roe blower a few weeks ago, then my wife was visiting...then it went into the paint shop to transform the back from the GT2 wing to one from "he who shall not be named". NOT the best pics...because these...
  12. S

    Boost gauge available...

    As we have allowed a tiny pointer, I would like to point you to My Boost Gauge for sale in the Classifieds. Gauge and map sensor will ship "pre-owned" and work very nicely. All other hardware will ship brand new (once I get a little box from FedEx tomorrow). I'll post pics of it in the car...
  13. S

    Officially have Tator's INVITE!!!

    Officially have Tator\'s INVITE!!! Not like I thought I WOULDN'T get one....but it is nice to have it!! Please count this as my if you didn't already know!!! :)
  14. S

    So this big Dually with trailer arrives at my house......(pics)

    So, I hear this noise...sounds like a big diesel coming down the court. I look out and what do I see? I meet the man, Gary Almond, and his partners in crime....heading North, hopefully ahead of some flurries! They get the snake all snug inside, with boxes of goodies....this is just like...
  15. S

    Kinesis K58's back from Cali!!!! (pics)

    Kinesis K58\'s back from Cali!!!! (pics) Quick peek at how the wheels arrived, boxed with care by Nicole and Alan at Kinesis. and And a preview of one of the fronts. ALL four looks AWESOME! I hope to get all of them mounted this weekend and get some pix taken....but more than likely it...
  16. S

    Removal of rear taillight surround!?!? Its killing me!!!!!

    OK...who has the notes on this??? I have: 1) removed all four (2 each side) outter screws up in the vents. 2) removed the bolts behind the plate. 3) disconnected the latch assembly. 4) disconnected the wire connectors and pushed grommets through (not all the way...Thanks WIZARD!). 5) tried and...
  17. S

    Happy Holidays to everyone!!!

    Whatever Holiday you celebrate....I hope it is filled with good friends and happy families. :) If you have a problem with the Forums, or need help with anything and I am a little slow(er) to respond....I apologize in advance. I will be gone for 2 weeks, heading to spend Christmas with my...
  18. S

    Gotta start the winter projects....

    So, the Kinesis are coming off and getting powdercoated...I just can't decide between red and black. A little history is....I saw unclegreggy's car about 4 years ago at Tators, a blue GTS, [******] aero, and HRE545 with blue spokes. It looked REALLY good IMHO. I almost bought a set of CCW's...
  19. S

    Need Points of contact in/near Mayport, FLA!!!!!!

    Well, it looks like LCDR Rickard (the wife) will be evacuating the Key West homestead today, tomorrow....or definitely by Sat. She will be heading North to set up the temp command in Mayport, and seeing as how I am all the way up in VA I was wondering if there are any Viper people in/near...
  20. S

    11th running of the Porsche Owners Club Tribute to LeMans (Vipers welcome)

    I was asked to post this. I do not have any affiliation, nor do I actually know the person.....but I figured it was OK to throw it out there and let you Calif. people have a look and see whats up :) : May 14th through 16th sees the POC running their 11th year of the Tribute to LeMans, for...
  21. S

    Important note about your account here at

    Please note that we do NOT send out any type of e-mail telling you that your account will be disabled. Sure....some might get one that says it HAS been disabled ( :) )....but nothing like the two e-mails I just got!! Number one was from [email protected] and the subject line said...
  22. S

    Cold and boring Sunday.....worked inside

    So, I was bored and figured I could clear up some of my storage areas:
  23. S

    Virginia/Maryland Convoy

    I'll start it off like this. :) I am not sure what the protocol is for WHO starts the convoy I just did it Texas style and grabbed the bull by the horns. :) Please, if you fit into this thread....let's get things together. If you are from another region....CHECK for an...
  24. S

    It is that time again!!!!

    It was suggested we have a separate forum for VOI 8 again...and I figured it was better to get it up and running BEFORE the whole thing started!!! Last time I waited too long (IMHO). Here you can get details, ask questions, arrange convoys, etc. Yes....we could have done it in ANY forum and...
  25. S

    KwikLift garage car lift for those with small garages!!

    Here is a shot of the oil collector I got from KwikLift: Note: I did have to modify the oil collector to fit under the car. I was initially upset about this, but I sat for a while and figured that most normal cars would be OK. In it's "stock" form the collector has a sliding aluminum tube...

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