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  1. V

    Issues with membership lists on the forum

    As a dues paying member as are all of our regions members... are we now banned from looking at our membership roster in the officers section of the forum?
  2. V

    Issues with membership lists on the forum

    As a dues paying member as are all of our regions members... are we now banned from looking at our membership roster in the officers section of the forum?
  3. V

    Viper Magazine Binders and 3 Ring Viper Manual Binders

    For those of you that asked... We do still have some of the new Logo magazine binders available... also have a few of the 3 ring binders to hold your Viper Manuals!
  4. V

    Help Us Help the Kids!!!!

    Help us help the kids and reach our goal of raising another $1,000,000 million dollars to help St. Jude Hospital This is our 5th St. Jude Home Dream Home. We have raised just under $4,000,000 to help treat childhood cancer. St. Jude Hospital helps kids from all over the United States. If...
  5. V

    Viper Magazine Binder's... Great Father's Day Gift!

    Great Father's Day Gift 6 Red, 5 Blue and 5 Black left in stock. Viper Magazine Binders Order Form Are your Viper magazines pilingup in a big mess? VCA Central CaliforniaRegion is remaking the Viper Magazine binders. These are the hard cover...
  6. V

    Please support a fellow Viper owner....

    It's Quick and easy this year to vote... Vote for De Young Properties... builder of 4 donated St. Jude homes where we have raised over $3,800,000. We are curtrently building our 5th donated home in the hopes of raising another $1,000,000 for the kids. We also were proud to build a home for a...
  7. V

    Help us help the children!

    Our family enjoyed the opportunity to support many worthy causes through the 35 years which we have been in business. De Young Properties is pleased to be the major donor and builder of our fourth home for the Central Valley St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway. The combined efforts of De Young...
  8. V

    Naming the new snake logo

    Ok... here ya go... when a snake sheds it skin it's called Molting. Our new Viper is about to shed it skin and come out with a new one on the new Viper... How about "MOLTAR"
  9. V

    Park City Fire Truck Photos???

    Where are the photos taken of the Vipers parked on Main Strteet in Park City from the top of the ladder of the fire truck?
  10. V

    Burnout at the race at VOI

    Anyone have a recording of the burnout of the Viper Comp Coupe after he won the race at the VOI weekend?
  11. V

    Please help us reach the top of the list of the People's Choice Awards this year...

    People's Choice 2010 Voting ENDS Sunday, Dec. 6th!! People's Choice 2010 Please help us reach the top of the list of the People's Choice Awards this year... under local favorites Section #3 Best company to work for - Vote for De Young Properties as in section #40 under best services...
  12. V

    Viper & GT Painting by Camilo

    Check out my new piece of Viper art. I had Camilo the designer of the new Ford GT's paint my 2 favorite rides.
  13. V

    Viper & GT Painting by Camilo

    Check out my new piece of Viper art. I had Camilo the designer of the new Ford GT's paint my 2 favorite rides.
  14. V

    H Wheels Chromed

    Anyone have an interest in a set of chromed H wheels?
  15. V

    Extreem Makeover Home Edition Sun 8pm pacific - we build a home in 106 hours

    Tune into ABC this Sunday night at 8pm pacific time to watch us build a home in 106 hours for Extreme Makeover Home Edition. If you receive ABC channel 30 in the Fresno, California area, watch the preshow at 7pm on ABC 30. Thanks to all of you that supported us during...
  16. V

    Look what I've gotten myself into now....

    Extreme Makeover Home Edition | DeYoung Properties Please feel free to make a donation online to help this family out.....
  17. V

    Viper H Wheels

    Looking for another set of Viper H wheels... Anyone know of any for sale? Let me know...
  18. V

    1/18 Dodge Viper GTS-R #52 Autoart

    Anyone know of one of these for sale? 1/18 Dodge Viper GTS-R LM GTS FRANCE 24HR 2002 ORECA TEAM #52
  19. V

    H Wheels - Looking for a set for sale???

    Anyone have a set of H wheels for sale?
  20. V

    VOI.2 or VOI.4

    Did anyone here attend VOI.2 or VOI.4 and have the centerpieces from that event? If so, would you be willing to sell them?
  21. V

    2008 Radio with navigation

    anyone have model number, name or photos of the in the dash radio with navigation?
  22. V

    YEE HAWWW Just Registered!

    1st one to register... Gotta be a big prize for that!!! VOI.10 Here we come!!!:headbang:
  23. V

    Euro Sunday Car Show...

    Come out and join in the fun at the EuroSunday Car Show.... A monthly gathering of car enthusiasts.
  24. V

    New Razor Wheel

    Does anyone here happen to know the part # for the new Razor wheels?
  25. V

    Black, Blue and Red Viper Magazine Binders

    all three colors NOW in stock... get them while they last....

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