Banned Users

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Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
So I was just looking at the list of banned users, and while not as long as I thought it would be, it's longer than we would like (and I will add that the timing of some of them lead me to believe they might be politically motivated and not content-related).

Since you obviously can't send a PM, please contact [email protected] and we can start a process to get some of these corrected. I feel an injustice was done to some, and while likely it's too little too late. We'd like to try and make it right if possible.


Oct 8, 2014
Reaction score
^^^^^Exact reason I refuse to join the VCA...I dont need a bunch of grown professional men, acting like kids fighting in their little car club...Sorry if that sounds rude, I keep it real.. I was in a car club before and the whining and bull**** drama from a bunch of guys that were doctors, lawyers and professionals, was disgusting..


Legacy Member
VCA Member
Sep 26, 2010
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The Club is what we as Members make it.

I also know I can only do what I can do to help people have a good experience by being helpful where I can, but then again, I try and follow that on all the boards I'm on.

Have a great Day


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
I believe the other club would view any benevolent or magnanimous decisions as weakness. However, maybe they would follow suit and lift my lifetime ban for making a simple inference.....


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
Here's another way of looking at the situation: The other club quickly gets rid of rabble rousers and tries to protect its flock. Why are we flirting with the idea of the exact opposite? I can assure you any banned users are not going to run like striped ass apes to be paid members once their ban is lifted.


Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
Fair point, but I think a wrong was committed. I don't care about paid users, right is right wrong is wrong. If they want to join, great, if they don't and can add good content to the community, I don't think we care if they become members?

That time was weird, people questioned a questionable situation that was ultimately rectified and they were banned for it. That shouldn't have happened. Those people were, in effect, whistleblowers. Because of them, there was pressure to rectify. Will they still be pissed? yup. Will they join? Nope, likely not. Can we try and right wrongs and try to make up for previous mistakes? Hell yeah, ask JonB.

Will this prove futile? Maybe, but at least we attempted to fix an area of a legitimate complaint.


Oct 8, 2014
Reaction score
If it was back from 2 years ago the damage is done, what is the point in lifting a silly forum ban now? If they were wronged it should have been dealt with immediately, but thats just one rouge troublemaker's opinion :)


Has Left the Room!
Mar 6, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ bye-bye IOWA
There were no simple inferences. You have crossed the line time and time again. Your posts add zero knowledge or help to fellow Viper owners and you waste bandwidth. You went on the the VOA website with full intention of getting banned. If the moderators of this site had any backbone - they would add you to the banned list on this website.

I believe the other club would view any benevolent or magnanimous decisions as weakness. However, maybe they would follow suit and lift my lifetime ban for making a simple inference.....


Legacy Member
VCA Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Righting the misdeeds of others is always full of unknowns. Doing the right thing doesn't always have the outcome that was intended.

However, somebody has to take that step to break the cycle, what we do with that is up to us

You're doing the right thing Greg, hats off to you and the rest of the VCA staff


Has Left the Room!
Mar 6, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ bye-bye IOWA
And I applaud the effort by Nsane1 to reach out to try to correct mistakes of THE PAST!

At some point in time, people will let the mistakes of the past go - especially since 2 or 3 of the worst offenders are gone. We are all passionate about everything Viper!


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
There were no simple inferences. You have crossed the line time and time again. Your posts add zero knowledge or help to fellow Viper owners and you waste bandwidth. You went on the the VOA website with full intention of getting banned. If the moderators of this site had any backbone - they would add you to the banned list on this website.

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Dirk Pitt

Oct 8, 2000
Reaction score
The Villages
I've been a member of the VCA since 1998. I've owned multiple Vipers over the years and still own multiple Vipers today. You can tell by my "Viper Owner" title that as of Jan 1st I am now one of the "$hit birds" you'd like to kick out. To a degree, you're one of the people who convinced me that I am no longer the type of member that the VCA seeks to have in its club. So, in effect, you did in fact help kick this "$hit bird" out.

I am a loyal, paying member of this site and claim ownership to my own damn bandwidth. If there was a backbone here at all, this very thread wouldn't exist. As a matter of fact, if your ass can't scratch up a hundred bucks and get a REAL membership, I'd kick all you $hit birds out.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
The VCA leadership appreciates the Enthusiasts and Owners who visit the Forums and welcomes their observations and insights regarding the various Forum topics. Long time Viper Owners like you, who may have a wealth of knowledge and experience with the Viper to share can make vauable contributions to the extensive and deep historical database on Gen I through V Vipers and other subjects that are available and searchable on this site. Just as an example of a rather fun Viper topic that includes another artistic aspect, this old and extensive thread comes to mind:

How about sharing some "chick"/ Viper pics !!!!!!
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Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
Since this is not in the "normal" forums, maybe we can be a little more understanding on the language and insults, this is a good conversation we tried to have a year ago, and it was TOO heated to even approach.
1) Rocket- You do see the irony in saying we should ban someone when we are talking about lifting bans dfo you not? I assure you it is NOT a lack of backbone that prevents us from banning people. Make no mistake, some will be staying banned (becuase they were banned by someone that was obviously not politically motivated, and there is a clear reason why noted).
2) DaJersey- You're right, should have been done long ago, there are no excuses, there are reasons, none of them good enough. But is it ever too late to right a wrong? YOu are also right, we don't want a whining cesspool of crap either. This should NOT be full of drama. I fully realize I am stirring the *** by taking this on. But I think some have a legitimate complaint, i'm kind of a hypocrite if I don't try to fix it.
3) Dirk- Sorry, it's not true (that you are not wanted). Some feel that you shoudl be a member to play here. Well our vendors do not,and we do not. Adiditonally, we have a LOT of people who don't own a car yet. I WAS one of those people, I bought my first Viper in 97, because of this site (OFF this site), and why would I pay to be a member if I could never get the car? This will NOT change. I can not change how others feel about that, however, and they have a right to their opinion (if respectfully posted).

I've gotten a lot of comments off-line on how to do this. It will be a long, tough journey, there will be some bumps in the road. At the very end all that might change is I might have a "reason for ban" noted, and if that's all we get, then even that is an improvement. We have a few dozen people, banned by two people (who their own decisions were rightfully being questioned) at a time when they were being questioned, with no reasons given.

The most damning comment here is why didn't we do this earlier. Well I tried in the Feb 14 time frame. If I were to post what the responses were back then, I'D be kicked off here. And I had enough drama from everything else going on at the time. EMotions were high, feelings were raw. I have recently talked to some that were banned, and I have reason to believe (as ROcket states) that some of the "hate" has dissapated. Not in all cases, and cot completely, of course. Also, we are in MUCH better shape now than then.

Some will say this is from a position of weakness (if you got to read what I read, it doesn't matter, everything we do is spun every which way, you'd think we were running for president), It's the opposite, it's because things are going well, things are stable, that we would even attempt to rip off a scar from a year ago.


Viper Owner
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Willis, Tx
Definitely a step in the right direction. Kudos for trying to right some wrongs. I would have to look, but I bet the banned list includes 2 or 3 former Houston members too.

sun diego

Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
So I tested. I was moderated previously to the extent that absolutely none of my posts, however innocuous or helpful were not allowed. It appears that now that I am moderated with a chance of the post being allowed. I'll pass on posting here since I'm still under moderation. I was a member for many years. I'd like to think I've added some useful or funny content to sites over the years. 3ed class citizen isn't where I want to be.


Dec 23, 2014
Reaction score
I'm going to risk getting banned or having my account deleted but I used to be a Venom member here although there is no evidence of it. It did hurt the way we were treated here just for asking questions that received no answers. Sensorship was bad back then. Greg, I'm certain you've read my PM(s) to the VCA admin(s) about my experiemce and why I would not come back. It's still walking on eggshells here. No matter how or what is said here it will be read with microscope scrutiny. Even this thread is being watched from outside.

The scars run deep for everyone. This being a divorce is a very good way of describing it. I loved my X-wife, but I'm glad we went our separate ways. "Living well is the best revenge." Everyone is trying to pick up the pieces and move on. The VOA will never be the "Viper Club of America" in name. But I believe the VCA won't ever be the club it ever was at its greatest. I hate saying it but there will always be two sides; Hatfields vs McCoys, Union vs Confederate, Montagues vs Capulets. Tragedy. I do miss what the VCA used to be, much like I miss the person my x-wife used to be.

I think it's a nice try but true, too little too late for some. But I'm here, and I'm talking, that should say something. I'm back but not at the same capacity I was years ago.

If you want to make forward progress and welcome folks back and actually GET them to come back it's going to have to be more walking on eggshells. Additudes and comments like Free2go's are not going to help that effort. In the past folks survived the Alley and enjoyed the VCA respectfully and separately. F2go, you are all Alley all the time, like you enjoy being hated. I get it, you don't care. You chose an interesting time to become a Viper owner. As a paid member, you are an ambassador of the VCA. You could be more respectful and welcoming to those interested in visiting your home. Guys like you are going to drive future potential members/owners away, especially without a filter and this being the only place you seem welcome anymore. Something good could come from this effort, but you will find a way to negate it. I almost think you are a double agent alter ego secretly trying to sabotage the VCA. If so, I think you are succeeding. If not, well, you're doing the other club(s) a favor by driving away new members.


Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
Free2Blow has a lifetime ban on the Alley and on VOA.
He knows why, but plays the victim here since this is the only remaining forum that will still tolerate him.
And I guarentee it won't be for long.


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
I'm going to risk getting banned or having my account deleted but I used to be a Venom member here although there is no evidence of it. It did hurt the way we were treated here just for asking questions that received no answers. Sensorship was bad back then. Greg, I'm certain you've read my PM(s) to the VCA admin(s) about my experiemce and why I would not come back. It's still walking on eggshells here. No matter how or what is said here it will be read with microscope scrutiny. Even this thread is being watched from outside.

The scars run deep for everyone. This being a divorce is a very good way of describing it. I loved my X-wife, but I'm glad we went our separate ways. "Living well is the best revenge." Everyone is trying to pick up the pieces and move on. The VOA will never be the "Viper Club of America" in name. But I believe the VCA won't ever be the club it ever was at its greatest. I hate saying it but there will always be two sides; Hatfields vs McCoys, Union vs Confederate, Montagues vs Capulets. Tragedy. I do miss what the VCA used to be, much like I miss the person my x-wife used to be.

I think it's a nice try but true, too little too late for some. But I'm here, and I'm talking, that should say something. I'm back but not at the same capacity I was years ago.

If you want to make forward progress and welcome folks back and actually GET them to come back it's going to have to be more walking on eggshells. Additudes and comments like Free2go's are not going to help that effort. In the past folks survived the Alley and enjoyed the VCA respectfully and separately. F2go, you are all Alley all the time, like you enjoy being hated. I get it, you don't care. You chose an interesting time to become a Viper owner. As a paid member, you are an ambassador of the VCA. You could be more respectful and welcoming to those interested in visiting your home. Guys like you are going to drive future potential members/owners away, especially without a filter and this being the only place you seem welcome anymore. Something good could come from this effort, but you will find a way to negate it. I almost think you are a double agent alter ego secretly trying to sabotage the VCA. If so, I think you are succeeding. If not, well, you're doing the other club(s) a favor by driving away new members.

I like this post and the way it was articulated. Yes, I can be an ass...but not unreasonable. The vast majority of my negativity is based on my opposition to RSI being a vendor here and my disdain for the subversive behavior of certain members of the other club. I will gladly shut my mouth if those issues could be rectified. But sadly, certain people here have a hardon for WH and the other club is hell bent on destroying and assimilating this one. I myself question my membership here sometimes....but I would gladly walk away if it meant this place could return to its former glory.


Jul 13, 2009
Reaction score
still can't pm....still perma secret moderated and apparently no one knows why, but to just let it run it's course...


Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
Good dialog.
1) UBengineer- Well articulated post. If you will indulge me, some (well one that I know of) is banned here for good reason, yet plays the victim elsewhere too. he knows why he's banned, he is very accepted in the other places, BECAUSE of his vitriol towards the VCA. So basically, it goes both ways, and neither is right. I won't rehash what else I have said...
2)Mod status, THANK YOU for bringing this up. We check mod posts daily. Mod posts show up once every other week on average. Virginia-you have posted much, but if you did you would have been automatically taken out of mod. In the last 12 months, a dozen users have been taken out of mod, only 2 have been added, and only 1 remains (that posts regularly). So let me give you the examples
a) User put on mod due to personal attacks (by me, so I know the incident well). While in mod, they posted REALLY vile stuff. The last post he made was so bad, I can't post it here or I would be banned. So this user was banned (and is the one I am speaking of above)
b) the one user I speak of above posts 50% decent posts, 50% personal attacks. This one has stayed in mod, happy to take them off if they can play nice for a period of time
c) A dozen users posted good post continuously for a period of a month or so, and were taken off mod without them requesting it. I feel these individuals were put in mod for no good reason originally.

So... Being that I know being on mod makes people mad, and perhaps that's why, I'll take all of those that have posted here off mod, and we'll see what happens.

Other stats: Only 1 person has been banned in 12 months, I did that one, it was warranted. It was done 6 months ago, and I hope it is the last ban we ever do.


Has Left the Room!
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Dothan, AL
Good dialog.
1) UBengineer- Well articulated post. If you will indulge me, some (well one that I know of) is banned here for good reason, yet plays the victim elsewhere too. he knows why he's banned, he is very accepted in the other places, BECAUSE of his vitriol towards the VCA. So basically, it goes both ways, and neither is right. I won't rehash what else I have said...
2)Mod status, THANK YOU for bringing this up. We check mod posts daily. Mod posts show up once every other week on average. Virginia-you have posted much, but if you did you would have been automatically taken out of mod. In the last 12 months, a dozen users have been taken out of mod, only 2 have been added, and only 1 remains (that posts regularly). So let me give you the examples
a) User put on mod due to personal attacks (by me, so I know the incident well). While in mod, they posted REALLY vile stuff. The last post he made was so bad, I can't post it here or I would be banned. So this user was banned (and is the one I am speaking of above)
b) the one user I speak of above posts 50% decent posts, 50% personal attacks. This one has stayed in mod, happy to take them off if they can play nice for a period of time
c) A dozen users posted good post continuously for a period of a month or so, and were taken off mod without them requesting it. I feel these individuals were put in mod for no good reason originally.

So... Being that I know being on mod makes people mad, and perhaps that's why, I'll take all of those that have posted here off mod, and we'll see what happens.

Other stats: Only 1 person has been banned in 12 months, I did that one, it was warranted. It was done 6 months ago, and I hope it is the last ban we ever do.

that's a bunch of malarkey. You are single handily making it impossible for anyone to come back. None of the bannings were warranted and the fact none of those accounts were never re-instated shows the lack of fairness and true genuine intent to make amends to those wronged. You are acting as judge and jury without any checks and balances. You send messages as either Nsane1 or VCA forum staff and sometimes forget how you are logged in. Kind of telling, isn't it?
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Jul 13, 2009
Reaction score
would still love to know who the **** VCA forum staff is.....that account alone should be completely destroyed. the anonymity banning **** has to stop
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