VCA South Florida Upcoming Events


May 1, 2002
Reaction score
Miami Beach, FL USA

Dear Members,

I just wanted to remind all of you of our upcoming events and get togethers.

Tonight, Tower Shops - Our monthly get together at the Tower Shops, weather permitting. We meet around 7:30pm at the NW part of that parking lot. We'll have dinner afterwards if you wish to stay. Tower Shops is located on University, about 3/4 mile south of 595.

Sunday, February 22, 2009 - Bikes or Vipes to Islandmorada Our last cruise down to Key Largo was a great time, and many of you want to do it while the weather's still 'kool' so we're doing it again. We meet at Blair and Monica's at 10:15am and head down to Islandmorada for a nice ride down and a great lunch. If you'd like to join us, please email me for the Blair's address.

Saturday, February 28, 2009 - VCA Party at Dave and Jessica's Time is coming up our Annual Holiday Party so if you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do so ASAP!! We'll have a great time, and as many of you remember from last year, it was perfect. This year, I will tell you...........will be even better. Thanks to those of you who have emailed me already. $25/pp. Party starts at 7:00pm

Sunday, March 15, 2009 - Bikes or Vipes to Bonita Beach - Another day cruise on your Bike or Vipe, this time we're heading over to Bonita Beach for a sensational lunch that Member Blair has arranged. Many of you will remember our Old Naples cruise and our lunch at Tommy Bahama where many of us didn't even know that place existed. Well, this time, Blair is taking us on another discovery cruise to a place that many of us have never been. The ride promises to be great, so please make plans to attend. We'll meet 10:00am at the only gas station at the intersection of Krome Ave and SW 8th Street (41) From there we head west and up the west coast.

Hope to hear from all of you very soon!!!


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May 1, 2002
Reaction score
Miami Beach, FL USA
Dear Members,

I hope all of you are doing great. There is so much happening in our region that I hope you will join us on our upcoming events. Take a look at what we've planned and be sure to mark down the events. It's winter now but the weather is more than perfect for all of us to get out and enjoy a little racing or friendly comradery.

First and foremost, our VCA party is coming up. I have heard from a lot of you (thank you) but I'm waiting to hear from the rest of you! It's coming up in a couple of Saturdays on February 28 at Dave and Jessica's home in Coconut Grove. I've been asked who the Guest of Honor will be, and so I'll tell all of you now. He's a car guy like all of us, and he started putting together cars for athletes and entertainers. He got so big that Speedvision gave him his own show called Unique Whips, and so I would only be talking about Will Castro. Will is moving his operation to Miami from NY, and I've had the pleasure of meeting him. He's truly a gentleman and popular friend amongst all the hundreds of celebrities that he has done work for. He has also invited the Viper Club on March 29 to his Grand Opening, where celebrities will attend. VCA members will be VIPs that night; he will be filming an episode as well for his show. I'm also working on another Guest of Honor but I won't know till after the weekend. That, along with our special music performers, plus all of you as all of our friends, will make this a night to remember. Cost is only $25pp so I hope you'll take advantage of the great time, presented to you from the VCA South Florida. Please RSVP to me ASAP!

Also, we have this Sunday our Bikes or Vipes day cruise to Islandmorada. We'll meet at Blair and Monica's home in South Miami, just next to The Falls, at 10:15.No need to RSVP but please be punctual. Lunch will be at Islandmorada Fish Company.

Hope to hear from you ALL very soon.


Please print out our Calendar of Events:

February 22, Bikes or Vipes day cruise to Islandmorada. Meet at Blair and Monica's at 10:15am

February 28, VCA Private Party, 7pm at Dave and Jessica's. Guest of Honor Will Castro

March 6 Tower Shops 7pm

March 15, Bikes or Vipes day cruise to Bonita Beach Meet at 10am

March 21 12 Hours at Sebring (PrimeTime Hospitality Tent)

March 29 Unique Autosports Grand Opening and filming of episode with celebrities and Viper Club.

April 3 Tower Shops 7pm

April 4 Track Day at Homestead with FARA $250 Novice, $225 Intermediate or Advanced. 4 - 30 Minute sessions.

April 11 Barrett Jackson in Palm Beach

April 24-26 Viper Days at Sebring

May 1 Tower Shops

May PrimeTime Open house/Tech Talk/Lunch

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