Dear Members,
I just wanted to remind all of you of our upcoming events and get togethers.
Tonight, Tower Shops - Our monthly get together at the Tower Shops, weather permitting. We meet around 7:30pm at the NW part of that parking lot. We'll have dinner afterwards if you wish to stay. Tower Shops is located on University, about 3/4 mile south of 595.
Sunday, February 22, 2009 - Bikes or Vipes to Islandmorada Our last cruise down to Key Largo was a great time, and many of you want to do it while the weather's still 'kool' so we're doing it again. We meet at Blair and Monica's at 10:15am and head down to Islandmorada for a nice ride down and a great lunch. If you'd like to join us, please email me for the Blair's address.
Saturday, February 28, 2009 - VCA Party at Dave and Jessica's Time is coming up our Annual Holiday Party so if you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do so ASAP!! We'll have a great time, and as many of you remember from last year, it was perfect. This year, I will tell you...........will be even better. Thanks to those of you who have emailed me already. $25/pp. Party starts at 7:00pm
Sunday, March 15, 2009 - Bikes or Vipes to Bonita Beach - Another day cruise on your Bike or Vipe, this time we're heading over to Bonita Beach for a sensational lunch that Member Blair has arranged. Many of you will remember our Old Naples cruise and our lunch at Tommy Bahama where many of us didn't even know that place existed. Well, this time, Blair is taking us on another discovery cruise to a place that many of us have never been. The ride promises to be great, so please make plans to attend. We'll meet 10:00am at the only gas station at the intersection of Krome Ave and SW 8th Street (41) From there we head west and up the west coast.
Hope to hear from all of you very soon!!!
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