Viper Tech Needs Help!!!Russ Myers Cancer Survival Fund on "Go Fund Me"


VCA Member-Director MW Zone & Great Lakes Region
Venom Member
Oct 29, 2014
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Russ has been to VOI 4-12 to work on member cars via Archer Racing

Russ Myer's Cancer survival fund on "Go Fund Me"

Steve Loudin

Russ Myer has been a friend for 15 years. He has been my racing crew cheif for 7 years and helped we win 4 National Champioships in the Viper Racing League and NARRA Series. Russ has been Involved in racing for most of his life. Most recently ( last 5 years) he has been mentoring the Duluth East Dardevil high school robotic team building robots and competeing against other high schools around the country in robotic competitions. Russ has alwalys been there for others, helping in what ever way he could to enrich others' lives.

Russ has fought and won a battle against cancer once before when he suffered from Hodgkin's Lymphoma several years ago. Russ is again in the fight of his life against Pancreatic Cancer. He was diagnosed a month ago and must now receive cemotherapy every two weeks for the rest of his life.

Russ and his wife Kathy are the proud parents of two adult children Becca and Paul. They have two grandsons with another one on the way in June. Russ has been forced to stop working to concentrate on his health and survival. Both Russ and Kathy are very pround people and have never ask for anything from anybody.

I am asking his friends, my friends, the Viper Nation, and the Racing World to help our good friend Russ Myer. Neither Russ nor anyone deserves to be stricken with Cancer. Russ needs our help NOW. He has been there for us at race tracks around the country, let us now be there for Russ Myer whens he need us. Please find it in your heart to help Russ and his family with what ever donation you can afford. John Archer will be holding a benefit for Russ in Duluth, MN. the last weekend in March. I plan on beeing there for Russ, anyone else that would like to attend please reach out to me for details.
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