"TATTLING on TIM?" Rumor-Mongers and Haters ****!


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Rumor-Mongers and Haters ****!
From JonB at PartsRack TATTLING on TIM ?!?!?

It was brought to my attention just 36 hours ago, that certain "rat" rumors have been spread by a person or persons who are coincidently adversarial to me and PartsRack. I was totally oblivious to the thread until just before it was closed. My reply is simple: Anyone suggesting that JonB 'ratted' on Tim W for producing Viper artwork is total 1000% BS, baseless innuendo. Vendor bashing for entertainment of those who need a real job.


-Tim is from my family's tiny home town of Menominee Falls .....small world respect.
-Tim has made significant purchases here for years, a truly favored customer. Thanks Tim.
-Tim has NEVER been a threat to me, or PartsRack, in any way.
-I first sent TIM free doo-dads years ago... But he returned far more than I ever gave.
-Years ago Tim asked me about producing Viper items for hobby-enjoyment. I have even sold to Tim (at my cost) dozens of licensed components to HELP him make his crafts. So, I am 'complicit' in some of his items? (Ratting on myself here...) Years and Years ago I also helped MGW and ZAF with their licensing concerns.
- I wished I could sell his GREAT stuff! But I advised Tim to align himself under a VCA umbrella to AVOID licensing headaches. I advised Tim to move his art and craft solely thru the club and its regions. I believe he has been operating cleanly in that regard. Many here have benefitted, due to his art and generousity.
-Chad even gave away items as monthly web gifts when he managed that forum. Great Stuff!

More Facts:

CHRYSLER IS MORE PROTECTIVE OF the G-5 LOGO THAN ANY BEFORE. Fangs was embargoed a while, but G-5 is TIGHT! Perhaps Tim's overwhelming love and enthusiasm for the Viper exceeds their tolerance at this time.

Several DOZENS of Chrysler employees, including senior executive level, and 1 important contractor, read the club site almost every day. Tim's stuff is well-known here. That contractor owns a Viper, is a club member, and is in charge of Chrysler outside licensing. That same contractor ATTENDED VOI-11 where Tim and his work was somewhat conspicuous. Another MI licensee is also a member, and reads daily. Tim's stuff is WELL KNOWN in MI, and club-wide. Individuals who read here DO have Chrysler's best interest at heart.

All of the above FACTS have conspired to affect TIM.....but NOT necessarily directly from Chrysler, and certainly NOT from ME. {Haters: What would be my motive? We certainly don’t ‘compete.’ Why/How would I even have that clout ?!? } And I am also NOT saying that anyone of the above tattled on Tim. WHY?

I believe Tim DID NOT RECEIVE a letter, or call, or any contact directly from Chrysler or Dodge. I have NOT seen Tim say that. Neither have you. I believe he received suggestions, and emailed commands, but NOT DIRECTLY FROM CHRYSLER. And those were received several months ago, after the VOI-11 time-frame.

I know what it is like to get a call, letter, and business card from Chrysler. So do at least 2 other great vendors here. I dont belive Tim has experienced that rush.

The whispered innuendo that I would hurt Tim, or his business, is baseless and bogus. It is conducted by anonymous screen names for their personal enjoyment. And it seems to be entertainment for a few others as well.

Haters and Rumor Mongers ****.....and shame on those who spread them. [And shame on those who blindly believe them.] THANKS to those fair souls who alerted me to the injustice of the whisper attack.

My conscience is clear, and my regard for Tim and his craft is strong. I would proudly sell his great artwork if I could.

Sincere thanks for your time, and BEST WISHES to Timbo.....

Jon Brobst
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