Recent content by VenomAddict

  1. V

    Gen IV Hood For Sale

    Sorry to hear you're getting the run around. If you decide on mine I'll have it shipped out within 2 business days. PM your zip if you'd like a quote.
  2. V

    Gen IV Hood For Sale

    None.... it may just get a coat of Bright Viper Metallic Silver and no stripe
  3. V

    Fall Colors Cruise 11/1/09

    Had a great time! Thanks to Mike P. and everyone who helped with the cruise.
  4. V

    Gen IV Hood For Sale

    I just called today..... $1550.00 list - $1395.00 Jobber. 15 on order and none in stock. Thought someone would want one without waiting.
  5. V

    Gen IV Hood For Sale

    Thanks- I like your hood, the solid black is a nice touch. I originally wanted to do the VOI X "fang" stripes to my Gen IV hood, but didn't want to stripe the rear of the car to match. Not sure how it would look with just the hood striped.
  6. V

    Gen IV Hood For Sale

    I just listed my Gen IV hood for sale if anyone is interested. Gen IV Mopar OEM Hood NEW - ViperClub Classifieds
  7. V

    UAW Car Show in Fenton Sunday 5/4/08

    Sounds like a blast count me in!
  8. V

    Where's the Raffle Results?

    I'm also a VCA member and can't access that link.
  9. V

    Where Were All the Vipers??????

    That's another one of the many advantages of owning a Viper!
  10. V

    Never been asked that before!

    Thought I share this story about some questions asked by a young kid at the gas station. After re-fueling my Viper I went inside to pay and was bombarded by questions by the clerk. First question was... "What year is that?" Normal question, right? Second question was... "How much did that...
  11. V

    Slightly Used (Yeah Right) 06 Viper

    Conratulations on your 06! I know the feeling, I purchased my first Viper a couple months ago. It is a 2004 SRT10 with 2100 miles, and I quickly became aware of this noise. I believe it is more valvetrain noise than fuel injector noise. Because, it is not consistent as fuel injectors would be...