2010 window regulator


Viper Owner
Nov 19, 2010
Reaction score
My 2010 Viper has a problem with the drivers side window. When I put it up it sounds like the gears in the motor are skipping once it reaches the top. The window still goes up and down fine, and indexes fine. Of course it’s warranted, but I can get the dealer to order the part and let me install it. How tough is it to install? I really don’t want to take the car to the dealer for the repair. Any advice?


Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Have the dealer do it. It's a bit tricky the first time u take the door panel off. If done incorrectly which is likely the first time you will damage the delicate strip piece on top of door panel and that thing ain't cheap. I think that strip piece alone will run $250-$350. If the problem was the actual motor that alone to take out ain't too bad. If it is the white plastic tube then everything needs to come out which requires a special method that can only be learned by actually doing it a few times. In the process of learning the method you can easily damage the new one. Once everything is in then you might have issues with the window lining back up. Having said that if the dealer puts some kid that doesn't know what they are doing he may easily cause more damage with the only bright spot being that they are obligated to fix the problem or at least order the damaged parts on their dime.