Did some testing-Video inside


Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY

Just wanted to share some new stuff I am testing out. I know that EXTREME heat can be a killer of many parts including my wires I offer. So I am working with a manufacturer that makes some really cool stuff. I got some material for testing and made a video showing it off. Now remember this is an over kill for cars that are running a modified exhaust system that don't pump out the kind of heat that a Turbo car would put out. My 1200 sleeves will work great on 95% of the vipers out there. This is for those extreme heat situations. We been getting allot of inquires and wanted to be proactive in helping with a solution.

Take a look and let me know what you think.


Edit. The propane torch can reach excess of 3000 degrees. I was a little off.

Mods, if this post break rules feel free to remove it. Wasn't sure if it did.