Elite Motorsports Side of the Story

Vipermed 97.01

Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Tampa Fl. USA
This is a statement in an attempt to clerify and offer another side of the story that has been slandering us throughout the community. Many of you have been wondering why we have not defended ourselves in this matter. It is my opinion that it is very unprofessional to debate resolvable issues in any public forum. Also, let me state, that I will not use this thread as a debating pedestal, it is just a statement. Anyone who has any question can e-mail me or call me directly.

This job was completed for Keith Rutherford who in turn sold the car to Mr. Leone. Mr. Leone called with some concerns upon purchasing the car. His initial complaint was a problem with the #10 cylinder. Instead of me telling Mr. Leone the warranty was not transferable, we told him that we would work with him however possible. No were monies exchanged. We advised him the next step would be a leakdown test. This was done and they did find the problem with the #10 cylinder. We then advised Mr. Leone that we recommended the car be transported to us. We would arrange the shipping to us, but that he would be responsible to arrange for the return. We wanted to do this as not to have a third party involved, third party being his repair shop. Mr. Leone was very appreciative for this. We advised that it would be approximately 1 to 2 weeks before Exotic Transport could pick up the car. After further contact with Mr. Leone, we were told that the motor had been removed and disassembled and a problem was found with #10 wrist pin. Also, we were told that upon removing the camshaft, it was damaged along with the cam bearings. We were advised that they were going to rebuild the motor for $3500. Well, immediately we became concerned as the Viper motor has NEVER used Camshaft bearings. Upon e-mailing Mr. Leone of our concerns to damaged parts that do not exist, we told Mr. Leone that we would send a engine crate to pick up the motor, which we did. We received the motor in pieces, with all internal parts removed and missing other key parts, like the timing chain cover. We immediately saw the damage to #10 Cylinder liner, which as anyone that is familiar with assembling these motors is impossible to find. Dodge has no part# or availability for this liner. We exhausted all efforts including Arrow Racing who does the Viper Warranty Rebuilds. Finally we took one of our in stock perfectly good motor and send it to our machine shop (which I have receipt) for disassembly and removal and transfer of the cylinder liner.

Mr. Leone has also questioned the pistons that were put, implying that they were used and that he himself called Ross Pistons to verify job number on the pistons. We have a letter from Ross Pistons stating that it was there clerical error in Job Card#. I say this as our honesty to this regard has been questioned. Feel free to contact Ericka Molina at Ross Pistons.

Mr. Leone sent us an e-mail, as we see he posted on his first post, regarding what he found when he unshrinked wrap the motor. That was on a Wednesday and I was on duty that day. On Thursday as soon as I read my e-mails and Mr. Leone called, I talked to him. On that Thursday when I talked to Mr. Leone, he had concerns with the oil pan gasket and cylinder heads. I told him that the Cylinder Heads were never even touched other than to assemble back on the block, and that even when doing the shortblock for the original owner, the heads were never touched. After expressing his concerns of moisture and rust in the chambers, I explained that the Heads were received off of the motor and placed in the crate in our climate controlled facility. We also told him that the oil pan was temporarily placed without tightning due to the need to remove for timing chain cover installation and proper oil pump alignment, as we did not receive the timing chain cover. I advised Mr. Leone that I would examine the photos and get back to him.

He was very pleasant and appreciative, and at NO POINT did I tell him that we would not stand behind our work. However, after hanging up with him, we received a phone call from a customer advising us that Mr. Leone had started this slandering of our name before even speaking with me, including liability suit threats. I was shocked, as I felt I was speaking to two different people. As I mentioned earlier, that when I spoke to him on Thursday he was extremly pleasant and appreciative to the fact that we told him that we would look at the photos and make this right, if needed. However after receiving the phone call from the customer, I was so upset, that I did not return Mr. Leone's phone calls as I wanted to keep my professionalism and felt that I wouldn't be able to do that when I talked to him. I could not understand why he had started this thread before even talking to me. Then when we did talk to him on Thursday, as I mentioned before he was, as always, extremely nice and appreciative of any efforts that we were willing to make to correct this if needed.

Legally, Mr. Leones concerns is with the person whom he purchased the vehicle, however, at no time did I tell him this as we wanted nothing more than this new Viper owner to enjoy his Viper experience, which is still the stance we take.

My major concern in this matter is that too many hands have been involved in this with us receiving all critisism. In my opinion, had we received the car from the beginning, as we suggested, this would have come to a happy conclusion.
Once again, I will not use this a debating platform, but will be more than glad to answer any questions via e-mail.

As far a BIG BAD CJ.........Come on CJ, tell the community the truth instead of these outright lies. You have turned your financial disastrous problems into ours. In fact, your recevied everything plus what you paid for. You left out the details of how 1 month later you decided to sell us back the engine and supercharger for moneys owed and exchange for stock motor w/aggressive cam. You also forgot to advise the board of the money you still owe to us $6k and how you purchased a salvaged 97GTS from us for 8K and resold to your customer for 33k. We had title of that vehicle and were holding it for money that you still owed to us. However, after speaking to the person who you sold the car to that you had cut off all communications with him and that his bank was demanding the title. At that point we felt he was in the middle of this, and should not be penalized, therefore, we mailed him the title, in which you e-mailed us thanking us. A I have copies of those e-mails. It was not necessary to post these complaints, which in fact, the e-mails we have just tells how appreciative you were about working with you during these hard financial times. Not one time did you ever complain about any product or services performed and received by us.

As far as the 10.5 second car, we are NOT in posession of that car. We sold the customer a Head/cam/stepped header package etc. to be installed by his tuner. We are in contact with the customer as work progresses.

In ending, we would like nothing more than to resolve this problem with Mr. Leone in a fair way for both parties. I do feel, however, that this board should be used when there is no resolution to a problem or when no attempts were being made. This was not the case with Mr. Leone.


Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina
Scott any reasoning as to why several people are complaining about your hoods. I was thinking about buying one of those but was scared away by all the complaints. :confused:


Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
What is the story on Mark Coopers hood? What is the story on the blown motor getting rebuilt by Mike Adams? What is the story on Dr. Roof's refund? These are just a few that I have seen posted.


Jul 7, 2001
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Scott, get your facts straight before posting more information which will only contribute to your demise.

At no point in time (early May) did we tell you that the cam was pulled. Most people are surprised to learn that there are no cam bearings. It was a logical conclusion that the cam bearings would have been damaged given the extent of damage to the rest of the engine's components. I find it particularily amusing that you are still fixated on the cam bearing issue. Is that the basis of your rationalization for not following through on your word?

As for Keith Rutherford's statements, it was you who stated you would stand behind your work. Whatever Keith said isn't relevant as you directly made this assertion. Not only did you state your intention to stand behind your work, but you made the effort to have the motor shipped and claimed to be repairing it.

You also fail to mention that the events to leading up to the shipping of just the motor to you took place over 2 months and that it was your suggestion to ship the motor to you. Please refer to the emails which I have made readily available to refresh your memory.

As for the $3500 figure, at no point in time was that amount stated to you. As for key parts missing, in what way did you require the timing chain cover? Besides, was it passive agressive behavior on your part not to return all 10 of my spark plugs and the oil return fitting?

Further more, I have provided volumes of HARD FACTS as to your negligence and LIES. When you make statements of the sort relating to the oil pan gasket, you need to back that up with evidence. At no point did you tell me that the gasket was not tightened. Like the pistons, I am calling you out on your lies! Answer them with evidence Scott otherwise no one will believe you. The same holds true for Ross pistons. Did you not look at the pictures? These are not new pistons. Did you not see the combustion marks if nothing else? Clerical issue? Clerical in that you didn't put new pistons in the block you sent me!

Scott, we've all had it with the "I'm off saving lives" excuse. Whether we're paying customers or people you've made committments to, you need to be there for us and to be responsive. You alone share the belief that you are "responsive". Everyone else thinks you are not.

Which leads me to my posts. Are you afraid of the truth? I have un-emotionally presented the evidence against you. You have failed to respond to myself and you have failed to respond to Jay Herbert of the VCA. No more excuses Scott.

As for wanting to resolve this matter with me, that's another of your lies Scott. Look at the pictures of the motor you sent me! You were blowing me off the whole time and hoped that I was too stupid to know that all you had done was put a new liner in #10. Guess what? I'm not that dumb and you got caught. Be a man Scott. Admit you're wrong and get your house in order!

Legally you're also wrong. Since you haven't responded to Jay, I will instruct my lawyer to deliver the letter tomorrow. You can expect it Friday I would guess. Please note that I will also be filling a complaint with the state of Florida.

Which reminds me... people have been asking if it is my intent to put you out of business. It truly is not, but if you want to behave in the reprehensible fashion which you have demonstrated this summer, so be it. I will do everything to ensure that people know that truth about you and whatever regulatory governence can brought down upon you comes down upon you with fullest of its legal force.

Consider that Jay has been trying to help you salvage your business. Perhaps he didn't communicate some of the additional constructive suggestions I made in regards to your digging yourself out of this hole. I'm doubtful that you would have listened anyway.

From your blind ingorance of the facts, it is clear that you are type of person who is capable of lying without compunction and who will continue to make same mistakes throuout whatever endeavor you shall attempt.

It's actually quite scary that you claim to be a medic. Are you licensed by the state?

Mr. Leone

Jay Herbert

Dec 7, 1997
Reaction score
Sunnyvale, CA
I would like to point out my involvement in this matter was to volunteer as a go between for the two parties to try to resolve the issues at hand.... I did this as an individual (good sumaritan?) to try and help, not as a representative of the VCA. For a little while I thought there might be a solution worked out, and it looks like by Scott's comment "...we would like nothing more than to resolve this problem with Mr. Leone in a fair way for both parties...", maybe it will happen. But to the extent that the situation is not yet resolved, I failed in the attempt :(


Jul 7, 2001
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Jay, thanks for clarifying that, I didn't mean to misrepresent your efforts. And I do appreciate your efforts to help. You're great!


Vipermed 97.01

Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Tampa Fl. USA
Scott may not want to debate this issue and actually I don't either. However, in reading your post, I stand to be corrected. You never mentioned anything about $3500 because it was $3900 - see e-mail attached.

Also, Mr. Leone, at no point has Scott told Jay Herbert or yourself that he was not willing to resolve this matter as we have been trying to resolve this issue. All I hear from these post are your threats to us when all along we wanted to resolve it.

You also told me that my husband was a liar in regards to the Pistons because the lot number stamped on them were from a order done in January. I have a letter from Ross stating their error in stamping. I understand that this does not mean anything to you, as now you state they were used, but I have the letter if you wish a copy of it.
It just seems that no matter what we try to do to resolve this issue, you will not be pleased, as you always come back with an answer. You have never done this over the phone. As a matter of fact you have been very pleasant and extremely nice over the phone, which is why this has caught me by surprise.

You have destroyed my husband's good name and that I take it very personally, as it effects my house and my family.
Why you continue to post as we do not want to resolve this issue? I don't understand! If you still want to resolve it as we also want to, great, if not so be it - I will not let my husband get sick or my family suffer from your accusations or threats. Life is to short and will not stand for it.

Whoever questioned the blown motor for Mike Adams. The car came here following an accident. Multiple upgrades were done and engine cosmetic upgrades. I would hope Mike Adams will reply to this and acknowledge that we at no time did any bottom engine repairs or upgrades. The issue with the motor was of no relation to us whatsoever. But also note, as this was a good customer, and Mike also, we tried to help however possible, so we sent him a block at no charge. Contact Mike Adams if needed.

Joyce Schenfield

> Received: from ms-mta-01 (ms-mta-01-smtp []) by
> (iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 HotFix 1.21 (built Sep 8 2003))
> with ESMTP id <[email protected]> for
> [email protected]; Thu, 20 May 2004 09:55:09 -0400 (EDT)
> Received: from ms-smtp-03.nyroc.rr.com (ms-smtp-03.nyroc.rr.com
> by ms-mta-01.nyroc.rr.com
> ; Thu, 20 May 2004 09:55:06 -0400 (EDT)
> Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 09:59:02 -0400
> From: John Bosch
> Subject: motor
> To: [email protected]
> Message-id:
> MIME-version: 1.0
> X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106
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> Original-recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
> Louis,
> We have the motor entirely apart and the estimate follows. The parts
> need to replace are:
> Pistons
> rings
> cam shaft
> cam bearings
> crank bearings
> complete gasket set
> one cylinder sleeve
> We need to have a bunch of machine work done, sleeving,crank
> bearing install, cleaning, wrist pin pressing, all the cylinders need
> honed, etc.
> all the roller lifters need to be cleaned and flushed.
> Anyway I need to know if you will be supplying the parts or a whole
> block assembly so I can either take the block to a machine shop or
> the new motor.
> the best estimate I can give you is $ 3,900.00 labor from start to
> plus the machine work and parts if we supply them. We will require a
> deposit of 50% when you can stop by. This estimate is higher than we
> discussed the other day because now that we have it apart completly
> a full understanding of the damage. The metal that worked through the
> engine basically ruined anything that had bearings or mating
> Give me a call ASAP and let me know how you want to proceed.
> Thanks
> John


Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
> ; Thu, 20 May 2004 09:55:06 -0400 (EDT)
> Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 09:59:02 -0400
> We have the motor entirely apart and the estimate follows. The parts
> need to replace are:
> Pistons
> rings
> cam shaft
> cam bearings
> crank bearings
> complete gasket set
> one cylinder sleeve
Scott, get your facts straight before posting more information which will only contribute to your demise.

At no point in time (early May) did we tell you that the cam was pulled.
:eek: :confused: Seems there's 2 side to the story


Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
its kinda like how this hood has never been damaged


or maybe how nasty that motor really is


im lost for words, instead of trying to do right the scams keep rolling. i am done here

i retract my previous statement. i was thinking of the elite hood not the original. as well as the elite motor not the original jesses motor. my apolgies scott and joyce sorry.


Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
cause it was ugly as $hit in person. scott did do a good job of turning that car around. i saw that first hand.


Mar 25, 1998
Reaction score
Hard to tell who all the players are in this mess. BigBadCJ seems to have misrepresented his dealings with Elite in light of his financial problems and there is a strong difference of opinion between Scott and Lou.

That said, maybe this should be taken offline and resolved between the parties and not here (although would be good to know how it ends).


Jul 7, 2001
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Joyce, it would be nice if just ONCE you or Scott would care to explain the combustion marks on the pistons, not to mention the scratches on the skirts which were just like the ones we found in April/May. Why do you keep ignoring them? You had your chance to say that you sent me the wrong motor which would explain what I found, yet you have not. That still makes Scott a liar. TAKE A LOOK AT THE PICS! I have never disputed that you bought pistons in June, only that the ones you bought didn't wind up in MY MOTOR!

As for resovling this, I probably have only left you my phone numbers on your voice mail a hundred times or so. You probably also have 50-some odd emails with my numbers in them. Ever think of calling? I'm sick of leaving messages for you guys. Your idea of responsiveness is a joke. Let me be clear about that also. You DO NOT respond to people in a timely fashion NOR do you answer DIRECT questions. You'd fail most people's test for responsiveness on those two fronts.



Jul 7, 2001
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
PS: Please note that the $3900 figure was for labor and no parts. And as for being nice on the phone, I am a really nice guy so go figure. I have been patient with you and have held my tongue until last week. The one time I was ready to let loose was last Thursday when Scott chose to so courteously NOT call me back.



Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
Hard to tell who all the players are in this mess. BigBadCJ seems to have misrepresented his dealings with Elite in light of his financial problems

i admit it im broke, so broke in fact that i had to move. what are you ate up with the ******* son? maybe 60k here and another 40k here. on what 12sec down the strip?!? motors that never ran!! a constant wrenching through the night. its all a big ass scam. all of it. im a long way from broke. ill admit it im a nice guy with a lot of patience. i knew scott was new in the buisness. i gave him a few chances, more then anyone on this board!!! i bought a car from scott for 8k w/ no motor or drivetrain. i sold it for 18k and you could drive it. granted it was no prom queen it looked like a 18k viper should. after you spend that kind of money somewhere you want some results. guess what i had a brand new f.e. that went straight to scott. came out a few miles later as a disaster. sold it for 42k. scott ended up with the motor. i dont owe elite a damn penny!!! thats mega b.s. im not giving that place a dime. i did not call elite to ***** and complain, i did not email to ***** and complain. i kept my cool through the whole damn process of making my car faster, and all that happened was it went a few seconds slower and didnt idle. im fed up with the people getting screwed. after my dealings with scott a friend of mine send scott a dash from a gm sierra to get carbon fibered. he told scott he wanted one and scott said he had never done one. scott agreed to do one for free so he could sell them here locally. weeks go by guess what? he calls and elite now has several gm dashes for the small price of 400 bucks a piece. scott says he can get him one for 400 bucks no problem. we have since found someone else who can do it for half that. they do viper dashes as well. with a much faster turnaround time. i no longer do business with elite and neither does he. i have sucked up my mistakes from elite and moved fwd. im not here to fight with elite. i will say scott is king of poser mods but take your engine work elsewhere. i have no reason to lie about any of this. im not going to lose sleep over whether elite stays in buisness or not. i dont care. be advised when doing business there,and ill leave it at that.


Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Leawood, Kansas
I posted on the original LOOOOONG post about Scott. I said I had a bunch of money in Scott's hands while I'm waiting on a 10.5 Second 1/4 mile motor.

What Scott stated is correct, I'm only buying a "Performance Package" from Scott. All the work is being done by a local shop here close to me.

As I type this I now have all my parts that I ordered, and the shop here finished my car last week.

What I don't have yet is the proof that I got what Scott sold me. A 10.5 second 1/4 mile car. I hope to find that out on Wed night at the strip.

So far all I know about Scott's promise of a 10 second car is that I beat a 1300cc Suzuki from a 20 MPH rolling start on my second test drive in the car. BTW, I had 20 inch wheels on it and the stock 3:07 rear end at the time of the Hyabusa whoopin'. That's a good sign.

I had communication problems with Scott. I went weeks after leaving an e-mail or phone message and didn't hear back. I still do not have the T-bodies that I actually bought from Scott. There seems to have been a mis-communication on that.

But at this point I have most of what Scott said I would receive.

But the BIGGEST thing I bought and do not have yet was Scott's promise of a 10.5 second car.

If the car does not run 10.5 seconds, I will have been taken to the cleaners. Scott and I will have problems if the car does not perform as promised.

Scott did say I had to be a decent driver. I think I qualify for that as an ex-pilot of a 9 second bike and a current fill in driver for 2 NASCAR teams.

Part of my package was to return my head cores. I did not do that, I am holding them for leverage. (BFD, right? they are worth a 1/10th of what I spent) So if the next guy down the line is waiting for heads, it's more than likely me that is holding you up. Sorry, I just want proof of the 10 second package I bought from Scott before I finish my transaction with him.

Bottom line, things were late, communication was poor, but I do have all the hard goods he promised. I'm just waiting on proof of the second half of his promise the actual perfomance of a 10.5 second car.


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
I want to agree with some of my fellow VCA members and even though this may be off topic I want to say it anyway. I have two (2) RT10's which like everyone on here are their pride and joy! I choose to buy these cars and spend this kind of money and I choose to upgrade and I choose my tuner. Here is my first point and like I am sure will happen I will get slammed and that will be that. I joined the VCA because I wanted to meet like minded people who share a appreciation and interest in the pure beauty of these cars. After seeing all this BS going on and name slandering on other VCA I will remove myself from the organization when renewal time comes around.

I have never posted until two days ago when I saw Scott getting hammered and like most of us in business we count on our name and reputation to get us new clients while keeping out existing. I choose Scott to build my 2000 RT10 into a one of a kind. I met with him at his shop and we spoke about all the options avialable. Of course, I came out spending more than I wanted but he was correct. No use doing it half way. I think everyone on here is in agreement that Scott needs to hire a full time receptionist becasue everytime I am there the phone is rining off the hook and he is under a customers cars trying to get it done. So, I took that into consideration when I get frustrated for not getting back to me the next minute. But this man did a wonderful first class job on my car. You guys will discount it and say good for me but others got scammed. I seriously dont think or have the impression Scott is trying to scam anyone. He loves this Viper community and these cars!!!! No doubt about that. He just is not a great communicator as he is working. I dont enjoy people airing these horrible things out in what I joined a relaxing club that I had hoped one day would meet other like minded friends. I have thrown those hopes out the window now. As we all know there are three sides to a story- 1 side, the other side and THE THRUTH. No one knows exactly what happened in what order. Scott wants to work things out and it appears if he did that than no one would be able to post and there would be no entertainment. I find it difficult to believe that grown men that share a passion for the car as much as I do actually would prefer to sit and read these horrible things being said back and forth? Tell me, what are the benefits of being a member her other than a quarterly magazine?

I am ashamed of this forum. Its obvious that we still have a lynching mentallity in this country. It does not concern me if you reply to my post and slam me as it happened yesterday for stating my experience with Scott. I got slammed for getting what I paid for and having it work. I am NOT apologizing for this.

Scott worked his ass off on my car and the 7 other cars in his shop while mine was there. He was upfront and fair with me and the two other guys I met while in his shop who spent more than the 30K I spent on mine.
Like I stated, I am ashamed of this membership and did not appreciate all the rude comments directed at me for getting what I paid for and living in the Great State of Florida.
I am turning in my VCA membership. This is NOT why I joined. I am ashamed of all of this.
Scott, do not respond to these horrible things. No one is perfect but you did a perfect job on my car and I will send you anyone of my fellow professional football colleagues. Thanks again.....


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
I wanted to take this opportunity to follow up per all these horrible statements and posts and I am sure that I am going to get attacked as I did yesterday by my "fellow VCA members". I have a few points that I am going to make and all of you can make horrible and out of line statements directed at me because according to you I should be ashamed because I got what I paid for with Scott.

My first point is that I joined the VCA as I thought it would be a great opportunity to like minded Viper enthusiast and owners and share knowledge and God forbid maybe make a few friends. I have thrown that out the window now. I am ashamed that we still live in a lynching country and that grown men would air their personal dealings in public. I have two Vipers both I love very much and both have been upgraded. I choose my own tuner and I met with Scott prior to choosing him at his shop and to tell everyone MY personal feelings- I was very impressed. I think we are all in agreement that if Scott had a full time receptionist it would increase the communciation. Scott is always under a customers car which is his job and where he should be. Of course we all want updates and results and call backs, etc. But than our cars would never get done. I am sorry that some people got a bad hood, or pistons, etc. We have all bought bad things in our lives.
But to air this in a club that I joined to meet friends and learn- well, to me this is simply inappropriate and unprofessional. I spent 30K with Scott and got exactly what I wanted.
When I tried to share my experience it was as no one wanted to hear it. I got slammed, "called out" (whatever the hell that is?). I am NOT accountable to anyone on this site about how and where I choose to spend my money and with whom.
I was made to feel that good for you that you got lucky give your motor 500 miles and come back than and tell me what you have to say. I dont have to do that because Scott has been very available to me for the smallest problems and has made time for me. I also dont appreciate people calling the Great State of Florida a scam state. That is simply out of line.
I was taught in law school that there are three sides to every story. The one side, the other guys side and THE TRUTH! Getting to that is not always easy. But I personally do not agree with using this forum as a soap opera.
Dont worry everyone I am NOT renewing my membership in the club so you can save your horrible comments you gave me yesterday.

Scott did a great job on my rides and I thank you Scott. I am sorry that there are unhappy customers but I have never seen a business yet that did not have unhappy customers. I am totally turned off by this and want to thank my fellow members for contributing to this feeling and now will not being going to Dallas. There is no need. I will enjoy my cars in private.


Jul 7, 2001
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
prosportsrep... first of all it's libel when it's written, not slander and it's only libel when it's not true. Second of all, have you not read the details and seen the pictures? Would you like to come and inspect the work first hand?

Goodbye then, I for one, will not miss you. So begone then, shoo, away, away, scat and all that... I'm sure your rock is missing you.


Dec 19, 2001
Reaction score
Dalton Ga. (Chatt. Tn.)
So far all I know about Scott's promise of a 10 second car is that I beat a 1300cc Suzuki from a 20 MPH rolling start on my second test drive in the car. BTW, I had 20 inch wheels on it and the stock 3:07 rear end at the time of the Hyabusa whoopin'. That's a good sign.

I'm just waiting on proof of the second half of his promise the actual perfomance of a 10.5 second car.

Sorry in advance....but.....if that was a hayabusa then it or the rider has problems OR your car is way faster than a 10.50. Is this a power adder package or what ?? Give us details. I'm not to sure about sending parts out with a guaranteed 1/4 mile time.....to many variables.


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Kristian - Don't know why you are taking out your hostility on the VCA. The VCA is not involved in any way other than to provide an open forum for communication.

But then again they are both American too. So why not turn in your American citizenship instead?

I certainly have missed something as I do not know who you are or why you think you have been "slammed." But since you are so logical in your assassination of the VCA why don't you take out the hostility on something more useful - like the creators of the english language, without which there could have been no slamming.


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Yea Lou. Just looked at the enlarged picture. What are you referring to as combustion marks? I was expecting to see scuffed pistons, or detonation damage but all I see is some goo which does not look like a combustion by-product at all (maybe an assembly lube or something).
Mar 25, 2000
Reaction score
Quantico, VA
(Oooooo I just love it when I'm petty!)

Yeah....but you take a hit on your credibility when you do that as far as I'm concerned. Might not mean much to you......but in the end it says a TON about your personality and mentality. I better response is always to be the bigger person.....not the petty _______ (fill in the blank). I've said it once, I'll say it again.....if you stick to the facts (and leave out the name calling and the "punishment" of people NOT harmed, you'll come out on top every time. Get petty.....no credibility. Again, just my 2 cents, and you even get change! ;)

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