Execmalibooboo, why did a bright guy like you keep buying from a manufacturer who kept dropping the price and henceforth the resale on your cars, you bought THREE times and took it in the shorts all three, I'll bet you'll buy that brand again too, some folks just ain't bright enough to change, some are so stoopid they can't find their caps key, can you imagine a keyboard cretin like that?
Bonkers, from Delawhere...does this avatar finally signify you have formally joined our ranks? that beautiful red GTS has been added to your, ahem, formidable fleet? Seriously, congratulations, join the VCA, I look forward to meeting you, seen you posting forever, but not at events. Careful with the stratamoro stuff, they are here now and they are faster than the one you're leaning on, I wish it wasn't so, but I know it's true, because I got one like yours too.