Met a cool guy today...


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Austin, TX 78732
Hey Guys,

I had the good fortune to meet a really cool (and fast) Viper owner today! Here's the story: The day before yesterday another good friend of mine called and asked if I had video footage of one of the local tracks. Of course I didn't but the conversation revealed Ron Adee (on a three way call) needed some insight into the Motorsports Ranch layout since he's running the One Lap of America this year. Well, to cut to the chase, after a few conversations Ron jumped on an American flight and dropped into Dallas today. I was a few minutes late (traffic) picking him up but at 2:00 PM we were on our way to the Motorsports Ranch in my new red Z06. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, a Z06!!! That's a cupholder not a sportscar but be aware! This thing's got 440 RWHP, big brakes and weighs in a 3050 lbs. Yes, that's more HP/LB than any cupholder I've ever seen, but anyway, that's another smack-fest. We're on our way to the track. We show up at 3:15 or so and the sports cars are out so I check the oil, torque the lugs, and we haul a$$ and get on the track. Now bear in mind this is my first time on the track since December and this is a new car. The first few laps I have the jitters and after that I kind of settle down. And It's kind of weird when you know you've got a seasoned pro beside you so you feel very self-concious. So, I drove the first session. The timing was wrong for Ron's flight so we talked the track guys into moving some other sessions around so Ron can drive before he has to catch another flight back home. So then Ron's behind the wheel and we're off. He rode 10 laps with me and already had the line. He was running maybe 60% in a strange (stranger's) car and was already better than alot of members at the Ranch. Those other guys are in trouble. He ticked off about 10 laps and then we came in, changed, and headed back to the airport. I dropped him at his terminal at 5:30 and he was off to home. I drove off with such stupid grin on my face but it was really cool. I drove 5 hours to pick up a guy I've never met to tour a track he's never seen. Only car lovers do this stuff! One of Ron's friends actually drove his 97 GTS 5.5 hours to the Ranch just to visit. How cool is that!

I couldn't actually drive in the One-Lap this year but I already feel like I've participated. Hopefully, Ron's got a better perspective now and has widened his margin for the WIN!!! The One-Lap this year is his to lose.

So the moral of the story is this. Have fun and help you're boys. You meet good people along the way that will be there to help you up when you need it.

Good luck Ron! I'll bring you some home cooked meal and be a pit bi^ch for you when you're here on the One-Lap!

Regards, Tittle

Mopar Steve

Oct 27, 2000
Reaction score
Newark DE
Having run One Lap in both '98 &'99, I can say that every driving enthusiast should participate if they can!

Alway a great bunch of guys.


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