Monthly Club Meeting - This Wednesday!


Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Algonquin, IL
Several things to mention about our next club meeting…

* First off, congrats for breaking yet another new record for club meeting attendance at the last meeting - 62 Vipers!! Unreal.

* Next meeting - No hands will be empty… We have a very nice giveaway planned, and we might even manage a free raffle. ;.)

* Also, for those who attended last month and brought their Vipers, we will be handing out the commemorative awards made for that night - You've grown to love them, they are great shelf pieces! Also, we have an additional gift for those folks who brought out their Vipers that night, and this one is going to be VERY cool! If you came last month and can make the next meeting, it would be great to pick them up in person. For any items not picked up after the next couple meetings, we'll eventually ship them out - but I sense you may not want to wait!

* We'll be having our next meeting at our new location again - Shark City - the address is 2240 Bloomingdale Rd, Glendale Heights, IL 60139. We had some issues with food service at the pilot meeting - the owners made an error and did not have the food plan/staff in place. I've worked closely with them and they want to make up for things. We have made special accommodations in place and will be doing a food buffet (a very nice one). It's open to everyone for just $10! They'll have several main dishes and sides that will be available. If you plan on eating, please bring cash to make things simple - as we'll be collecting from those wishing to have dinner. Dinner will be available anytime from 6-7:30pm. Waitresses will be on hand for all drinks/alcohol.

* Special parking right at our meeting room will be blocked off, this time again the parking will be improved and expanded (as they didn't enact what was agreed the last time). We'll have room for all Vipers more easily.

* We are actively pursuing a strong lead for a new venue… it may work out. Our plan is to use Shark City for now until we're able to move.

We begin our meeting at 7:30pm, but as usual you're free to come early to chat, get comfortable, and grab a bite. People seem to typically begin to arrive at 6pm. Don't forget it's a cruise night, bring out the Vipers!!! We need to show this town that the Vipers are invading, let them feel the rumble!

And yes we have a very special free giveaway to commemorate this night…!

And don't forget, if it's you're first time coming to a club meeting, or you're a new member joining us, we have another very nice additional free gift for all of you!

And as always… You've managed to beat several attendance records for our meetings, the last of which was 60 cars! The new mark is 65. Should we hit this number of Vipers at any meeting, we have a very special gift and award for all those who drove a Viper that night! And the award for the 65 car achievement will be big. Do you have it in you?? Not possible I say… but I was wrong before! ;.)

Let's have a good night! We'll see you there!

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