Saw 2003 Viper at pre-Woodward Dreamcruise

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
I just got back from the pre-Woodward Dreamcruise. Pre, meaning it really doesn't take place til Saturday, but classic, muscle, and exotic cars start cruising up and down as early as Monday. Well, I stopped off at the Motor City Viper Owners cruise dinner a little ways off Woodward and what do you know, one of the guys from DC brought a 2003 Viper to the event. Red of course. Now I saw the 2003 at the Detroit Auto Show but could only get within about 6 feet or so. I got my first chance to look at it up close and personal tonight, I must say at first I hated it, partly because it was so Camaro-esque, but it is growing on me. About 20 or so Vipers showed up, I didn't stay for the event I just came by to check out the other Vipers and proceeded out to cruise up Woodward. I just wished I had stuck around to hear the 2003 start up so I could see if they finally got an exhaust that sounds like a supercar should sound.

If history serves me Woodward Ave. was the first paved road or first paved highway in the US. It was a popular cruisin street during the 50's and muscle car era and still is today I guess. This Dreamcruise started a few years back and is growing. Something like a million or more people showing up now to view muscle cars, classic cars, exotic cars, you name it. Detroit may not be the greatest place in the world to live, but it does have some perks. The Motor City, yeah baby!!!!!