The Truth about Lee Dove's License Plate Bracket...


Sep 8, 2001
Reaction score
Central, NJ
The Truth about Lee Dove\'s License Plate Bracket...

I had one hell of a time getting it on!!!!
REASON: The hole locations, where the body pins were put into, were drilled in at an angle. The tight work area was bad enough, but this angled hole added insult to injury. No fault associated with Lee's bracket whatsoever.
Some valuable suggestions: 1.) <u>DO NOT</u> attempt to take the body pins out when it is cold. The heads will snap off. If you must remove them in a cold environment, use a hair dryer (NOT paint remover heater or it will peel the paint...NO, I did no use this device!) and they will come out in less than 30 seconds...both of mine did! 2.) Space is very tight so use a small ratchet with a shallow socket to drive the self tapping bolt. Due to my unusual situation, an air powered ratchet had to be used. AND 3.) Make sure to put on one bolt at a time...just halfway...and then the other. Like replacing the lugs on a new tire after you have removed the flat tire. <u>DO NOT</u> over tighten.
The bracket is very nicely made with heavy duty protective coating which gives it a rugged look and should prove to be very durable if exposed to the different elements as an everyday driver.
Thanks Lee for being so supportive (= patient)in the over the telephone assistance during the process. Due to work, about 2 weeks transpired between the first time I attempted and getting it on today. In that time frame, Lee called several times and e-mailed me concerned and wanting to help.
Only thing I am looking for now is a great license plate frame to mount to Lee's bracket.
Bye, bye any chance of needlessly drilling my Vipers beautiful body or any $70.00+ tickets!!!!

One Happy Customer

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