Why not just settle on the E tags and one (or two) of those portable lights for those times when you find yourself needing to mark a scene/accident you happen upon? the critics will simply say you have choosen form over function....
That's exactly what I have, a gear bag with a dash light and the dual lights for the rear. Based on responses I think I see where the confusion is - let me clarify that the lights are
NOT MOUNTED, they are ONLY in place for stationary scene use. As mentioned, ALL my vehicles are "equipped" (a simple multi cig-outlet adaptor for radio chargers, flashlight charger, etc), but I only have the ONE set of LEDs for ALL vehicles. The LEDs just so happen to lay in the Viper without needing any brackets to hold them in place.
Honestly, this was suppose to be on the level of semi-humor that apparently got taken too seriously. Everyone who knows me will tell you I do not "display" emergency equipment in my personal vehicles for show. The lights were placed in the Viper to simply add to the emphasis of the E tag on the car for the picture, nothing more.