Viper Meet


Viper Owner
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
South Central Kentucky
I'd like to poke around during the "off season" and see if there'd be enough interest to organize a cruse in at our shop in South Central Kentucky, Morgantown, KY 18mi North of Bowling Green aka Vett City. We'd be interested in hosting a meet and greet with some additional perks for showing up; ie. food, and possible discounts for powder work or paint, possible give aways. No formal plan as of yet. I just got into a Viper and we have a nice shop for an event like this. We're looking to expand into the hot rod market with our powder coating facility, 20'oven. We can do the big and the small. Most of all we like to have fun! If there is enough interest I'd start looking at some dates. Maybe a day to go pick on Z06's in BG afterwards. Could also put together a nice backroad tour, or something for anyone wanting to check out the Corvette plant that afternoon. I'm thinking sometime in the late spring before it gets terriblly hot.
http://www.finalfinishusa.comlet me know with some replies or pm's.
I have no idea how many people would be in this general area to participate. This is just a start. Also be honest if you think the attendance factor would not be worth the effort. I know times are tough.

Best Regards,