Why is Viper Magazine no longer sold on the newsstands?


Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
Was it not a money maker? Locally, Barnes and Noble was the only place that sold it. They'd usually get in 6-7 copies. In a week, they'd be all sold out. Was it just not worth the hassle? Back before I bought my Viper, I used to love going to B&N and find the new issue of Viper mag. Even though there was actually very little Viper articles in the mag back then, I'd still buy it. Seems like it makes sense to let even non-Viper owners be able to buy the magazine, thus adding revenue to the VCA :dunno:


Nov 1, 2007
Reaction score
That's a great question. I came across my first Viper Mag on accident in Fall of 98 at a bookstore, then didn't see it for a while. It worked out though b/c I found the website a couple years later. So not a Viper owner (yet) but I've been supporting the VCA with a subscription the last 7 years.


Was it not a money maker? Locally, Barnes and Noble was the only place that sold it. They'd usually get in 6-7 copies. In a week, they'd be all sold out. Was it just not worth the hassle? Back before I bought my Viper, I used to love going to B&N and find the new issue of Viper mag. Even though there was actually very little Viper articles in the mag back then, I'd still buy it. Seems like it makes sense to let even non-Viper owners be able to buy the magazine, thus adding revenue to the VCA :dunno:
While I just love anyone who supports the VCA and this website you might want to know that Viper Magazine supports JR Thompson only. Not the VCA.
They make the decisions on what goes in and where it's sold. When you pay your membership it pays for Viper Magazine(JRT) and the rest goes to your local regional club-unless you have the Venom membership.
Then that extra portion(from Venom) goes to the VCA who pays JRT(for memberships-planning), the website, VOI, and even helps out Viper Days with support along with many other regional gifts. The VCA supports itself through the raffles and those great volunteers;) . Before the Venom membership it was only the raffles they had for support.
Everyone is really interconnected. I will contact JRT to see why B&N no longer carry VM.
It might be that B&N didn't want to purchase it?


Nov 1, 2007
Reaction score
Well crap, I guess I haven't been supporting the VCA with my subscription the last few years. I'll just be sure to join when I get a Viper of my very own some day.


Well crap, I guess I haven't been supporting the VCA with my subscription the last few years. I'll just be sure to join when I get a Viper of my very own some day.
We'd love to have you anytime Stretch!;) If you ever need any help looking let me know. I used to the secretary for the local club for quite a while.

The worst part is that we can't buy raffle tickets because Chris is an officer.:(
Chad, did you buy tickets? Only 22 days left to buy.........
and that does support the VCA!


Nov 1, 2007
Reaction score
We'd love to have you anytime Stretch!;) If you ever need any help looking let me know. I used to the secretary for the local club for quite a while.

Hey thanks Venomiss. I will keep that in mind for sure. I have some things to take care of first this year (buy house, get married, pay off current car), but hopefully summer of 09 I'll be shopping for one!


Just got a reply from JRT about the magazines.

They had a distributor that purchased them to sell to B&N.
They quit purchasing so that's why B&N doesn't carry them anymore. Not a fault of VM or JRT. They can only be had by getting a VCA membership or subscribing to the VM only.

And with the membership to the VCA you can get all the perks and the best part....

The ability to purchase raffle tickets for the 2008 ACR!

Much better odds than the lottery for sure!

Hope this helps.:)


Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Central New Jersey
I would imagine that it is only a nitch item but still I would think there would be some people out there that would like to see it. Then again, that is probably not enough people.


simple answer...it stinks...:)

Only one way to change it Phil-let them know what you'd like to see.;)
Not just on this forum. Write them on the Viper Magazine site.
Or submit something for the magazine yourself? I'd love to see your car:drive:


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
simple answer...it stinks...:)

I think you say this everytime for yuks. :D Or you just like to pull my chain to see what I come back with. It's like trolling for LeeFish. :rolaugh:
Have you noticed you are the last guy who seems to think this?
I must admit I used to think it was pretty commercially biased a few years ago, with lot's of other DC product stuff in it but lately I rack my brain every time I see you dump on it.
Soooo, here's the challenge...What EXACTLY was it about this last issue you did not like?


Viper Owner
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX
I wondered the same thing, I used to buy them at the Hastings book store. They have had none to purchase in like a year.


Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
lee, sorry to get ya going like that.

didnt see the recent one yet but im sure its the same as always....the quality of it is second to none. never saw a nicer magazine. but its still too much of a love fest. we have some of the best tuners around, some of the best DIY'ers around. and we never see any modding of the car. (that i can think of) my memory is getting bad in my old age though. ya never see a step by step how to of anything. and if we ever do im sure its going to be on changing the oil or something like that.

just tons of smiles and hand shaking. showing people gettnig married in their viper or how they fell in love with the viper way back when...etc

there's nothing in it for a gearhead.

honestly, i dont really read them anymore. i scan thru them and toss them all in a matter of 5 minutes.

basically its still a giant suckfest.

and yes i have sent emails to mark G on this in the past. many times actually. he's a really nice guy and im sure he's told what to do with the magazine and he does so. thats fine. im obviously in the minority on this as "most" people seem to LOVE this thing. i just dont.

again sorry lee.


Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I think you say this everytime for yuks. :D Or you just like to pull my chain to see what I come back with. It's like trolling for LeeFish. :rolaugh:
Have you noticed you are the last guy who seems to think this?
I must admit I used to think it was pretty commercially biased a few years ago, with lot's of other DC product stuff in it but lately I rack my brain every time I see you dump on it.
Soooo, here's the challenge...What EXACTLY was it about this last issue you did not like?

He's not the only one. The Hogan article, for starters, didn't belong in there. Convienient and obvious timing of that article don't ya think? Besides wrecking Vipers, what have the Hogan's done for VCA as of late, or in the last 12 months, to warrant space in the mag?

Then there's the DARE article. Again, what was the point of that? To irritate Viper owners? Considering that particular subject was beaten to death here on the boards why cover it in the mag? Perhaps if they auctioned the seized Viper and donated the money to charity it may be readable. But flaunting the fact they seized a Viper is just wrong, especially in OUR magazine.

The motorcycle...is that even a DC product? Why was it in the mag? Who cares about a motorcycle that remotely resembles a Viper? On the other hand, if this was a product from DC then I would've expected a detailed technical article on it as we have seen with the '08s. Besides the model, that article didn't belong. It was more fluff.

I'm with Plumcrazy, the VCA mag in my opinion is still fluff. The '08 and ACR articles have been great. But the examples I point out...CERTAINLY there's more worthwhile and relavant news out in the VCA world that could've been reported on rather than this garbage.


Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
I agree some of the mag is fluff, but I'm ok with that. I think it promotes unity in the Viper community. We can argue, ***** and whine on here, but the mag does away with all that and tries to keep everything positive. I like seeing wedding pictures with Vipers in them. Its cool that some people love their Viper so much that they skip the typical limo and use their own car. If I ever get married, you better believe the McV will be there. If a VCA region does a event and uses their cars to help a charity, I wanna read about it. It gives me ideas for future GA-VCA events. One obstacle for Viper mag is its only quarterly. By the time you write an article, it could be out of date by the time it hits the newsstands. I'm sure thats what happened with the Hogan article. When I want gearhead advice, I think a forum is a lot better tool than a magazine anyway. If you don't understand something, its a lot easier to come here and ask than to write a letter to the editor. You'll get more opinions, in a faster time and better information on the web than in a quarterly magazine. Thats just my (overpriced) $0.02.

I still think it should be sold on the newsstands though :D If the B&N buyer quit buying, do like any company would do and look for a new buyer. The kid who can only afford the mag today may be the one who can afford a Viper in the future. I was one of them :D With all the Corvette crap on newsstands, I think we should try to have Viper mag right there beside Corvette mag.


May 28, 1998
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While I just love anyone who supports the VCA and this website you might want to know that Viper Magazine supports JR Thompson only. Not the VCA.
They make the decisions on what goes in and where it's sold. When you pay your membership it pays for Viper Magazine(JRT) and the rest goes to your local regional club-unless you have the Venom membership.
Then that extra portion(from Venom) goes to the VCA who pays JRT(for memberships-planning), the website, VOI, and even helps out Viper Days with support along with many other regional gifts. The VCA supports itself through the raffles and those great volunteers;) . Before the Venom membership it was only the raffles they had for support.
Everyone is really interconnected. I will contact JRT to see why B&N no longer carry VM.
It might be that B&N didn't want to purchase it?

While I understand you are the wife of the VCA treasurer, you are not a VCA officer (unless this is really Chris using your sign on). Your statements are not correct. Starting in 2008, as Chris is fully aware, most of the $15.00 increase to the regular membership (now $115) goes to the national club. Not only to JRT and the local club.


While I understand you are the wife of the VCA treasurer, you are not a VCA officer (unless this is really Chris using your sign on). Your statements are not correct. Starting in 2008, as Chris is fully aware, most of the $15.00 increase to the regular membership (now $115) goes to the national club. Not only to JRT and the local club.

Yes, I am the wife and yes, I am not an officer. Neither are you thanks.
I just try and help people on the boards and try not to increase some of the negative comments from others who promote them. Have your wife call me anytime-I'd love to talk with her.

Yes, some of the extra out of the $115 will go back to the VCA-about $11 dollars of it.
This has already been stated in another thread previously. Go look that up.


Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Sterling, VA
While I understand you are the wife of the VCA treasurer, you are not a VCA officer (unless this is really Chris using your sign on). Your statements are not correct. Starting in 2008, as Chris is fully aware, most of the $15.00 increase to the regular membership (now $115) goes to the national club. Not only to JRT and the local club.

And still, none of that $115 was gained through someone purchasing Viper Magazine from a bookstore....kinda makes it irrelevant given the topic at hand....kinda like arguing about whether the boost gauge in a Honda reads 18 or 19 while the Viper is going by it fast enough to rattle the glass. :D :D :D


Nov 2, 2004
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It is a very glossy and attractive looking magazine, but of course it is just Dodge promotional advertising fluff cover to cover.
Which is fine. It has excellent photography.
But I seriously doubt the general public would want to pay for a copy. I go through it in about 5 minutes.

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