How tough is a Viper?


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Spring, TX
Pretty tough. Today I was running a vette and left 3rd at 5500 but accidentally hit 2nd. I let up the clutch just for an instant and heard a big bang. In fact a friend of mine folling me in his bmw heard it. So far I have not noticed anything wrong. Now get this. I've done this one other time, except last time I didn't know what had happend because I was kind of flustered. That time I was also running another vette.

Well this time I realized what happend. I have since realized that in the heat of the moment, if I pull back on the stick from 3rd, it very easily will tend to go into second unless you apply ample rightward pressure.

I don't think it will happend again and hopefully I haven't caused any damage. Everything seems ok. Engine sounds good, no shifting problems, and no usual drive train slack. Anyone know what the bang might have been. My guess is the drive train slack getting taken up. I don't recall in either situation if the engine overreved. I don't think it did. It happened so quickly and the clutch was only out for an intant in both cases....

By the way, I wasted both vettes in these situations. I simply dropped it into 4th and continued to make distance... Todays vette had a big wing and everything, like that was gonna help
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Just got back from running Autocross at the Houston Police Academy... Lots-o-fun!



Oct 12, 2000
Reaction score
Victoria, BC, Canada
Your a big man to admit that on this board Jeff!

I've had a somewhat similar experience with a "bang" too. I was giving a guy a ride just cruising along in 2nd at about 2800 - 3000 rpm. I was going to set him back in his seat by shifting "purposely" down into 1st and punch it. Just as I did that though I hit a wet/oily spot on the road and it was like the tires were on ice. The rpms shot up so fast that the rev limiter kicked in (at 6200). As soon as that happened I heard a bang as well which as you said is probably the drive train slack snapping back as the engine kicks down so fast. Although to me it sounded more like a huge backfire which I guess is possible too when you dump a bunch of fuel into the cylinders that builds up until the engine fires again.

No ill affect on my car either, that was a number of months ago, but it made me a lot more careful about revs. Besides, with a Viper you don't need to shift down to put someone in their seat anyway!

It is likely that your rev limiter kicked in too because if you shift at 5500 into the next lower gear and hit the throttle at all you will certainly hit 6200. The car doesn't necessarily stall when you hit that, mine didn't, it just goes back down very quickly into a normal range.

Amazed that you still beat the Vette's after that though, I was in too much shock and thought I broke my baby when it happened to me!

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