A Huge thanks goes out to Utah and Vipermed - Roe S/C and Stage III Heads

Snake Eyes

Aug 8, 2003
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As we all know hind sight is 20/20 and that’s the approach I like to take with everything. With that being said a huge thanks goes out to Utah, Vipermed, and all those that post their invaluable knowledge, experiences and educated opinions. As some of you read yesterday I have been torn on deciding what to do with my $ so I decided to start a thread and pick everyone’s brains for some ideas. Man, did you guys help me sort out a lot of stuff, particularly Utah and Vipermed (who were nice enough to talk with me privately over the phone). So after all of the deliberation and talk I have decided to forgo on the heads (Larry that’s pretty scary when you could look at specs like that and know who they belong to (LOL), Yes they are Anthony’s heads. Sorry Anthony I want them but I can’t risk it), due to warranty issues. So I have to settle for just the blower (LOL, I know poor me) and a plethora of other effective performance mods. Perhaps someday when I grow a pair, I’ll slap a Head/Cam package on too but now’s not the time. Anyhow I’ll stop rambling and give you guys a glimpse of what I am ordering & hope to achieve :cool: . Thanks again Scott :D :

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Engine Pic2

P.S. - Most of the mods I'm ordering are from Vipermed himself, Great and I stress great prices!

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