Bummed out: my Gen 4 just isn't as much fun as a Gen 5

Mister Viper

Viper Owner
Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
Rats. I was worried it might come to this one day. The day I drive my Gen 4 Viper, that is, and I come home disappointed.

For those of us who spend our lives working on Vipers by day, and occasionally driving our own (older) cars on the weekends, it can be a love/hate thing. You pour your life's energy into making this great new thing, which will improve on all those quibbles which 'bothered' you about your older car. And then, you finally finish the new car. And the great team at Conner Avenue starts building 10 or 12 a day.

And then, one weekend, you go home and drive your old car again...and then you remember why you wanted to do all those great 'Engineering' things on the new car....like the all new and much stiffer spaceframe, dramatic weight reduction, **** carbon body panels, wrap everything in delicously scented leather, the gear ratios, looking out over the wonderfully **** Gen 5 hood, Al flywheel, etc, etc. My Gen 4 car is a very late 2010, and she's feeling a little old right now. And not appreciated.

Rats. It's not like I wanted to hurt her feelings or anything.

I mean the Gen 4 Viper is still an awesome car, and way over my personal driving capability, and it does bring a stupid grin to my face every time I drive it. And, like many of you, I've installed a Mopar controller, 3.55 gear, short shifter, the AutoForm roll bar, etc, etc. And as stunning as it is, it just isn't as much fun as driving the Gen 5 car is. I can't explain it, the ingredients just work.

Just one driving enthusiast talking to another here. Yeah, the new car looks great, but I can tell you from personal experience that it drives pretty great too.



Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Cadillac, Michigan
OK Graham, you sold me. Make a SSG TA and I may be able to talk my wife into it. I personally love the Orange but she does not. SSG or nothing she says. Even Green With Envy would work.
Thanks for the hard work you and the team have put in.
See you at Chelsea I hope and bring a 13 for us to try out, Ha Ha.
Frank the Cook


Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Just means you have to get a GEN V now in addition to the GEN IV. You know what they say about vipers...you cant have just one. :D The new car is fantastic and I've made no bones about it with my friends that i would drop my GEN IV in a second for a GEN V if the opportunity presented itself. My GEN II RT/10 will always be in the family but I could let my GEN IV go and be ok.


Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score
Red Deer, Alberta Canada
Rats. I was worried it might come to this one day. The day I drive my Gen 4 Viper, that is, and I come home disappointed.

For those of us who spend our lives working on Vipers by day, and occasionally driving our own (older) cars on the weekends, it can be a love/hate thing. You pour your life's energy into making this great new thing, which will improve on all those quibbles which 'bothered' you about your older car. And then, you finally finish the new car. And the great team at Conner Avenue starts building 10 or 12 a day.

And then, one weekend, you go home and drive your old car again...and then you remember why you wanted to do all those great 'Engineering' things on the new car....like the all new and much stiffer spaceframe, dramatic weight reduction, **** carbon body panels, wrap everything in delicously scented leather, the gear ratios, looking out over the wonderfully **** Gen 5 hood, Al flywheel, etc, etc. My Gen 4 car is a very late 2010, and she's feeling a little old right now. And not appreciated.

Rats. It's not like I wanted to hurt her feelings or anything.

I mean the Gen 4 Viper is still an awesome car, and way over my personal driving capability, and it does bring a stupid grin to my face every time I drive it. And, like many of you, I've installed a Mopar controller, 3.55 gear, short shifter, the AutoForm roll bar, etc, etc. And as stunning as it is, it just isn't as much fun as driving the Gen 5 car is. I can't explain it, the ingredients just work.

Just one driving enthusiast talking to another here. Yeah, the new car looks great, but I can tell you from personal experience that it drives pretty great too.

Well, I here you and understand what you are saying. But, I just came back from one of the most awesome rides with 2 of our members and I don't agree as I think my 08 SSG roadster is the greatest, And after i put new tires on my 06 F/E coupe it is now the greatest. I am sure that if I had the oppurtunity to drive a Gen 5, I might sway towards it, but I know that I can not afford a new one and my other 2 are the greatest piece of automobile history I will ever own!!!!!


Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Keeping my ACR...........LEs are beautiful..........waiting for the 2014 or 2015.......and will keep the ACR:D


Legacy Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Forest Lake, MN
I love driving them all. I think I drive the wife's gen 1 more than any if them. Got to love each one for what it is. A Viper

viper GTS-R

May 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fords, NJ
Wait what? Is this a real thread? Is Graham feeling okay? :rolaugh:

Actually I can sorta relate to this. My dad just traded in his old Caravan for a new Dart and well...let's just say I really wish there was a way of upgrading those analog gauges in my Magnum to a digital display. Even the seats are better, they hug you and it's a Dart. I won't let him leave it out front, just as an excuse for me to get in it. I'm not saying my car isn't good, but I can literally see and feel a difference between two cars just five years apart. (Technically three, since the LX/LC didn't start to make minor changes till 2010. My Magnum is an 07'.)

I was worried it might come to this one day. The day I drive my Gen 4 Viper, that is, and I come home disappointed.

My Gen 4 car is a very late 2010, and she's feeling a little old right now. And not appreciated.

Toxic Orange, Black Stripes. I can appreciate that! :D


Mister Viper

Viper Owner
Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
OK Graham, you sold me. Make a SSG TA and I may be able to talk my wife into it. I personally love the Orange but she does not. SSG or nothing she says. Even Green With Envy would work.
Thanks for the hard work you and the team have put in.
See you at Chelsea I hope and bring a 13 for us to try out, Ha Ha.
Frank the Cook

Hey Frank - great to hear from you!

The man who puts down amazing burnouts, and amazing burgers, at our annual Motor City Viper Club Autocross (yes, I'm seriously envious)...

Anyway, I'm with you, SSG was just amazing. Like you (and your wife), some of us are mere humans, and we are totally "warped" by color; meaning that these amazing new colors just hook us like fish on a line! I have a garage 2/3 stuffed with orange SRT products (Stanley Kubrick anyone??) all purchased new, making me wonder what negotiating potential I've left on the table....pretty much all of it, a reasonable (non-color influenced) buyer would conclude...

Anyway, I have no idea what Ralph is planning next (seriously), but if I know Ralph and the SRT Design team under Mark Trostle, they are probably going to take SSG to a whole 'nuther level! Likely an order of magnitude better! "Stryker Green" anyone?....forcing you and I to part with some more hard earned cash, just as we have done in the past...because we're such damned predictable 'color' buyers!....

Mister Viper

Viper Owner
Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
Well, I here you and understand what you are saying. But, I just came back from one of the most awesome rides with 2 of our members and I don't agree as I think my 08 SSG roadster is the greatest, And after i put new tires on my 06 F/E coupe it is now the greatest. I am sure that if I had the oppurtunity to drive a Gen 5, I might sway towards it, but I know that I can not afford a new one and my other 2 are the greatest piece of automobile history I will ever own!!!!!

Hey supersnake, how could we not love your honest posts? ;) But....like you, I cannot afford a Gen 5 car...like many of us, but I'm also pretty sure Ralph's wisardry with paint colors will sell you (and me!) another sticker price car sometime in Gen 5 (dang it!!)! And I can honestly tell you that you will enjoy driving this car more than your previous Vipers. Gen 5 is more accessible and just plain handles WAY better!!


Viper Owner
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hey supersnake, how could we not love your honest posts? ;) But....like you, I cannot afford a Gen 5 car...like many of us, but I'm also pretty sure Ralph's wisardry with paint colors will sell you (and me!) another sticker price car sometime in Gen 5 (dang it!!)! And I can honestly tell you that you will enjoy driving this car more than your previous Vipers. Gen 5 is more accessible and just plain handles WAY better!!

I couldnt agree more. I've had most of them.. 2 Gen II's, 2 Gen III's, 1 Gen IV. IMO the new Gen V is a different driving experience and in the most positive way possible... 200 miles on her so far and if it ever stops raining around here I'll be driving her as often as possible. The ride is smooth and so is the clutch and steering... vastly improved. The handling is amazing, man she grips. No track experience yet but I live on 3 miles of twisties and the car just gobbles up the turns...the obnoxious and hypnotic sound of the engine is still ever present. 1 Month into ownership of the Gen V and I couldnt be happier with the car... and the Stryker Red is just wicked cool.


Jan 15, 2009
Reaction score
Kenosha, WI
Seen and sat in many Gen V's... I can tell you even without driving them you still get the same impression of desire to upgrade!


Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
I agree with the upgrade feeling....but I want to sit in one....the stealership in Scottsdale will not let me sit in the LE.......and I am not going to spend the 25k markup to sit in it!!!

09 Venom

Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
New York
isn't that the point of a new generation. ....of any car. To be better and more fun than the previous model.


Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
I haven't driven nor sat in a Gen V yet, but the biggest problem I have with the Gen IV is the throttle laaaaaaaaaaag. It feels ponderous and cumbersome, almost like an automatic transmission, when I put the throttle down and that hesitation makes me second guess myself before the engine responds.

The Gen V is likely to be slightly better and more polished in every way, but the throttle lag in my 2008 (with PCM) mars a really responsive vehicle in every other manner. The toys, fit and finish may be alluring in the new car, but having an immediacy to the throttle like I remember in the Gen 2 would be very tempting for me if it is the same in the Gen V.


Apr 14, 2008
Reaction score
Marion, IN
I haven't driven nor sat in a Gen V yet, but the biggest problem I have with the Gen IV is the throttle laaaaaaaaaaag. It feels ponderous and cumbersome, almost like an automatic transmission, when I put the throttle down and that hesitation makes me second guess myself before the engine responds.

The Gen V is likely to be slightly better and more polished in every way, but the throttle lag in my 2008 (with PCM) mars a really responsive vehicle in every other manner. The toys, fit and finish may be alluring in the new car, but having an immediacy to the throttle like I remember in the Gen 2 would be very tempting for me if it is the same in the Gen V.
IIRC they reduced the electronic delay from 400ms to 20 in the Gen V. They have to have a tiny delay in order to integrate the throttle into all of the software that uses its position as an input.


Nov 7, 2012
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
I would imagine that the aluminum flywheel will also cure the feeling of lag. Fast revving. I keep wondering what it's like to heel-toe shift, compared to the ZR1 I just drove at Spring Mountain. I should know soon. In October, I will be returning to the Ron Fellows school, driving the ZR1 and my Viper on the same day, on the same track. They also believe that they'll have the C7 as well. My guess is that I will have 1 day in the ZR1 (last day of level 1 class), then the other two days for Level 2 in a mix of C6 Z06s and the C7. Can't wait.


Viper Owner
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
I would imagine that the aluminum flywheel will also cure the feeling of lag. Fast revving. I keep wondering what it's like to heel-toe shift, compared to the ZR1 I just drove at Spring Mountain. I should know soon. In October, I will be returning to the Ron Fellows school, driving the ZR1 and my Viper on the same day, on the same track. They also believe that they'll have the C7 as well. My guess is that I will have 1 day in the ZR1 (last day of level 1 class), then the other two days for Level 2 in a mix of C6 Z06s and the C7. Can't wait.

Venom V, I installed clear bra on my entire hood and impact areas for the many track days and spirited driving days to come... I was hesitant at first but in the end was very happy with the decision. BTW it does not take away from the Stryker Red shine in any way.


Viper Owner
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
X2 No Gen 5 for me unless it's a roadster, vert or whatever it'll be called !!!!;)

X3 for me! One of the reasons Viper sell in lower numbers? always takes 2-3 years on each new Gen to figure out how to bring a Coupe or Vert to Market!!!!
1992-1995 Sorry No Coupe for You! 2003-2005 Sorry No Coupe for you! 2013-"someday" Sorry no Roadster for you!
Before you flame me I will let you know i am a Big supporter of the Viper and so far purchased a new 1995RT10,1996 GTS,2000RT10,2003SRT10 and 2010 SRT10 Vert.


Viper Owner
Jun 22, 2009
Reaction score
I don't know. For me everytime I jump in, fire up my head/cammed 97 GTS. There's nothing like it. The sound of the rear exhaust(Don't like the side exhaust on my ACR, or on the GenV). The car just screams,and with the suspension+brakes. It's just a great handling+braking car. Hard to believe it's already 16 years old too..


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