My Viper Wreckage.

Viper Specialty

Legacy/Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Feb 14, 2002
Reaction score
Cape Coral, FL
Re: Stated Value... Not that great

Stated value is not always a great idea. If you wreck your car and do 50000 of damage they will repair it... Can you image how bad that repair time and result will be?

Be carefull about your excitement. You'll be wishing they valued it at 45k and totalled it after a moderate crash

I just got 45.5k for my crashed 00 gts with 14.4k. I personally believe it was repairable, but I was happy to take the money... Got knows it would have been "repairable" against the option of a 90k payout.

Carry a gallon of gas and a lighter in the trunk.



But seriously, even in agreed value policies, you will still make out on a scenario like that. Personally, I would take the check, use the original car as a donor, strip the good parts off, sell the rest, and build a new one if I was that concerned about it.

[gee ****, that sounds an awful lot like a project going on here right now, hahaha]

Numbers can be played with, etc, etc... depends on what you are working with. Having to toy with the situation is WORLDS better than losing 100K on a highly built Viper that the ins. company says is worth 22K on a regular policy.